Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

Tragically funny that the Dems / Marxists are flailing their Pom Poms as they completely pervert the rule of law. It's the same thing they do in the large cities ruined by their promotion of their protected criminal class.
Which rule of law specifically?
Show me where...

"Devon Archer testified that Hunter called Washington DC to get the prosecutor fired. Is that true or false?"

He said in the testimony that he wasn't party to the call so could not have testified that hunter did make the call to Washington DC nor what they talked about.

That is not in the transcript that I can see.

"Majority Counsel: Did ‑‑ during that I’ll say after dinner at the Four Seasons, did Mykola Zlochevsky or Vadym ask Hunter Biden to make any phone calls?

Mr. Archer: Yes, though I was not party to that phone call"
I'm going to quote last few paragraphs of the testimony:

19 Mr. Goldman. And the reason it went through RSB is because you had this third
20 partner involved in -- you know, related to the Burisma board work you were doing?

21 Mr. Archer. I don't think I could say that. The reason it went through RSB was
22 it just happened to be, like, kind of a catchall. Like, you understand I was
23 running -- Rosemont Realty was a 2-, almost 3-billion-dollar fund. I was a general
24 partner. We had 400 employees. Like -- this, though, has gotten more airtime
25 than -- it really wasn't my -- I wasn't doing this --

1 Mr. Goldman. You weren't focused on it.

2 Mr. Archer. -- on a day-to-day --

3 Mr. Goldman. But I guess I'm just -- you then paid Tri Global out of RSB.

4 Mr. Archer. Yes, we did. Yeah. There -- that's all in there. You can find
5 them all.

6 Mr. Goldman. All right.

7 Mr. Archer. It's probably -- it's the different consulting groups and whatever
8 they were.
9 [redacted]

10 Q So it's fair to say Burisma paid the money into RSB, and then RSB disbursed
11 the relative shares to you, Hunter Biden, and Tri Global?

12 A Yes.

13 [redacted] All right. I think we're good. Off the record.

14 [Whereupon, at 3:00 p.m., the interview was concluded.]

Clearly you have never actualy read source material, are relying purely on your partisan source say-so and have no clue what you are talking about.

This is exactly why your "BS Filter" doesn't work and you get pumped full of bullshit.
You better read pages 34-38. Hunter called his dad to get the pressure off. That's according to Devon Archer.
Show me where...

"Devon Archer testified that Hunter called Washington DC to get the prosecutor fired. Is that true or false?"

He said in the testimony that he wasn't party to the call so could not have testified that hunter did make the call to Washington DC nor what they talked about.

That is not in the transcript that I can see.

"Majority Counsel: Did ‑‑ during that I’ll say after dinner at the Four Seasons, did Mykola Zlochevsky or Vadym ask Hunter Biden to make any phone calls?

Mr. Archer: Yes, though I was not party to that phone call"
Read pages 34-38.
Show me where...

"Devon Archer testified that Hunter called Washington DC to get the prosecutor fired. Is that true or false?"

He said in the testimony that he wasn't party to the call so could not have testified that hunter did make the call to Washington DC nor what they talked about.

That is not in the transcript that I can see.

"Majority Counsel: Did ‑‑ during that I’ll say after dinner at the Four Seasons, did Mykola Zlochevsky or Vadym ask Hunter Biden to make any phone calls?

Mr. Archer: Yes, though I was not party to that phone call"

‘My guy’: Hunter Biden partner Devon Archer says Joe Biden was on calls with foreign patrons for ‘the brand’

According to Archer, Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky — who allegedly told an FBI informant in 2016 he was “coerced” to pay $10 million in bribes to Hunter and Joe Biden — put intense pressure on Hunter in late 2015 to enlist US support for ousting Ukrainian prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin, who had investigated Burisma, the Republican readout said.
At one point, Hunter Biden, Zlochevsky and Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi stepped away and “called DC” about the issue, Archer said.
Let's get this straight. So you're saying Devon Archer didn't testify that pressure was put on Hunter to call Washington DC to get the prosecutor fired. You want to stand by that?

Yes I stand by that.

You know WHY I stand by that? Because unlike you I've actually read the trascript. Unlike you, I've put in the work.

Open transcript to page 34 and read it for yourself. Read it and understand clearly that at no point Archer claimed that Burisma requested that Hunter put in a call to get Shokin fired, or even that Shokin specifically was the source of Burisma's problems.

Also read the part where Archer states that from what he was told Shokin was under control and his removal was bad for Burisma.
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Yes I stand by that.

You know WHY I stand by that? Because unlike you I've actually read the trascript. Unlike you, I've put in the work.

Open transcript to page 34 and read it for yourself. Read it and understand clearly that at no point Archer claimed that Burisma requested that Hunter get Shokin fired.
Now you're going to parse over wording. Burisma wanted Hunter to call Washington DC to get some pressure off. He called his dad. His dad came over with a billion dollars and told the government to fire the prosecutor or they don't get the billion dollars. Now you can play games and play dumb, but we both know that's exactly what happened.
Now you're going to parse over wording. Burisma wanted Hunter to call Washington DC to get some pressure off. He called his dad. His dad came over with a billion dollars and told the government to fire the prosecutor or they don't get the billion dollars. Now you can play games and play dumb, but we both know that's exactly what happened.

Dummy, words have meanings and there is NOTHING in Archers testimony that has a meaning that Burisma wanted Shokin fired or requested that of Hunter.

On the contrary, what he was told was that Shokin's removal was BAD for Burisma, because he was under control. Separately we know that Ukranian official familiar with the matter stated that Shokin's office has made no progress on Burisma case for two years prior to his removal.

Archer did say that Burisma wanted Hunter to help them with pressure related to their funds in London (which is outside of Shokin's jurisdiction) and Mexican visas for Burisma owner (again, outside of Shokin's jurisdiction).

Archer never testified that Hunter ever actually called anyone re. this request, including his dad.
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Thanks for confirming you have no qualms about a political prosecution where an indictment was made public while the jury was still deliberating.

So much "DEMOCRACY!" rhetoric from you people, so little actual practicing of it.
So let’s say they released that doc early on purpose. What was the point? What was the aim for them doing that?
‘My guy’: Hunter Biden partner Devon Archer says Joe Biden was on calls with foreign patrons for ‘the brand’

According to Archer, Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky — who allegedly told an FBI informant in 2016 he was “coerced” to pay $10 million in bribes to Hunter and Joe Biden — put intense pressure on Hunter in late 2015 to enlist US support for ousting Ukrainian prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin, who had investigated Burisma, the Republican readout said.
At one point, Hunter Biden, Zlochevsky and Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi stepped away and “called DC” about the issue, Archer said.
And also was not a party to that phone call so he can not positively testify that hunter called DC to get a prosecutor fired.

You conveniently left that part out.
Dummy, words have meanings and there is NOTHING in Archers testimony that has a meaning that Burisma wanted Shokin fired or requested that of Hunter.

On the contrary, what he was told was that Shokin's removal was BAD for Burisma, because he was under control. Separately we know that after Shokin was removed Ukranina officials stated that Shokin's office has made no progress on Burisma case for two years prior to his removal.

Burisma DID want Hunter to help them with pressure related to their funds in London (which is outside of Shokin's jurisdiction) and Mexican visas for Burisma owner (again, outside of Shokin's jurisdiction).

Archer never testified that Hunter ever actually called anyone re. this request, including his dad.
Better read pages 34-38 because Devon said Hunter called his dad

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