Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

Yep. Read it again. He again says he was not a party to the phone call.

He did not testify that hunter called DC to get a prosecutor fired.

You are repeating right wing media talking points and not the actual testimony.

Your b.s. filter sucks.
Devon said Hunter called his dad.
Yes I stand by that.

You know WHY I stand by that? Because unlike you I've actually read the trascript. Unlike you, I've put in the work.

Open transcript to page 34 and read it for yourself. Read it and understand clearly that at no point Archer claimed that Burisma requested that Hunter put in a call to get Shokin fired, or even that Shokin specifically was the source of Burisma's problems.

Also read the part where Archer states that from what he was told Shokin was under control and his removal was bad for Burisma.

According to Archer, Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky — who allegedly told an FBI informant in 2016 he was “coerced” to pay $10 million in bribes to Hunter and Joe Biden — put intense pressure on Hunter in late 2015 to enlist US support for ousting Ukrainian prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin, who had investigated Burisma, the Republican readout said.
At one point, Hunter Biden, Zlochevsky and Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi stepped away and “called DC” about the issue, Archer said.
Devon said Hunter called his dad.
That is what he testified based on hearsay "because vadym told me".

So we won't know for sure hunter even called his dad unless we can get vadym to testify under oath.

Once that happens get back to me.
So why did Hunter call his dad?

If you don't have an answer for that, then you have no evidence against Joe Biden.

Calling your dad is not serious evidence of criminality. You need to understand that part very clearly and it doesn't seem that you do, like most rightwingers that rely on bullshit mills for their "facts".
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He's being charged as part of the continuing desperate, corrupt Dem / Marxist Jihad.

He is being charged with specific crimes

Can you show where any of the charges are not actually crimes?
If you don't have an answer for that, then you have no evidence agaist Joe Biden.

Calling your dad is not serious evidence of criminality. You need to understand that part very clearly and it doesn't seem that you do.
I understand perfectly. You see the smoke, but you can't admit it's from a fire. You want me to believe it just appears from nowhere.

According to Archer, Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky — who allegedly told an FBI informant in 2016 he was “coerced” to pay $10 million in bribes to Hunter and Joe Biden — put intense pressure on Hunter in late 2015 to enlist US support for ousting Ukrainian prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin, who had investigated Burisma, the Republican readout said.
At one point, Hunter Biden, Zlochevsky and Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi stepped away and “called DC” about the issue, Archer said.
Dummy, stop parroting partisan bullshit and read the transcript, Page 34.
I understand perfectly. You see the smoke, but you can't admit it's from a fire. You want me to believe it just appears from nowhere.
You want me to belive Biden has commited a crime because Hunter called him, but you have no idea what they talked about. Correct?

Follow up question: are you continiously being dropped on your head?
You want me to belive Biden has commited a crime because Hunter called him, but you have no idea what they talked about. Correct?

Follow up question: are you continiously being dropped on your head?
I know what they talked about because Joe showed up soon with a billion dollars for Ukraine if they fire the prosecutor. Joe bragged about it after he was out of office.
“Justice should be blind, but Biden has weaponized government against his leading political opponent to interfere in the 2024 election. Now a radical DA in Georgia is following Biden’s lead by attacking President Trump and using it to fundraise her political career. Americans see through this desperate sham,” posted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), referring to Ms. Willis, a Democrat.

“This is another rogue Far Left radical District Attorney weaponizing their office to target Joe Biden’s top political opponent President Trump. President Trump had every legal right to challenge the results of the election,” said House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), referring to Ms. Willis.

Ms. Stefanik labeled the indictment as “blatant election interference by the far-left.”

“Today’s indictment is just the latest political attack in the Democrats’ WITCH HUNT against President Trump. He did nothing wrong!” posted Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, on X, formerly Twitter.

“President Biden and the Democrats are ABUSING the justice system and have weaponized it against Donald Trump,” posted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on X. “They are trying to take the power away from the voters.”

“President Trump did nothing wrong!” posted Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) on X.

“Fani Willis is giving Stacey Abrams a run for her money with this shameless quest for fame and fortune. Willis, just like Alvin Bragg, is a left-wing Democrat with an axe to grind weaponizing the justice system against President Trump in an effort to interfere with the 2024 presidential election,” posted Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.) on X.
I know what they talked about because Joe showed up soon with a billion dollars for Ukraine if they fire the prosecutor.

No you don't idiot.

There is no testimony that Hunter asked Joe for anything like that or even that Shokin was a problem for Burisma.

You don't know much of anything except all the partisan fantasies you indulge in. You belive whatever the hell you want to.

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