Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

Prosecutor that was investigating Burisma. You forgot that part. You guys impeached Trump over it.

That is the lynch pin.
They will never accept that.
The Clintons taught them (successfully) to deny, deny, deny, never admit.

The Cult ran with a different narrative - they will not alter.
The so called grand jury indictment LEAKED hours BEFORE the grand jury deliberated...riiiight once again the corrupt Dem conspiracy to indict has been exposed. :auiqs.jpg:
So having the documents drafted ahead of time is evidence of a conspiracy?
What would they have presented the GJ to approve without a draft indictment?

You make no sense.
So you deny the prosecutor was investigating Burisma?

According to Ukranian officials his office shelved investigation for two years.
Archer also stated that he was not aware of Shokin putting pressure on Burisma and in fact he was told the opposite - that Shokin was under control and his removal was bad for Burisma.

So what makes you think Shokin was actively investigating Burisma?
Things that are now illegal according to the Georgia indictment:
- Asking people for phone numbers
- Reserving rooms in a Capitol building
- Telling people to watch TV
- Getting people to attend legislative hearings.
While in service of a criminal conspiracy of course. :rolleyes:
So having the documents drafted ahead of time is evidence of a conspiracy?
What would they have presented the GJ to approve without a draft indictment?

You make no sense.
Dumb ass, first the grand jury deliberates, makes the call THEN you corrupt Dem idiots can draft your indictment. Drafting it ahead of time reeks of collusion and corruption of the grand jury. Accidently releasing it early is both illegal and reeks of just how stupid Dems are.

Hutch got his law degree mail order, there's two "g's" in degree.
This is a great sign of a decaying nation. It is not Trump; it is his personality used against him for his agendas in which Prog voters do not understand are a life raft for the nation. Lying is now the norm. Truth is a vast minority utterance. There was a time when people spoke on TV, there was trust. Even if they were not so nice. Now we live in dystopian propaganda derived universe. Progs are purposely destroying cities, weakening states and saying that is good and just. That is proof enough. None of the Progs orchestrating just the agendas involved in that are missing meals, they live in opulence, driving better vehicles, fly first class or even private jets, vacation in the more expensive places, party at political junkets and it goes on.
You’re correct of course. You’re just attributing it to the wrong people. Those guilty of this are facing justice for doing so.
Prosecutor that was investigating Burisma. You forgot that part. You guys impeached Trump over it.
Trump was impeached for CONTRADICTING US policy interests of getting Ukraine to clean up it's government.

NO ONE wanted Trump to illictly hold up millitary aid to Ukraine to force Zelensky to publicly announce investigation of Bidens. NO ONE except Trump's political campaign was interested in what Trump's foreign policy advisor Bolton described as a "Ukranian drug deal".

Special envoy to Ukraine member Volker specifically testified about how stupid and hypocritical Trump made United States look to Ukrainians. They were advised by Americans that Zelensky's administration should not use justice system to go after opposition...only to have Trump force them to go after HIS political opposition.
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