Something that I think deserves it's own thread.

What did they spend money on? Was it war and COVID, or was it for useless green projects and Pakistani transgender studies?

People will accept overspending during emergencies, but Democrats blow money on frivilous shit. They blow TRILLIONS on it.

Over 1/2 of that covid money that Trump spent, was on frivolous stuff. People got a covid backed loan, that they don't have to pay back, to roof their houses. Gender studies were paid for during Trump too.

You're absolutely right to complain about the spending the left is guilty of. But ONLY blaming the left isn't doing anything but addressing 1/2 the problem.
What the loot was spent on is irrelevant...The budgets were bloated and wasteful beyond comprehension.

Bush's smallest budget was bigger than the "liberal" Clinton's biggest....His first response to 9/11™ was to grow The State.

Trump was a total pussy asshole for not vetoing the last three budget that hit his desk.

The GOP has absolutely no moral high ground to stake out when it comes to spending and debt.

Trumps first spending bill was $1.4 trillion. And that was with a GOP majority in the house and senate.
What the loot was spent on is irrelevant...The budgets were bloated and wasteful beyond comprehension.

Bush's smallest budget was bigger than the "liberal" Clinton's biggest....His first response to 9/11™ was to grow The State.

Trump was a total pussy asshole for not vetoing the last three budget that hit his desk.

The GOP has absolutely no moral high ground to stake out when it comes to spending and debt.
Um, no, its VERY rellevent what the noney was spent on. We overspent during major world crisis, while democrats through money out the window on useless shit that hurt us.
I can agree with most of that.
I just wished the right would actually make good on their campaign promised to stop the excessive spending, balance the budget and leave the Fed money alone. And stop using it like an unlimited credit card.
People legitimately complain about the trade deficit with China, without realizing why they can manufacture so much cheaper than the US. It's simply because a middle class wage over there is like $20,000(USD) per year. Here, it's a poverty wage. If our middle class wage was still $20,000, we wouldn't have a trade deficit.
If our middle class wage was still that, we wouldn't much of an immigration problem. The cartels wouldn't be so dominant in our drug problem. Fentanyl is made is China, sent to MX to me made into meth and other drugs, both at much lower wages. And sold on the US market at a HUGE profit. If our USD was still that of 1970, the profit margin of fentanyl wouldn't be near what it is today.
That's just a couple of examples of what our overly inflated USD has done to this country, by our own government.
They (the Gov) has done more to push jobs out of this country, bring illegals and drugs in and hurt the middle class more than any other issue. And the GOP, the left, Trump and 90% of the rest of them, just ignore that.
Maybe it's because they don't know how to reverse this. Maybe there is no way to reverse it. But they could start by leaving the Federal Reserve alone. Stopping the money printing machines would stop inflation in it's tracks.

When inflation strikes, it causes 80% of the country at least some level of hardship. Buying goes down, crime goes up, jails & prisons get fuller, businesses suffer and it spreads across the country faster than covid. There's almost no aspect of our lives that inflation doesn't touch. Inflation is nothing more than too much money in the economy. And like you said, when Reagan came into office, it started a trend that hasn't stopped yet.
Perhaps....But this idea that the democrats are a "center right" party is the stuff of an acid-induced fever dream.

They're such a far left neo-Marxist party, that wouldn't allow the likes of JFK or Daniel Patrick Moynahan in their midst.
Over 1/2 of that covid money that Trump spent, was on frivolous stuff. People got a covid backed loan, that they don't have to pay back, to roof their houses. Gender studies were paid for during Trump too.

You're absolutely right to complain about the spending the left is guilty of. But ONLY blaming the left isn't doing anything but addressing 1/2 the problem.
Bullshit answer. People were forced to not work you fucking idiot. People needed money bad.

Americans got NOTHING from the trillions that your party wasted.
You think a RINO is someone that doesn't like Trump. It's nothing more than a name calling word now.
The correct acronym is "CINO." When they started using RINO, it was back when Republicans were actual Conservatives. People who kept the debt within reach of being paid off. Which kept the value of the USD high. A few started breaking away from things that They used RINO on people like Reagan who only claimed to be conservative, but who's actions were not.
This is exactly what Trump is, what you call a RINO. And so is 90% of the other Republicans. McCarthy, McConnell, Gaetz, Cruz etc etc etc

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More boilerplate sour grapes projection, that has zero to do with actual human nature.
I'm not talking about human nature. I was referring to the keyboard warriors.
People more strongly go after things they want, by no less than 3X, rather than have their lives led by what they seek to avoid.
What do you mean?
There are reasons that 12 million (that we're being told of) more people voted Trump in '20 than '16....Not to mention the already overwhelming populist base that has apparently take over the GOP.
When are you going to quit sniveling and start persuading?
From my perspective, the most important thing to persuade to stop voting for bad candidates because the TV tells them there are only two options.
I started out my political life as a Democrat but finally switched in the Reagan years when the Democrat Party became unrecognizable to me. It changed beyond belief from what it was and has continued to increasingly radicalize as the old guard retires or is voted out and those coming in are more and more wild eyed fanatics/extremists condoning or promoting unconscionable legislation and policies that would have been unthinkable to old guard Democrats. The old guard Democrats for instance once sided with Republicans in opinion that abortion should be rare and illegal except for very specific circumstances that made it necessary.

The GOP has never been as monolithic as the Democrats and group think is pretty foreign to them. But most Republicans are in agreement on certain principles and policies which is after all why they are Republicans. But the party is pretty much the same as it was in the 1950's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and 21st Century with only occasional shifts in points of view on a given issue.

The track record suggests that if the GOP in Congress sufficiently disagrees with a GOP President they will dig in their heels much more than a modern day Democrat Congress will thwart the will of a Democrat President. Usually what happens is the GOP negotiates with the President until they can find a compromise all can live with.
That happened numerous times during the last Trump administration.

I do hope President Trump has a GOP Congress for his next four years so that he won't have to deal with constant investigation and road blocks and together our elected leaders can accomplish truly good things for America and Americans and by default the world.

Trumps record, with a GOP majority in the House and Senate didn't produce anything fiscally conservative. It was Katy bar the door on the fed.
I'll agree that the witch hunts were overbearing and uncalled for. And they still are.
And I'll agree that Trump made some good decisions when it came to deregulating something things. Like getting drilling permit application timelines down from 5 years to 2 years.
But all that spending during the first two years, and especially after the 2018 mid terms. It helped to create the 8% inflation increase we seen under Biden.

If Trump is re-elected, I doubt it's going to be any different. It'll be a lot like his first 4 years. Why would it be any different? Trump is still the same CINO he was. He still brings swamp creatures with him. He just endorsed McCarthy for speaker. He has Lindsey Graham heading up his SC campaign. He endorsed Romney's niece for RNC chairman.
He's already lying about things he know he can't accomplish. Like ending the deep state and building new cities that are going to be something from the 22nd century.

Is that better than Biden? Yeah, probably. But not enough to put so much stock in. Why not pick someone who's actually better, like DeSantis? DeSantis isn't as entertaining. But he seems to understand how government works and has a better track record of either picking the right people, or getting rid of the wrong ones in a short time.
We know he knows how to balance a budget. His idea of building a good economy isn't to just print more money.
Note: I do have reservations about his congressional voting record. I don't give him a pass on his support for things like the NDAA. But I do realize that people learn from their mistakes.
Swayed is swayed....You can't read minds or project anything upon people you don't know.

This is exactly the kind of intellectual snobbery that was on the list of causes for me to leave the LP.

Facts are just that. The GOP spends more than the left. That's a fact. Trump assaulted our 2A. That's also a fact. The right would've screamed their heads off if a democrat did that, or pushed something like the Platinum Plan through. But they almost completely ignored it when Trump did it. That's also a fact.
I'm not reading minds. I'm going strictly by Trumps actual record. Things that HE himself did.
If you can't recognize how left leaning Trump is, then I can only imagine your loyalty far exceeds your common sense.
I don't mean that as an insult. Just a factual observation.

I left the LP when the Sanders liberals, the purple haired tranny and druggy supporting liberals invaded it. Then the LP stopped pushing for fiscal conservatism, and started promoting more freedoms from druggies and trannies over the the American working class.
Facts are just that. The GOP spends more than the left. That's a fact. Trump assaulted our 2A. That's also a fact. The right would've screamed their heads off if a democrat did that, or pushed something like the Platinum Plan through. But they almost completely ignored it when Trump did it. That's also a fact.
I'm not reading minds. I'm going strictly by Trumps actual record. Things that HE himself did.
If you can't recognize how left leaning Trump is, then I can only imagine your loyalty far exceeds your common sense.
I don't mean that as an insult. Just a factual observation.

I left the LP when the Sanders liberals, the purple haired tranny and druggy supporting liberals invaded it. Then the LP stopped pushing for fiscal conservatism, and started promoting more freedoms from druggies and trannies over the the American working class.
Not true at all. No one has ever spent as much as Biden. As for spending during Trumps administration, you can blame Pelosi for that. She was in charge of all the spending.
Not true at all. No one has ever spent as much as Biden. As for spending during Trumps administration, you can blame Pelosi for that. She was in charge of all the spending.

She was in charge of getting appropriations bills passed. Trump was responsible for making them law. Pelosi can't make a bill into a law.

Biden has yet to outspend Trump.

But wait a second here. You say in one sentence that Biden spent more than Trump. And in another you say the president isn't the one who spends the money.

You see, you can't even get your misinformation straight.

Here's how it works.
House and Senate passed a bill. It goes to the president for his signature or a veto. If he signs it, THEN is becomes law. Appropriations bills are just bills. They're not law. So no money within that bill can be spent until it becomes law.
She was in charge of getting appropriations bills passed. Trump was responsible for making them law. Pelosi can't make a bill into a law.
What the fuck are you talking about? Congress holds the purse. Pelosi is the one and only person who was in control of spending. Your party was behind EVERY massive multi trillion dollar spending spree for the last decade.
What the fuck are you talking about? Congress holds the purse. Pelosi is the one and only person who was in control of spending. Your party was behind EVERY massive multi trillion dollar spending spree for the last decade.

How tf do you think the money gets put into the purse? She can't just order trillions of dollar to be borrowed from the fed and printed. It has to become a law first. The speaker of the House doesn't have the authority to turn bills into laws.
How tf do you think the money gets put into the purse? She can't just order trillions of dollar to be borrowed from the fed and printed. It has to become a law first. The speaker of the House doesn't have the authority to turn bills into laws.
Are you new to politics or something? Democrats hold Trump at gun point, "spend sign this bill or we will use the press to blame YOU for shutting down the government." If Trump refused, you would have been here telling us how terrible he was for not signing it.

Did you notice how when the GOP was in charge, they had to fight to get spending cuts? We are the opposite of your party. We are responsible adults. Youre all a bunch of childish fucking idiots who dont give a shit about the consequences of blowing out the budget.
There's nothing "blue" about my statements or political beliefs. I fully support fiscal conservatism. A balanced budget every year. Using the Federal Reserve ONLY in cases of emergencies. And a strict adherence of the US Constitution, as written.
The GOP has strayed from doing that. (as well as the left).
I'm against the unconstitutional aspects of FISA 702, the patriot act and the NDAA. I'm against every dime spent that's not necessary to maintain the country. Gender studies in Pakistan is not necessary for this country.
It, and 1000 other things like it, were funded during Trumps presidency.
So why TF wouldn't I object to Trump?
How in gods name does Trump actual record not make him a liberal. And why TF does his supporters not understand that simple fact?
Because he doesn't have a democrat badge? His record labels him. Not his party affiliation.
You're one of those Libertarian losers, aren't you?
This is the problem though, you describe the dems to a 'T', but the R's are no better, they sit quietly or hold 'hearings' that never result in any solution or anyone being held accountable. They are just the good cop to you in the good cop/bad cop scenario, but both cops want the same outcome. Until they do anything to hold the people in government accountable, they are no better. I don't feel like I have a party or any representation at all, it's all a smoke screen.
We (Constitutional conservatives) have been telling you the GOP is spineless for decades.
We (Constitutional conservatives) have been telling you the GOP is spineless for decades.
I've realized it for decades as well, and until you quit supporting them they're not going to get the message. The whole entire apparatus is a corrupt cesspool, and they have us arguing with each other instead of paying attention to them.
You conveniently forget how pissed off Trump was at his first budget he signed. It was either give democrats every cent they wanted or destroy Trumps presidency in the first month due to lack of funds.

I don't argue that repubs are no longer fiscally conservative...but you picked a BS example!
So, who put the gun to his head to sign? No one.

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