Sources: GSA Packed Boxes of Documents Trump Brought to Mar-a-Lago, Not Trump Political Staffers

a lot of things occurred to me. but then, how did they know he had "more"?

There has been talk of an informant in side of MLG.

there's simply a lot of unknowns that both sides are saying are true only for their side.

Very true, seems prudent then to not make a judgment yet.

if you wanna play "maybe" move along. you don't like my maybes but live by them yourself.

Hopefully Trump's request will be granted, that will help a lot in my opinion.
There has been talk of an informant in side of MLG.
oh wow. been talk huh? glad to see sticking to total facts and not scuttlebut right after you "did that not occur to you"??? crap you laid down.
Very true, seems prudent then to not make a judgment yet.
but i thought there was talk of an informant.
Hopefully Trump's request will be granted, that will help a lot in my opinion.
it should have already been. this is on the FBI to prove it's not weaponized. simply saying CONSPIRACY THEORY to all who doubt ESPECIALLY AFTER YOU'VE BEEN BUSTED FOR THIS VERY THING is bullshit.

they know the microscope they are under and still act as if all this secrecy is warranted. cause of that "talk" i suppose.
oh wow. been talk huh? glad to see sticking to total facts and not scuttlebut right after you "did that not occur to you"??? crap you laid down.

You asked a question, I gave a possible answer and then you whine about it. I must have really pissed you off this morning.

but i thought there was talk of an informant.

Yes, that is one story. We do not know yet if it is true.

it should have already been. this is on the FBI to prove it's not weaponized

I agree.
We already know the FBI lies, so why should we believe anything they say?

And this is the conundrum, we have two known lairs that are both saying things that cannot both be true.

I will wait till we get more information to make up my mind
Nothing the FBI has been saying can be true.

Yes I know. Trump is your god and cannot ever do anything even wrong, let alone illegal.

But, alas not all of us worship Trump and we will wait for more information to come out.

I hope you do not mind too much
You asked a question, I gave a possible answer and then you whine about it. I must have really pissed you off this morning.
cause it's always the same fucking "giggle" game with you. dick off to someone then wonder why you get a "fuck you" response. then blame them for being sensitive when in the end, you got exactly what you were fishing for.
cause it's always the same fucking "giggle" game with you. dick off to someone then wonder why you get a "fuck you" response. then blame them for being sensitive when in the end, you got exactly what you were fishing for.

There was no game here, you asked how they could have known, I gave an answer and now you are losing your shit.

So, yeah, I have had enough of your childish rantings, go fuck yourself for a change.

You are not worth the bandwidth.
Stupid comment from a Dimmer as expected, but not quite true....past presidents all take various documents with them and have done so for many many years. No current president has ever "revoked" that privelege, until now. But, as has come to be expected with the Reich, Gestapo tactics and edicts hurting the citizens are the norm. So see, the "American people" had nothing to do with this latest fiasco, just your elected brownshirts.
Now back to mommy's basement troll.

Citation? ... I guess your "troll" comment means you think I'm right, and have no other target but my person to attack ... thank you for your tacit agreement ...

I'm the one advocating that these are clerical errors on Trump's part ... and in no way elevates to a crime ... National Archives have their documents now, the ones they entitled to by law ...
There was no game here, you asked how they could have known, I gave an answer and now you are losing your shit.

So, yeah, I have had enough of your childish rantings, go fuck yourself for a change.

You are not worth the bandwidth.
yea, me just saying you're a pain in the ass is me "losing my shit"

drama queen, rage on.

oh look - you're losing your shit. you snowflake you.
Garland's raid is a waste of effort. Trump didn't pack the boxes, so it's futile to charge him with anything related to the documents.

Sources close to former President Donald Trump have confirmed to Breitbart News that the General Services Administration (GSA) packed the boxes of documents he took with him to Mar-a-Lago, not political staffers.
Shortly after the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago this month, reportedly to reclaim documents Donald Trump had taken from the White House in January 2021, journalist David Martosko announced that a source close to the former president confirmed the documents were boxed by government staffers in the GSA, not Trump’s own staffers.
“A person very close to Donald Trump tells me it’s indeed true what’s being bandied about Twitter — that the @USGSA, not Trump or anyone working for him in the White House, packed the boxes that the FBI took in Monday’s raid. If that’s true, it scrambles the omelet a bit,” Martosko announced.
On Monday, after Trump had formally requested an independent review of the documents seized by the FBI during the raid, a source close to the former president confirmed to Breitbart News the veracity of Martosko’s claims and that the GSA indeed packed the documents prior to Joe Biden assuming the presidency.
So what? As usual Mafia Strongman Trump is looking for a fall guy. He knew what he had, claimed they were his, lied about what he had & now wants to blame someone else.

Lock his sorry ass up.
Nope. Trump thinks he's above the law. All the documents belong to the National Archives.
So why did the GSA pack them up and ship them to Mara-lago???????

Trump had nothing to do with packing up those documents, and you're gullible to believe any of these false accusations have any validity to them.
Yes I know. Trump is your god and cannot ever do anything even wrong, let alone illegal.

But, alas not all of us worship Trump and we will wait for more information to come out.

I hope you do not mind too much
Addressing every thing your critics say with this moronic hyperbole only proves that you're an idiot.
So what? As usual Mafia Strongman Trump is looking for a fall guy. He knew what he had, claimed they were his, lied about what he had & now wants to blame someone else.

Lock his sorry ass up.
Garland is the Mafi strongman
You indicated that, shit for brains.
I understand that you are flustered at your impotence in responding to the obvious, cogent question - "Why do you suspect he absconded with classified government documents, stashed them in a storeroom at his hoity-toity playground, and failed to return them in the interests of national security?," but not even Jared "The Prince" Kushner could contrive a rational response to that during a thrill-packed episode of Fox Co-Conspirators:

... Kushner seemed taken aback by Doocy’s simple, legitimate question:
“Why would the former president have that many classified things at Mar-a-Lago?”

Screen Shot 2022-08-23 at 4.50.48 PM.png
“So I’m not familiar with what exactly the contents were,”
Kushner replied, distancing himself from his father-in-law...

Screen Shot 2022-08-23 at 7.54.47 AM.png
Took Toilet Paper Too???
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Not sure I see the evolution....they weren't classified, they were working with teh NARA and turning documents they wanted over, and of course he didn't even pack the boxes.

All highlighting, what Xiden and Garland knew prior to the political motivated raid

I love the simple minded.

So if they were packed and taken by accident, why didn't he give them back when asked?????? Why did he ignore requests, letters, visits, and a subpoena asking for the documents back???? That demonstrates "intent", and kind of puts the lie to the story that he only received them "by accident".

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