Sometimes, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Lefty Words


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Sometimes, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Lefty Words​

by Duane Patterson
October 30, 2012

So if you only get your news from MSNBC, first of all, I pity you. But if you do, you may have heard once, or twice, or a thousand times how rotten Mitt Romney was for showing up in Ohio and encouraging donations of money and goods to victims of Hurricane Sandy. A sample of the vitriol can be found in the video by AP of Andrea Mitchell, and a little later in the day by Martin Bashir.

MSNBC Ridicules Romney for Collecting Food and Supplies for Sandy Victims | MRCTV

The criticism comes from the Red Cross asking basically for money and blood, and not being able to process canned goods and supplies. While true the Red Cross cannot take emergency supplies, there are plenty of food banks and other charitable entities in the tri-state area that can. But what the lefties on MSNBC can’t bear to tell you is that both Mitt Romney and Ann Romney solicited money in donations to the Red Cross.

Here’s Mitt yesterday, knowing what was to come as the storm was approaching.

[ame=]Mitt Romney urges supporters to give to Red Cross at Campaign Rally in Ohio - YouTube[/ame]

Ann Romney did the same in Wisconsin
[ame=]Ann Romney: Urges Red Cross Donations - YouTube[/ame]

Read more:
Sometimes, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Lefty Words « The Greenroom
The whole thing looked real cheesy, he should've been on the east coast. This week will be Mitt's undoing, finito.
The whole thing looked real cheesy, he should've been on the east coast. This week will be Mitt's undoing, finito.

Your screwed in the head, no candidate needs to be there, it would be nothing but a distraction. In fact the gov of NY ask Maobama not to come.
The whole thing looked real cheesy, he should've been on the east coast. This week will be Mitt's undoing, finito.

Gallup daily: Romney leads Obama 50-46 among likely voters​

By Meghashyam Mali

Mitt Romney leads President Obama by 4 points, according to the latest Gallup daily tracking poll, released Sunday.

The survey finds Romney at 50 percent support among likely voters to Obama’s 46. The numbers show a 1-point drop over Saturday’s 51 to 46 lead for the GOP nominee.

The poll finds Obama up among registered voters, though, with a 48-47 advantage. That figure reflects a 1-point loss for Romney from Saturday, where the two presidential contenders were tied at 48 percent.

Gallup’s poll is a rolling seven-day average through Saturday Oct. 27 and includes 5 days of survey data after the third and final presidential debate held last Monday in Boca Raton, Fla.

The Gallup survey has shown larger leads for Romney compared to other polls of likely voters, with surveys putting Romney ahead by 5 to 7 points for much of last week.

The Real Clear Politics Average of polls on Sunday showed Romney ahead, but by a slimmer 47.9 percent to 47 margin.

Other polls released this week also give the former Massachusetts governor a slight edge, with a little over one week until election day.

Read more:
Gallup daily: Romney leads Obama 50-46 among likely voters - The Hill's Ballot Box


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