Sometimes Just a Word


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
or two can make a big difference. A few days ago, a student I did not recognize knocked sheepishly on my door. He looked distressed. He started typing something into his phone, which I knew meant he was trying to translate something he needed to ask me. When I told him he could just ask me, his face lit up like someone had just thrown him a life preserver. It was his first day in the school, in the city, maybe in the country (I don't know) and he was hopelessly lost. The school is very big, and it can be confusing to try and find your way around at first. The student was evidently very much a beginning English language learner, and he did not know who to ask or how. Having been in his shoes several times, I knew how he felt. I helped him figure out his schedule and get where he needed to go then just chatted a little. You could feel the tension start to fade from his demeanor. Sometimes just a word or two can really put someone at ease and give them some hope and confidence that they will get their feet under them soon enough. I know most posting here are not in schools, but if you see someone in the street, a grocery store, etc. and they look a little lost, take a second to help them out. It may mean more than you know.
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or two can make a big difference. A few days ago, a student I did not recognize knocked sheepishly on my door. He looked distressed. He started typing something into his phone, which I knew meant he was trying to translate something he needed to ask me. When I told him he could just ask me, his face lit up like someone had just thrown him a life preserver. It was his first day in the school, in the city, maybe in the country (I don't know) and he was hopelessly lost. The school is very big, and it can be confusing to try and find your way around at first. The student was evidently very much a beginning English language learner, and he did not know who to ask or how. Having been in his shoes several times, I knew how he felt. I helped him figure out his schedule and get where he needed to go then just chatted a little. You could feel the tension start to fade from his demeanor. Sometimes just a word or two can really put someone at ease and give them some hope and confidence that they will get their feet under them soon enough. I know most posting here are not in schools, but if you see someone in the street, a grocery store, etc. and they look a little lost, take a second to help them out. It may mean more than you know.
That was a heart warming story, and I truly wish more would take your admonishment to heart. What you did was a big deal. I'm just saddened to think that was a noteworthy thing to do for a school teacher, whose job it is to help students, even if they might not be in that teachers class. Common decency and compassion aren't so common any more. You seem to be one who still remembers how important it is to consider the plight of others.

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