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Sony hack takes a very serious turn

Things just took a very serious turn (not that the hacking was to be taken lightly)

This may be just a threat/scare tactic to keep asses out of the seats for this film or some serious shit is about to go down.

I don't know how I feel at this point. My first reaction is that theatre's should just call it off, pull the film. The possibility of losing a lot of lives--or a few lives-- for a silly movie is just not worth it. On the other hand, nothing could happen. I don't know folks, is it worth it?

Sony Hackers Threaten People Who See The Interview Invoke 9 11

I try not to take anything posted on Huffingglue too seriously.

That said, yielding to terrorists is the worst possible move. IF the threat is credible, then we should launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Pyongyang. It has to be nuclear because unless they are crushed in the first wave, they will use Nukes on Seoul.

And really, isn't it long past time for North Korea to cease to exist?

We should check with Israel to see if the threat is credible, since they have a competent administration and intelligence system. Then move very quickly to neuter then snarling little beast.
There are a few pubs reporting on it (Mashable, Variety) Sony Hackers Threaten 9 11 Attack on Movie Theaters That Screen 8216 The Interview 8217 Variety

Probably more as the day goes on.

I get what you're saying about yielding to these terrorist threats and agree to a point BUT what if something does happen and American's lose their lives? Was it worth it? I think there comes a time when we have to set aside our pride and do the RESPONSIBLE thing. Then again there's repercussion's to that decision as well.

As I type this out I think I found my answer and you touched on it. If they determine the threat is credible they should pull it, go on the offensive, eliminate the threat and release it a little later. If its nothing but hot air release it.

One thing is for certain I do think this will have a very serious impact on theatre's that are playing it. People will steer clear of them and go to another theatre that isn't playing it and see something else.

We can't make a decision based on "what if X happens" and "what does your intelligence think-- do they have WMDs?"

Especially decisions about the principle of Free Speech we purport to believe in. Once we start caving just because somebody tweeted a sabre rattle, we've abandoned all that, and once we abandon that we have nothing left. Either we stand for it or we don't. So I say run it in every movie theater there is, simultaneously.
You're preaching to the choir :) I get that. For the sake of this discussion, lets say that people are killed. IED, VBIED, suicide bombers or whatever does that change the dialogue in this country? Do we continue to take this stand or do we re-evaluate?
Things just took a very serious turn (not that the hacking was to be taken lightly)

This may be just a threat/scare tactic to keep asses out of the seats for this film or some serious shit is about to go down.

I don't know how I feel at this point. My first reaction is that theatre's should just call it off, pull the film. The possibility of losing a lot of lives--or a few lives-- for a silly movie is just not worth it. On the other hand, nothing could happen. I don't know folks, is it worth it?

Sony Hackers Threaten People Who See The Interview Invoke 9 11

I try not to take anything posted on Huffingglue too seriously.

That said, yielding to terrorists is the worst possible move. IF the threat is credible, then we should launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Pyongyang. It has to be nuclear because unless they are crushed in the first wave, they will use Nukes on Seoul.

And really, isn't it long past time for North Korea to cease to exist?

We should check with Israel to see if the threat is credible, since they have a competent administration and intelligence system. Then move very quickly to neuter then snarling little beast.
There are a few pubs reporting on it (Mashable, Variety) Sony Hackers Threaten 9 11 Attack on Movie Theaters That Screen 8216 The Interview 8217 Variety

Probably more as the day goes on.

I get what you're saying about yielding to these terrorist threats and agree to a point BUT what if something does happen and American's lose their lives? Was it worth it? I think there comes a time when we have to set aside our pride and do the RESPONSIBLE thing. Then again there's repercussion's to that decision as well.

As I type this out I think I found my answer and you touched on it. If they determine the threat is credible they should pull it, go on the offensive, eliminate the threat and release it a little later. If its nothing but hot air release it.

One thing is for certain I do think this will have a very serious impact on theatre's that are playing it. People will steer clear of them and go to another theatre that isn't playing it and see something else.

We can't make a decision based on "what if X happens" and "what does your intelligence think-- do they have WMDs?"

Especially decisions about the principle of Free Speech we purport to believe in. Once we start caving just because somebody tweeted a sabre rattle, we've abandoned all that, and once we abandon that we have nothing left. Either we stand for it or we don't. So I say run it in every movie theater there is, simultaneously.
You're preaching to the choir :) I get that. For the sake of this discussion, lets say that people are killed. IED, VBIED, suicide bombers or whatever does that change the dialogue in this country? Do we continue to take this stand or do we re-evaluate?
So...the movie is shown because we bowed down to Piggy's threats...and people still get killed. Doomed if we do, doomed if we don't. Obeying the threat means "give an inch, they take a mile". Fuck NK.
We should have finished those bastards off in the early 50's.

Trivia: In his book Dark Sun, the history of America's development of the hydrogen bomb, Pulitzer Prize winner Richard Rhodes tells how President Truman finally unshackled himself from Douglas MacArthur. He met in secret with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and hammered out a deal. If the Joint Chiefs would fire him, Truman would supply to the US Air Force in Korea, the 13 hydrogen bombs they'd asked for during the secret meeting. The catcher was that the military didn't have to ask Washington's permission to use them. They could drop them at their own discretion. Fortunately for humanity, the ceasefire was signed before the Air Force had a chance to drop them. A few had been earmarked for North Korean targets, and the rest for Chinese targets.
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If a punk nation can cripple our constitutional right to be entertained by a stupid movie, then what is next. And isn't it about time we sent a death message to hackers? Let the gooks be the first to feel the sting of our presidents wrath...or does he even know about it yet?
Our president has a wrath?...Where does he use it, on the golf course?
If a punk nation can cripple our constitutional right to be entertained by a stupid movie, then what is next. And isn't it about time we sent a death message to hackers? Let the gooks be the first to feel the sting of our presidents wrath...or does he even know about it yet?
Our president has a wrath?...Where does he use it, on the golf course?
For 6 years he's had a history of using his wrath on cops. He doesn't have the balls to use it on NK or Muslim terrorists.
If a punk nation can cripple our constitutional right to be entertained by a stupid movie, then what is next. And isn't it about time we sent a death message to hackers? Let the gooks be the first to feel the sting of our presidents wrath...or does he even know about it yet?
Our president has a wrath?...Where does he use it, on the golf course?
For 6 years he's had a history of using his wrath on cops. He doesn't have the balls to use it on NK or Muslim terrorists.

Oh look!! A moderate makes a very moderate comment!! How special.
You're preaching to the choir :) I get that. For the sake of this discussion, lets say that people are killed. IED, VBIED, suicide bombers or whatever does that change the dialogue in this country? Do we continue to take this stand or do we re-evaluate?

Comedy, satire and the works have been around for quite some time. I don't think much is considered off-limits currently. I understand your point to an extent (I think) ... But to what degree do we allow others to shape our dialog?

I understand how dialog is important ... And how setting priorities in dialog is beneficial. I don't think condoning violence by rewarding the effort with dialog is the message to send. The idea that people intent on inflicting harm to others can present much as far as a productive dialog is concerned is a stretch ... And I am not very interested in discussing their concerns if they find them justified in the death of innocents.

Rebellion serves a purpose ... But more as a last resort when all else has failed and you need to clear the field.

Things just took a very serious turn (not that the hacking was to be taken lightly)

This may be just a threat/scare tactic to keep asses out of the seats for this film or some serious shit is about to go down.

I don't know how I feel at this point. My first reaction is that theatre's should just call it off, pull the film. The possibility of losing a lot of lives--or a few lives-- for a silly movie is just not worth it. On the other hand, nothing could happen. I don't know folks, is it worth it?

Sony Hackers Threaten People Who See The Interview Invoke 9 11

I try not to take anything posted on Huffingglue too seriously.

That said, yielding to terrorists is the worst possible move. IF the threat is credible, then we should launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Pyongyang. It has to be nuclear because unless they are crushed in the first wave, they will use Nukes on Seoul.

And really, isn't it long past time for North Korea to cease to exist?

We should check with Israel to see if the threat is credible, since they have a competent administration and intelligence system. Then move very quickly to neuter then snarling little beast.
There are a few pubs reporting on it (Mashable, Variety) Sony Hackers Threaten 9 11 Attack on Movie Theaters That Screen 8216 The Interview 8217 Variety

Probably more as the day goes on.

I get what you're saying about yielding to these terrorist threats and agree to a point BUT what if something does happen and American's lose their lives? Was it worth it? I think there comes a time when we have to set aside our pride and do the RESPONSIBLE thing. Then again there's repercussion's to that decision as well.

As I type this out I think I found my answer and you touched on it. If they determine the threat is credible they should pull it, go on the offensive, eliminate the threat and release it a little later. If its nothing but hot air release it.

One thing is for certain I do think this will have a very serious impact on theatre's that are playing it. People will steer clear of them and go to another theatre that isn't playing it and see something else.

We can't make a decision based on "what if X happens" and "what does your intelligence think-- do they have WMDs?"

Especially decisions about the principle of Free Speech we purport to believe in. Once we start caving just because somebody tweeted a sabre rattle, we've abandoned all that, and once we abandon that we have nothing left. Either we stand for it or we don't. So I say run it in every movie theater there is, simultaneously.
You're preaching to the choir :) I get that. For the sake of this discussion, lets say that people are killed. IED, VBIED, suicide bombers or whatever does that change the dialogue in this country? Do we continue to take this stand or do we re-evaluate?
I didn't know we had a gook threat inside the U.S....where are these peeps hiding?
Sounds like a juvenile threat. I doubt NK wants to start getting physical with us. But, they are nuts.


We will clearly show it to you at the very time and places “The Interview” be shown, including the premiere, how bitter fate those who seek fun in terror should be doomed to.
Soon all the world will see what an awful movie Sony Pictures Entertainment has made.
The world will be full of fear.
Remember the 11th of September 2001.
We recommend you to keep yourself distant from the places at that time.
(If your house is nearby, you’d better leave.)
Whatever comes in the coming days is called by the greed of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
All the world will denounce the SONY.
They don't speak no good english
Why didn't NK give a fuck when South park spoofed them? Huh? All of a sudden Obama is president and NOW this is a matter of national security?

It's a stupid movie but it is OUR stupid movie. Since when do we buckle when anonymous hackers threaten us physically in our own country showing our own movies? We better not buckle under this bullshit. It will be embarassing.
Every movie theater in America should show this flick. Hell, make it a national holiday of Fuck You day. What the fuck happened to Don't Tread On Me? Oh. Wait.
The movie will be shown. It will be seen. It will make tons of money.

I expect that President Obama has already seen it and that he laughed his ass off.

In general, Americans are more concerned about dying in a plane crash than they are of being killed by North Korean terrorists while watching a movie.
Things just took a very serious turn (not that the hacking was to be taken lightly)

This may be just a threat/scare tactic to keep asses out of the seats for this film or some serious shit is about to go down.

I don't know how I feel at this point. My first reaction is that theatre's should just call it off, pull the film. The possibility of losing a lot of lives--or a few lives-- for a silly movie is just not worth it. On the other hand, nothing could happen. I don't know folks, is it worth it?

Sony Hackers Threaten People Who See The Interview Invoke 9 11

I try not to take anything posted on Huffingglue too seriously.

That said, yielding to terrorists is the worst possible move. IF the threat is credible, then we should launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Pyongyang. It has to be nuclear because unless they are crushed in the first wave, they will use Nukes on Seoul.

And really, isn't it long past time for North Korea to cease to exist?

We should check with Israel to see if the threat is credible, since they have a competent administration and intelligence system. Then move very quickly to neuter then snarling little beast.
There are a few pubs reporting on it (Mashable, Variety) Sony Hackers Threaten 9 11 Attack on Movie Theaters That Screen 8216 The Interview 8217 Variety

Probably more as the day goes on.

I get what you're saying about yielding to these terrorist threats and agree to a point BUT what if something does happen and American's lose their lives? Was it worth it? I think there comes a time when we have to set aside our pride and do the RESPONSIBLE thing. Then again there's repercussion's to that decision as well.

As I type this out I think I found my answer and you touched on it. If they determine the threat is credible they should pull it, go on the offensive, eliminate the threat and release it a little later. If its nothing but hot air release it.

One thing is for certain I do think this will have a very serious impact on theatre's that are playing it. People will steer clear of them and go to another theatre that isn't playing it and see something else.

We can't make a decision based on "what if X happens" and "what does your intelligence think-- do they have WMDs?"

Especially decisions about the principle of Free Speech we purport to believe in. Once we start caving just because somebody tweeted a sabre rattle, we've abandoned all that, and once we abandon that we have nothing left. Either we stand for it or we don't. So I say run it in every movie theater there is, simultaneously.
You're preaching to the choir :) I get that. For the sake of this discussion, lets say that people are killed. IED, VBIED, suicide bombers or whatever does that change the dialogue in this country? Do we continue to take this stand or do we re-evaluate?

The thing is Kim Jong Un has fired missiles towards the U.S. which went somewhere into the Siberian Sea. I think it's probably Chinese hackers. They are the most adroit at this sort of thing and the most threatening next to the Russians who have hacked everybody except PayPal. And probably PayPal. We just haven't heard the news yet. Makes you wonder how much Amazon/Jeff Bezos pays his hackers to keep his site safe.
If FattyJong Fuck got a missile that acutally landed, there would be no Fatty Jong Fuck anymore. He would be blown to smithereens. Oh. Wait. Sorry. I keep living in the past when the USA was strong and had good leadership.

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