Something My Father Taught Me, About The Civil War

The Democrat slave owners back then weren’t every smart.

They never realized that they could free the black slaves and those blacks would be willing to submit themselves to generation indentured servitude to the Democrat Party and corporatist interests.

But, the Democrats did figure that out in the 1930’s when they conned black people to switch to the KKK Democratic Party with welfare handouts. Nearly a hundred years later they are still indentured servants of the Democratic Party and their corporate interests.

Andrew Jackson's party bragged about killing Indians too. Today of course, the once abolitionist party of Lincoln is now the seditionists party of Trumpybear, our white supremist President. The Democrats are now the Big Tent, inclusive party.
He said," A lot of white men died fighting for black men's freedom."

+290,000 Confederate Soldiers died
The Nazi Confederates did NOT die fighting for black men's freedom.
True. But they weren’t Nazis, they were Democrats.
No they were NAZI CON$ervoFascists.

No, that’s your dreamworld fantasy. The fact is the GOP was founded to oppose slave owning Democrats.

Are you proud to be apart of the Party of Slavery?
How does that change the fact that Nazi CON$ervoFascists supported slavery no matter what Party they belong to.

And I am NOT a CON$ervoFascist like YOU.
He said," A lot of white men died fighting for black men's freedom."

+290,000 Confederate Soldiers died
The Nazi Confederates did NOT die fighting for black men's freedom.
True. But they weren’t Nazis, they were Democrats.
No they were NAZI CON$ervoFascists.

No, that’s your dreamworld fantasy. The fact is the GOP was founded to oppose slave owning Democrats.

Are you proud to be apart of the Party of Slavery?
How does that change the fact that Nazi CON$ervoFascists supported slavery no matter what Party they belong to.

And I am NOT a CON$ervoFascist like YOU.

Tax serfdom is the very top priority of the leftists.

Locking people in their own homes... I suppose there are worse things than slavery.
He said," A lot of white men died fighting for black men's freedom."

l looked up the statistics, and found the following on Wikipedia:

365,000 Union Soldiers died
+290,000 Confederate Soldiers died
= 655,000 soldiers died
(and many hundred thousands more maimed & injured)

80,000 slaves died during the same time

Civil war was all about $$$$$
In reality it was the White Souths' ambition to continue and expand slavery to new territories that caused the war.
The Union fought to preserve the Republic.
Alternate histories will say that the pressure to end slavery without war would have lasted at most another decade. The globalists at the time wanted a Fiat Currency in the new world for entrenchment. Dividing the strongest power there into two nations would have achieved that if the South gained independence from the North. For all of our history agents from globalist concerns have been here to stymie our nation. Being in the Western Hemisphere with technology was a boon to us and getting a real Republic. The globalist had three opportunities before the Civil War to get a Fiat Currency. they finally snookered enough people by 1913 with a Prog President who with other agendas has set us on course to our eventual destiny as getting something for nothing is not long term.

All of that is well and good in theory, but the separation documents the southern leaders drafted when they seceded left little doubt as to why they were seceding.
He said," A lot of white men died fighting for black men's freedom."

+290,000 Confederate Soldiers died
The Nazi Confederates did NOT die fighting for black men's freedom.
True. But they weren’t Nazis, they were Democrats.
No they were NAZI CON$ervoFascists.

No, that’s your dreamworld fantasy. The fact is the GOP was founded to oppose slave owning Democrats.

Are you proud to be apart of the Party of Slavery?
How does that change the fact that Nazi CON$ervoFascists supported slavery no matter what Party they belong to.

And I am NOT a CON$ervoFascist like YOU.

Nazis may have supported slavery, I don’t know. Hitler did read about how Democrats acted in America and learned their tactics.

We conservatives on the other hand, oppose slavery. It was insanely stupid to allow slaves to be brought to America.
Today Chinese slave labor is used to make our goods. The only ones that oppose free trade with China are the Trump Republicans. The “free trade” GOP like the Bushes and the entire Democratic Party support free trade with China to use that cheap slave labor. Maybe one exception was Bernie Sanders, who historically was against such policies because it brought down wages of Americans. However since then he sold out and joined the Dems on that issue because no dissent is allowed within the party.
Alternate histories will say that the pressure to end slavery without war would have lasted at most another decade.

I think that without a war, Slavery would have ended by the 1880s
Slave owners would have been compensated for their loss of “property”
The end of slavery would have been a gradual transition to freedom
Slaves would be free but would be given some type of second class citizenship.

The US would have been more like South Africa
Lincoln's aim was to preserve the Union. From my understanding the Emancipation Proclamantion which came along after the war's start was a strategic move in that effort by strengthening the cause domestically and to discourage foreign countries from aligning with the Confederacy on principle of anti-slavery.
We conservatives on the other hand, oppose slavery. It was insanely stupid to allow slaves to be brought to America.
CON$ervoFascists like you only object to people of color living in America, as you have admitted. But you supported slavery and Jim Crow once they were here.
The reasons for the Civil War are well documented. Lincoln wasn't anti-slavery until it was politically expedient to be. Much of the north owned slaves, but didn't rely on it economically as the south did. Ending slavery would crush the southern voting bloc on states rights vs. federal government, so the North acted to take down the south economically. They could have owned the fact that they were also a cog in the wheel of slavery, and worked with the south to ease off of it, but instead they just blamed the south and accused them of their own immorality that they were full participants in. And they started the war, as they fortified a base on South Carolina soil, which had seceded, and thus is a clear act of war. If the USA fortified a base on Russian soil in the 1960's, Russia would have fired on us, and we would have started it.
CON$ervoFascists like you only object to people of color living in America, as you have admitted. But you supported slavery and Jim Crow once they were here.
The fool doesn't realize that there were ALREADY Africans living in this continent.
We conservatives on the other hand, oppose slavery. It was insanely stupid to allow slaves to be brought to America.
Today Chinese slave labor is used to make our goods.

I'm not going to make judgements on ancient history based on modern morals. Trumpybear himself used China to manufacture the goods he sold to his rubes.
We conservatives on the other hand, oppose slavery. It was insanely stupid to allow slaves to be brought to America.
CON$ervoFascists like you only object to people of color living in America, as you have admitted. But you supported slavery and Jim Crow once they were here.
I don’t object to “people of color” living in America. As long as they act civilized, as we expect white people to act. But we don’t need to import millions of them for the sake of cheap labor.
We conservatives on the other hand, oppose slavery. It was insanely stupid to allow slaves to be brought to America.
Today Chinese slave labor is used to make our goods.

I'm not going to make judgements on ancient history based on modern morals. Trumpybear himself used China to manufacture the goods he sold to his rubes.
He was a businessman playing by the rules set by our government. Like any business, if you want to compete, you are forced to manufacture overseas. It’s sad, but true. How can you blame the business people? The politicians have the power to protect domestic industry through tariffs. The EU uses them, China uses them. Just about every country uses them, because they work.

If President Trump “liked” manufacturing in China, why did he impose tariffs on China? This completely contradicts your own argument.
The reasons for the Civil War are well documented. Lincoln wasn't anti-slavery until it was politically expedient to be. Much of the north owned slaves, but didn't rely on it economically as the south did. Ending slavery would crush the southern voting bloc on states rights vs. federal government, so the North acted to take down the south economically. They could have owned the fact that they were also a cog in the wheel of slavery, and worked with the south to ease off of it, but instead they just blamed the south and accused them of their own immorality that they were full participants in. And they started the war, as they fortified a base on South Carolina soil, which had seceded, and thus is a clear act of war. If the USA fortified a base on Russian soil in the 1960's, Russia would have fired on us, and we would have started it.

The South didn't secede because of any action President Lincoln took against them. It was the future threat of limited expansion that drove their decision.
We conservatives on the other hand, oppose slavery. It was insanely stupid to allow slaves to be brought to America.
CON$ervoFascists like you only object to people of color living in America, as you have admitted. But you supported slavery and Jim Crow once they were here.
I don’t object to “people of color” living in America. As long as they act civilized, as we expect white people to act. But we don’t need to import millions of them for the sake of cheap labor.
We conservatives on the other hand, oppose slavery. It was insanely stupid to allow slaves to be brought to America.
Today Chinese slave labor is used to make our goods.

I'm not going to make judgements on ancient history based on modern morals. Trumpybear himself used China to manufacture the goods he sold to his rubes.
He was a businessman playing by the rules set by our government. Like any business, if you want to compete, you are forced to manufacture overseas. It’s sad, but true. How can you blame the business people? The politicians have the power to protect domestic industry through tariffs. The EU uses them, China uses them. Just about every country uses them, because they work.

If President Trump “liked” manufacturing in China, why did he impose tariffs on China? This completely contradicts your own argument.

I've watch as most American computer manufacturing has been outsourced. My argument is that in a hundred years or two, the morals of that time might look back at some of what we are doing now with the same type questions that we look back at slavery with. Sorry I put Trump in the way of that.
Alternate histories will say that the pressure to end slavery without war would have lasted at most another decade.

I think that without a war, Slavery would have ended by the 1880s
Slave owners would have been compensated for their loss of “property”
The end of slavery would have been a gradual transition to freedom
Slaves would be free but would be given some type of second class citizenship.

The US would have been more like South Africa
What nation from Europe settled South Africa? What nation was the major one that settled the United States? Two different ones with some different views on rights. No matter how menial for many people it was at one time.
Alternate histories will say that the pressure to end slavery without war would have lasted at most another decade.

I think that without a war, Slavery would have ended by the 1880s
Slave owners would have been compensated for their loss of “property”
The end of slavery would have been a gradual transition to freedom
Slaves would be free but would be given some type of second class citizenship.

The US would have been more like South Africa
What nation from Europe settled South Africa? What nation was the major one that settled the United States? Two different ones with some different views on rights. No matter how menial for many people it was at one time.
England and England

In one case slavery was voluntarily given up in favor of apartheid
In our case, the South panicked and instead of slavery disappearing over 20 years it was gone in four

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