SOTU Thread

We want to rebuild our country:
So much for America it's back to sticking our nose in other countries........
  • It gives me the warm fuzzies to see Pelosi forced to look down in shame.
Ice cubes...check!

I'm ready for the SOTU! :dance:

You sound like you're a fat bastard soon to be a drain on the health system...

You sound like a bitter dysfunctional Crayola-eating, Tide Pod-eating liberal idiot from some little shithole country.

So you're not from the US. Which shithole country do you live in, or are you too much of a pussy to tell me?

He's a NZ agent. We have some British, Australian, and Canadian agents on this board as well, if you pay attention, all are pretty much pushing the same agenda.

These are the same folks that, through GCHQ, spied on Trump's folks in the first place, after which, they alerted our intel agencies.

Five Eyes - Wikipedia

I am surprised all you Anglo-Files still are not getting this. These folks got us into WWI, WWII, pushed the FED onto us, got us into NATO, and the UN. . . . and every other international agreement.

You all somehow think we "won" the revolution and the war of 1812, when the common wealth has been meddling in our business from day one. We have never truly been free. . . not really anyhow. All of our presidents have aristocrat blood in them, all of them.
Will announce that he's awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh.

Man, I wish Trump just once would come out to give this thing like Ric Flair.


Ugh. I ain't watching a useless Orange douche bag lie for a hour. No thank you. Cheers reruns for me.

You should be watching Nancy talking to no one and sucking her dentures! It is a laugh a minute!

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