Something has got to be done about the police.

Yep…the more the police are the target of democrat ire, the less number of qualified people will sign up. The smart people are going to see it’s not worth the BS and will do something else, then we’ll be left with the second hand hires.
Unqualified people are police now. We are using second hand hires now. Everybody who has a job is held accountable for their actions. And when you're given a gun, badge and permission to take away a persons freedom or life, you shoulld be held to the utmost accountability. Don't take that paycheck if you can't take the scrutiny that comes with the job.
No worries. When I was being processed into the Army they asked me about it. I told them what actually happened and they issued a 'waiver' and it magically went away, for the sake of recruitment.
It can still come back and bite you. For example, when buying a gun. Or applying for a job.

There are many good reasons to get that expunged.
So instead of encouraging police to treat humans with resect, you would rather tell them them to stop being police than to stop breaking the laws they are hired to enforce.
You made this thread with regards to police in general, not just this incident. Hence your topic of “something has got to be done about the police”. The fact is, if you are a police, you will inevitably come across the situation where you may have to kill someone, even if it’s justified. The left has done such a good job of making a nationwide spectacle of every police shooting that, if you happen to be that officer, you now have to hesitate and consider the consequences of your actions.

In this age, if that situation happens to be a white cop shooting someone who is black, it doesn’t matter if it’s justified, the media and the left will paint it as a racist act, and this puts each officer in a dangerous situation.

So yeah,even a good cop could potentially run into a situation that could ruin his life…

So I say, it’s simply not worth it, there are many other careers that one can do that won’t give them the stress and politics of that job…so do something else I say.
Unqualified people are police now. We are using second hand hires now. Everybody who has a job is held accountable for their actions. And when you're given a gun, badge and permission to take away a persons freedom or life, you shoulld be held to the utmost accountability. Don't take that paycheck if you can't take the scrutiny that comes with the job.

lol, I agree with everything you said…you’re right, and I’m encouraging people not to take that job, because the left will make sure to scrutinize you extra hard. In the lefts world, there is never a situation where a white cop could shoot a black person and it would be legitimate, so why even put yourself in that situation.

Go to college, study to be a computer programmer or a lawyer or something and make great money and never have to worry about all of that..
Fuck that. Let me repost this.

From the Department of Justice: 84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”

Scope and scale that. Stop making excuses for bad police.
Those 'numbers' are nothing but loaded nonsense. They do not account for any actions taken, a single bad officer or even bad act pollutes a whole department. Did the DOJ go back and survey again after corrective action? We don't know because all you post are is half truths or misinformation.
Two items to get a more real context;
1) How many police were killed inline of duty or connected with their duty in those countries: Norway, Finland, Germany ??? *

2) The USA is several times the size and population of those above three counties and standards, training , etc. varies per state, county, city across our nation. And again the question of how many USA police died in/on duty ?

*Norway and Finland for the most part have only one race/ethnic making most of their population. German does have a bit more of a mix, but no where as diverse as the USA. Population diversity is a key demographic in these numbers.

BTW, would be more informative if the other three gave numbers spanning the same range of years.
Two items to get a more real context;
1) How many police were killed inline of duty or connected with their duty in those countries: Norway, Finland, Germany ??? *

2) The USA is several times the size and population of those above three counties and standards, training , etc. varies per state, county, city across our nation. And again the question of how many USA police died in/on duty ?

*Norway and Finland for the most part have only one race/ethnic making most of their population. German does have a bit more of a mix, but no where as diverse as the USA. Population diversity is a key demographic in these numbers.

BTW, would be more informative if the other three gave numbers spanning the same range of years.
I didn't take the time to look it up, but I assume more police have been killed here than in Norway, Finland, and Germany. What's your point?

Of course we're more diverse than some of those other countries. What exactly are you trying to say here?
It's just getting ridiculous. There has to be national standards created for policing. That's all there is to it.

Police pressured him to confess to a murder that never happened. Now, Fontana will pay him $900,000​

The city of Fontana has agreed to pay nearly $900,000 to settle a federal lawsuit filed by a man who said police pressured him to falsely confess to a murder that never happened.

During a 17-hour interrogation in August 2018, Fontana Police Department officers questioned Thomas Perez Jr. about the disappearance of his father, whom Perez had reported missing. Officers alleged Perez had murdered his father and, when Perez denied the accusation, officers tried to convince him that he had forgotten the crime, according to a federal lawsuit, court records and video of the interrogation.

Throughout their lengthy questioning of Perez, officers used a variety of tactics aimed at goading him into confessing. They brought his dog into the interrogation room, told him the dog had walked through blood and would be sent away to be euthanized. They drove Perez to a dirt lot and asked him to walk around in search of his dad’s body. They told him that his father’s body was in a morgue.

“You murdered your dad,” one of the officers said, according to video of the interrogation. “Daddy’s dead because of you.”

At the 16-hour mark, Perez told police that he had gotten into an altercation with his father and had stabbed him.

But a major problem with that confession soon emerged: Perez’s father was alive and safe.

People like you are the biggest roadblock to police reform. Why? Because you make everything about race and/or politics instead of focusing on the problem here which is government.

I posted about ATF agents doing a swat style raid on a man they could’ve easily arrested at work, shooting him in the head when he “mistook” them for home invaders and fired a warning shot that hit one of them in the toe.

He thought they were home invaders because of the way they… Invaded his home.

Go respond to that so I can see how you really feel about bad police work.
Fuck that. Let me repost this.

From the Department of Justice: 84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”

Scope and scale that. Stop making excuses for bad police.

The same DOJ railroading anything Trump? We don’t read your BS past that. The same DOJ leaving people on the streets wit a 48 count rap sheet until they finally kill? Then they say my bad. The same DOJ//FBI that knew of almost every mass shooter yet let them act? 5 recent trannies? Hiding the “manifest” selectively? No thanks. Corruption = D.
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Unqualified people are police now. We are using second hand hires now. Everybody who has a job is held accountable for their actions. And when you're given a gun, badge and permission to take away a persons freedom or life, you shoulld be held to the utmost accountability. Don't take that paycheck if you can't take the scrutiny that comes with the job.
A reminder that "police"/LEO are not drafted into the job. It remains a voluntary occupation~career path. Higher the standard, without corresponding higher compensation, the lower the numbers likely seeking that position.

Not everywhere is using "second hand hires". I know my county doesn't.

You would rather we recruited from AntiFa and BLM, etc.

Most police/sheriff departments offer citizen ride along programs. I recommend you check in you local residence area and see if there is such and do the ride along a few times. Get a view of the real situation faced by LEO.
For the record, IM2, I agree with you that police officers need to be better, I’ve seen and heard stories of thing that make them look like crap, but, the politics of being a police officer are simply not worth it anymore.

As time goes on, and with more eyes on the police, and people wanting to accuse them for every action they take, it puts them in a dangerous position of trying every opportunity to resist pulling that sidearm..even in situations where they should. That hesitation could get them killed

So, as more people see the politics of it, more will go elsewhere, but we need police, right? So they will have to look toward less qualified candidates to fill the gaps..or..non citizens…

The law allows certain non-citizens to apply for police officer jobs. But they must be legally authorized to both work and carry a firearm in the country. Immigration law experts say this includes lawful permanent residents, or green card holders, as well as those in the country with permanent legal status but not yet full citizens, such as refugees and asylees

I think this is happening in Illinois, Colorado, and California.. yep…that’s right, they are going to give non citizens the power to arrest…and potentially kill citizens..

But wait…there’s more!

Federal law states that only U.S. citizens can serve as police officers and deputies. But Illinois House Bill 3751 would change that for immigrants who are work-eligible under federal law.

So, is this a states rights issue, or a federal law issue?
I didn't take the time to look it up, but I assume more police have been killed here than in Norway, Finland, and Germany. What's your point?

Of course we're more diverse than some of those other countries. What exactly are you trying to say here?
The issue was #police killed by criminals versus # criminals killed by police. That would give a context of relative dangers to LEO per country.

Also, ratio of killed per total # of police gives a better gauge on safety vs. danger in each nation

Big "Duh!" on more police killed here than those other nations. Again it's more a matter of ratio than total number, for one factor. Another factor is degree to which the suspects police deal with are armed or able to threaten the police.

Those three Euro nations don't have a Second Amendment and hence much small population armed with firearms. Actually they are more the example that mostly criminals will have firearms than regular citizens.

Bottom line is you examples are comparing apples to potatoes and have little relevance to each other.
You made this thread with regards to police in general, not just this incident. Hence your topic of “something has got to be done about the police”. The fact is, if you are a police, you will inevitably come across the situation where you may have to kill someone, even if it’s justified. The left has done such a good job of making a nationwide spectacle of every police shooting that, if you happen to be that officer, you now have to hesitate and consider the consequences of your actions.

In this age, if that situation happens to be a white cop shooting someone who is black, it doesn’t matter if it’s justified, the media and the left will paint it as a racist act, and this puts each officer in a dangerous situation.

So yeah,even a good cop could potentially run into a situation that could ruin his life…

So I say, it’s simply not worth it, there are many other careers that one can do that won’t give them the stress and politics of that job…so do something else I say.
Yes, because something has got to be done about police. In this age and every other age, white cops have shot blacks because of race. Because whites can shoot at police and live. The left doesn't have a damn thing to do with what's on a motherfucking body cam. So just stop whining about what you percieve the left does. Police have lost their minds and people like you defending their punk asses is why. We need to get rid of qualified immunity and watch how police change whatt they do. When you know that you can beat and kill people withour facing consequences, we see shit like this. The stats show a problem. Try looking at them.

Hre is another example.

Jordan Woods did a 10-year study of police stops, and it is considered one of the most in-depth studies on this issue.

"To summarize, the findings do not support the dominant danger narrative surrounding routine traffic stops. Based on a conservative estimate, I found that the rate for a felonious killing of an officer during a routine traffic stop for a traffic violation was only 1 in every 6.5 million stops. The rate for an assault that results in serious injury to an officer was only 1 in every 361,111 stops. Finally, the rate for an assault (whether it results in officer injury or not) was only 1 in every 6,959 stops. Less conservative estimates suggest that these rates may be much lower. In addition, the vast majority (over 98%) of the evaluated cases in the study resulted in no or minor injuries to the officers. Further, only a very small percentage of cases (about 3%) involved violence against officers in which a gun or knife was used or found at the scene, and the overwhelming majority of those cases resulted in no or minor injuries to an officer. Less than 1% of the evaluated cases involved guns or knives and resulted in serious injury to or the felonious killing of an officer."

The actual threat level to police appears to be less than the authority to kill police are given. So based on this evidence alone police procedures on traffic stops need to either be updated or changed. Nobody sane wantste draconian type of bulshit yu people on the right want to see. And you only want to see it done to others. So f that.

We have just seen a situation in Florida where a black man was shot by police 6 times then after the cop did it, he told him to drop the gun. The gun was no tpointed atthe cop, and in Florida the law is constitutional carry, meaning he had the rightto have a gun in his hand. In addition to this, “Florida does not have a duty-to-inform law, meaning individuals with concealed carry permits are not required to inform law enforcement officers of their firearm during official interactions.”

Understanding Florida Gun Laws: A Comprehensive Guide 2024

So yeah, something needs to be done about the police. All police. The good ones won't complain about it.
For the record, IM2, I agree with you that police officers need to be better, I’ve seen and heard stories of thing that make them look like crap, but, the politics of being a police officer are simply not worth it anymore.

As time goes on, and with more eyes on the police, and people wanting to accuse them for every action they take, it puts them in a dangerous position of trying every opportunity to resist pulling that sidearm..even in situations where they should. That hesitation could get them killed

So, as more people see the politics of it, more will go elsewhere, but we need police, right? So they will have to look toward less qualified candidates to fill the gaps..or..non citizens…

I think this is happening in Illinois, Colorado, and California.. yep…that’s right, they are going to give non citizens the power to arrest…and potentially kill citizens..

But wait…there’s more!

So, is this a states rights issue, or a federal law issue?
The police have bought this on themselves. They are not above the law.
If it's more dangerous for police here then why would they need less training? How does that make sense?
I didn't say or advocate for less training. Just pointing out the increased complications of recruiting.
Maybe you should take a job in LEO since you are so expert at it. Consider also doing a ride along with your local LEO dept.
If it's more dangerous for police here then why would they need less training? How does that make sense?

Like Military, training to kill w/o reservation or political oversight. Police to enforce the law and make Criminals very uncomfortable. Not street social workers. Never your kind of “training”. Frivilous waste at best? We are broke now. One Cop killed is too many.

IM2 whining about criminal shot by Cops as criminal is holding a gun? Do you realize the level of nonsense here. Cops have a dirty job. They deserve to go home every night to retirement. Criminals have almost zero rights in my book.

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