Something I Never Understood About Blacks In Regards To The N-word

I think it's insecurity really. I'm white, call me a cracker, I won't give a flying fuck. Blacks are sensitive to it because many of them are insecure about their race.

I'm not insecure about my race and it would garner someone an ass kicking if they were brave enough to say it to my face.

Why would you give a shit?
Simple respect. If someone spit in your face would you just laugh it off? How about if they berated your mother in front of you?

If you spit in my face that's assault. If you talked bad about my mother, I wouldn't give a shit, you don't know her.

If you call me the n word I consider it assault. I didnt say talked bad about your mother. i said berated your mother in your presence..

Why would you consider it asault? If you berated my mom in front of me I wouldn't stand for that, but if you said something about race Id just laugh.
Blacks made the outrage up. They needed some catalyst to justify themselves and created the angst out of thin air.

More like 300 years of pent up outrage
Bullshit. If they were so outraged with that word they wouldn't use it in their stupid songs and call each other n*gger.
Hell, it is even censored on this board.
Blacks are allowed to use the word....whites are not
Bullshit. And fuck 'em.
I'm not insecure about my race and it would garner someone an ass kicking if they were brave enough to say it to my face.

Why would you give a shit?
Simple respect. If someone spit in your face would you just laugh it off? How about if they berated your mother in front of you?

If you spit in my face that's assault. If you talked bad about my mother, I wouldn't give a shit, you don't know her.

If you call me the n word I consider it assault. I didnt say talked bad about your mother. i said berated your mother in your presence..

Why would you consider it asault? If you berated my mom in front of me I wouldn't stand for that, but if you said something about race Id just laugh.

Because I said so. If you wouldnt stand for someone berating your mom why should I stand for someone berating me? Its just words right?
Why do black people give white people so much power in regards to the N-word. It's just a word so why act angry and allow white people to control their emotions? That's why white people love using it because of how black people instantly become upset. When will a black person hear that word and laugh? 2064?
Why does the use or non-use of such a word bother you?

Im Black and the word makes me laugh. No way I would ever give a white person that much power over me by acting like a fool over a name

Will chuckles, you are one in a million. If you would have called John Wayne a honky or a big pink man I doubt if he would have laughed and turned the other cheek.
There are no rap songs with the N word in it. Like a lot of white people you cant seem to get the distinction in the 2 words. Even if it was the same word you still are not Black so you using it has a different connotation. It would be like a thinking he could call a woman a bitch because they were calling each other bitches. Some lines you just dont cross or question. You certainly shouldnt be complaining about not being able to get away with using a racial slur.

I really don't get the distinction. Can you explain it?
Again..bullshit and hogwash. If it was such an offensive word, they wouldn't be using it themselves. Its just an excuse to stay Angry Black Man.
Thank you FBJ. I appreciate your input.
I just get so damn fed up. And angry myself. So..I let loose and not care what comes flopping out of my mouth. But I do care. Just can't show it here. I'd get eaten alive.
There are no rap songs with the N word in it. Like a lot of white people you cant seem to get the distinction in the 2 words. Even if it was the same word you still are not Black so you using it has a different connotation. It would be like a thinking he could call a woman a bitch because they were calling each other bitches. Some lines you just dont cross or question. You certainly shouldnt be complaining about not being able to get away with using a racial slur.

I really don't get the distinction. Can you explain it?

I did explain it. Its not the same word for one. If a black person called me the white n word we would be boxing. If they used the word black people call each other in friendship I would have no problem..and two it would be like a man calling 2 women a bitch just because they called each other bitches. If you are not a women you dont call women bitches. Same thing with either n word. If you are not Black dont use either word without prior permission. What I really dont get is why this is so important to white people? Countless Black people have said not to use it because it is offensive. White people have gotten their asses kicked over it yet somehow they get mad about not being able to use it. Is this bothering white people that their white privilege does not extend to disrespecting people whenever they wish?
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Again..bullshit and hogwash. If it was such an offensive word, they wouldn't be using it themselves. Its just an excuse to stay Angry Black Man.

I disagree and I'm Black. I don't need an excuse to feel whatever way I choose. Who told you I needed an excuse to give to white people?
Again..bullshit and hogwash. If it was such an offensive word, they wouldn't be using it themselves. Its just an excuse to stay Angry Black Man.

I disagree and I'm Black. I don't need an excuse to feel whatever way I choose. Who told you I needed an excuse to give to white people?
Go fuck yourself, Angry Negro. Now you gonna threaten to kick my ass? Thats all you do...act all tough on a message board. Loser.
Again..bullshit and hogwash. If it was such an offensive word, they wouldn't be using it themselves. Its just an excuse to stay Angry Black Man.

I disagree and I'm Black. I don't need an excuse to feel whatever way I choose. Who told you I needed an excuse to give to white people?
Go fuck yourself, Angry Negro. Now you gonna threaten to kick my ass? Thats all you do...act all tough on a message board. Loser.

Threaten to kick your ass? Are you going senile or are you on your perpetual time of the month mode? Where did I threaten to kick your ass?
You didn't threaten to kick my ass. I asked if you were planning to threaten to since most of your posts are about doing that.
You love being angry. Good. Be angry. Just don't have a cow when you run across someone just as angry as you are but happens to be "white".
But then you can always pull the race card, can't ya?
You didn't threaten to kick my ass. I asked if you were planning to threaten to since most of your posts are about doing that.
You love being angry. Good. Be angry. Just don't have a cow when you run across someone just as angry as you are but happens to be "white".
But then you can always pull the race card, can't ya?

Why would I threaten you? You're a woman right? It would be no fun beating up a woman. I'm not angry. I pretty much stay in a good mood. When you are angry you cant focus on things. I've ran across plenty of angry racist white guys. They dont do anything but turn red in the face. Why would I need to pull a card? I'm not going to play poker with them. Hopefully they would take a swing at me.
That's nice. (said sarcastically).
You want to fight for the wrong reasons, and for stupid reasons. STOP USING THE WORD YOURSELF. Maybe everyone else would too. But you wouldn't like that much would you? You LIKE being angry.

White folks don't run around calling their friends cracker and honky. Why do you guys call yourselves n*igger? Cuz you can while waggling your finger at non blacks THAT you can?
Why do black people give white people so much power in regards to the N-word. It's just a word so why act angry and allow white people to control their emotions? That's why white people love using it because of how black people instantly become upset. When will a black person hear that word and laugh? 2064?
Why does the use or non-use of such a word bother you?

Possibly seeking justification for using it,
He is black. What's next? Calling him an uncle tom like Bill Cosby?
That's nice. (said sarcastically).
You want to fight for the wrong reasons, and for stupid reasons. STOP USING THE WORD YOURSELF. Maybe everyone else would too. But you wouldn't like that much would you? You LIKE being angry.

White folks don't run around calling their friends cracker and honky. Why do you guys call yourselves n*igger? Cuz you can while waggling your finger at non blacks THAT you can?

No. I don't have to stop using the word unless someone Black tells me its offensive to them. When they do I will respect that. You evidently dont know what you are talking about. White people made up the n word not black people. Why didn't whites stop using it if we didn't use it then? Your theory is pretty flawed. White people need to learn how to control themselves. Take ownership of that stop wishing you can use a word that is offensive coming from you.

Some white folks do run around calling their friends cracker and honky. Do you live under a rock? I dont call my self n*gger. Maybe your hearing is impaired. Black people dont usually say that word. We may call ourselves and friends n*gga. Different word with a different meaning among Black people. I dont waggle my finger at anyone. Why would I do that? I'm not their mom. They use the words around me and they are going to get a foot in their ass though.

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