Sources: GSA Packed Boxes of Documents Trump Brought to Mar-a-Lago, Not Trump Political Staffers

I love the simple minded.

So if they were packed and taken by accident, why didn't he give them back when asked?????? Why did he ignore requests, letters, visits, and a subpoena asking for the documents back???? That demonstrates "intent", and kind of puts the lie to the story that he only received them "by accident".
he did he gave 15 boxes back.

They thought they were more and he said come look. His lawyers even signed a letter saying, look we believe we gave them all to you

They never requested again, just raided
What do you do with your old phones?
Do you delete all emails and lie about the number of phones and mobile devices and then when you are asked to submit them to investigators, smash them to smithereens? If so then you are a true Democrat, then ends always justify the means, no moral or ethical compass whatsoever.
I understand that you are flustered at your impotence in responding to the obvious, cogent question - "Why do you suspect he absconded with classified government documents, stashed them in a storeroom at his hoity-toity playground, and failed to return them in the interests of national security?," but not even Jared "The Prince" Kushner could contrive a rational response to that during a thrill-packed episode of Fox Co-Conspirators:

... Kushner seemed taken aback by Doocy’s simple, legitimate question:
“Why would the former president have that many classified things at Mar-a-Lago?”

“So I’m not familiar with what exactly the contents were,”
Kushner replied, distancing himself from his father-in-law...

Took Toilet Paper Too???
HE didn't, moron.
I just posted the evidence that he didn't, moron. Do you actually believe Trumps was packing boxes himself when he moved out?

You're a retard.
And the extent to which such a large number of highly sensitive documents remained at Mar-a-Lago for months, even as the department sought the return of all material that should have been left in government custody when Mr. Trump left office, suggested to officials that the former president or his aides had been cavalier in handling it, not fully forthcoming with investigators, or both.

The specific nature of the sensitive material that Mr. Trump took from the White House remains unclear. But the 15 boxes Mr. Trump turned over to the archives in January, nearly a year after he left office, included documents from the C.I.A., the National Security Agency and the F.B.I. spanning a variety of topics of national security interest, a person briefed on the matter said.
Mr. Trump went through the boxes himself in late 2021, according to multiple people briefed on his efforts, before turning them over.

The highly sensitive nature of some of the material in the boxes prompted archives officials to refer the matter to the Justice Department, which within months had convened a grand jury investigation.

And the extent to which such a large number of highly sensitive documents remained at Mar-a-Lago for months, even as the department sought the return of all material that should have been left in government custody when Mr. Trump left office, suggested to officials that the former president or his aides had been cavalier in handling it, not fully forthcoming with investigators, or both.

The specific nature of the sensitive material that Mr. Trump took from the White House remains unclear. But the 15 boxes Mr. Trump turned over to the archives in January, nearly a year after he left office, included documents from the C.I.A., the National Security Agency and the F.B.I. spanning a variety of topics of national security interest, a person briefed on the matter said.
Mr. Trump went through the boxes himself in late 2021, according to multiple people briefed on his efforts, before turning them over.

The highly sensitive nature of some of the material in the boxes prompted archives officials to refer the matter to the Justice Department, which within months had convened a grand jury investigation.

Meaningless propaganda.

Who says they are "highly sensitive?" The documents were so sensitive that it took months to retrieve them? Why was a Grand Jury required? Not every document the CIA creates is "highly sensitive." I think the only thing sensitive about them is that they are embarrassing to the CIA, FBI and DOJ. They show how these agencies were trying to smear Trump with the Russia collusion hoax.

Garland's story reeks, and you know it.
HE didn't, moron.

I already accepted that you can't answer the cogent question, Tinker Bell:

"Why did the whiny Loser absconded with classified government documents, stashed them in a storeroom at his hoity-toity playground, and failed to return them in the interests of national security?"

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So I swipe and hoard White House chotskies!
Meaningless propaganda.

Who says they are "highly sensitive?" The documents were so sensitive that it took months to retrieve them? Why was a Grand Jury required? Not every document the CIA creates is "highly sensitive." I think the only thing sensitive about them is that they are embarrassing to the CIA, FBI and DOJ. They show how these agencies were trying to smear Trump with the Russia collusion hoax.

Garland's story reeks, and you know it.
then Trump would have publicly released them instead of stashing them at his house.
then Trump would have publicly released them instead of stashing them at his house.
I think he was waiting for the intelligence agencies to remove all the personal information from them. It's not your call to decide what Trump is supposed to do with the documents.
thats some imagination you got there.
No it's not:

In the final hours of the Trump presidency, the U.S. Justice Department raised privacy concerns to thwart the release of hundreds of pages of documents that Donald Trump had declassified to expose FBI abuses during the Russia collusion probe, and the agency then defied a subsequent order to release the materials after redactions were made, according to interviews and documents.
The previously untold story of how highly anticipated declassified material never became public is contained in a memo obtained by Just the News from the National Archives that was written by then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows just hours before Trump left office on noon of Jan. 20, 2021.
Meadows' memo confirmed prior reporting by Just the News that Trump on Jan. 19, 2021 declassified a binder of hundreds of pages of sensitive FBI documents that show how the bureau used informants and FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and misled both a federal court and Congress about flaws in the evidence they offered to get approval for the investigation.
The declassified documents included transcripts of intercepts made by the FBI of Trump aides, a declassified copy of the final FISA warrant approved by an intelligence court, and the tasking orders and debriefings of the two main confidential human sources, Christopher Steele and Stefan Halper, the bureau used to investigate whether Trump had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
In the end, multiple investigations found there was no such collusion and that the FBI violated rules and misled the FISA court in an effort to keep the probe going.
The documents that Trump declassified never saw the light of day, even though they were lawfully declassified by Trump and the DOJ was instructed by the president though Meadows to expeditiously release them after redacting private information as necessary.
"I am returning the bulk of the binder of declassified documents to the Department of Justice (including all that appear to have a potential to raise privacy concerns) with the instruction that the Department must expeditiously conduct a Privacy Act review under the standards that the Department of Justice would normally apply, redact material appropriately, and release the remaining material with redactions applied," Meadows wrote in the memo.
Just the News obtained the memo after going to the Trump collection at the National Archives and asking it to look for the binder of documents Trump had declassified. The Archives said it did not possess the documents, the Justice Department did and provided a copy of Meadows' memo.
No it's not:

In the final hours of the Trump presidency, the U.S. Justice Department raised privacy concerns to thwart the release of hundreds of pages of documents that Donald Trump had declassified to expose FBI abuses during the Russia collusion probe, and the agency then defied a subsequent order to release the materials after redactions were made, according to interviews and documents.
The previously untold story of how highly anticipated declassified material never became public is contained in a memo obtained by Just the News from the National Archives that was written by then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows just hours before Trump left office on noon of Jan. 20, 2021.
Meadows' memo confirmed prior reporting by Just the News that Trump on Jan. 19, 2021 declassified a binder of hundreds of pages of sensitive FBI documents that show how the bureau used informants and FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and misled both a federal court and Congress about flaws in the evidence they offered to get approval for the investigation.
The declassified documents included transcripts of intercepts made by the FBI of Trump aides, a declassified copy of the final FISA warrant approved by an intelligence court, and the tasking orders and debriefings of the two main confidential human sources, Christopher Steele and Stefan Halper, the bureau used to investigate whether Trump had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
In the end, multiple investigations found there was no such collusion and that the FBI violated rules and misled the FISA court in an effort to keep the probe going.
The documents that Trump declassified never saw the light of day, even though they were lawfully declassified by Trump and the DOJ was instructed by the president though Meadows to expeditiously release them after redacting private information as necessary.
"I am returning the bulk of the binder of declassified documents to the Department of Justice (including all that appear to have a potential to raise privacy concerns) with the instruction that the Department must expeditiously conduct a Privacy Act review under the standards that the Department of Justice would normally apply, redact material appropriately, and release the remaining material with redactions applied," Meadows wrote in the memo.
Just the News obtained the memo after going to the Trump collection at the National Archives and asking it to look for the binder of documents Trump had declassified. The Archives said it did not possess the documents, the Justice Department did and provided a copy of Meadows' memo.
the documents the FBI seized from mar-a-lago are of the highest level of classification. The stuff that Trump declassified in his final days as president werent at that level. Totally different set of documents.

alot of this stuff was declassified while trump was president, so there would be no reason for fbi interest in that.
When did you stop beating your wife?
Just because yours beats you is no reason for you to obsess over such irrelevancies.

As a general, cogent question, do you believe that top secret and other classified documents vital to national security should be safeguarded by the National Archives and Records Administration, or be stashed in a storeroom at a a hoity-toity playground for farting-through-silk elitists?

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Mar-a-Lago Party Favor
Garland's raid is a waste of effort. Trump didn't pack the boxes, so it's futile to charge him with anything related to the documents.

Sources close to former President Donald Trump have confirmed to Breitbart News that the General Services Administration (GSA) packed the boxes of documents he took with him to Mar-a-Lago, not political staffers.
Shortly after the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago this month, reportedly to reclaim documents Donald Trump had taken from the White House in January 2021, journalist David Martosko announced that a source close to the former president confirmed the documents were boxed by government staffers in the GSA, not Trump’s own staffers.
“A person very close to Donald Trump tells me it’s indeed true what’s being bandied about Twitter — that the @USGSA, not Trump or anyone working for him in the White House, packed the boxes that the FBI took in Monday’s raid. If that’s true, it scrambles the omelet a bit,” Martosko announced.
On Monday, after Trump had formally requested an independent review of the documents seized by the FBI during the raid, a source close to the former president confirmed to Breitbart News the veracity of Martosko’s claims and that the GSA indeed packed the documents prior to Joe Biden assuming the presidency.

We should stop pretending that this was a legitimate raid........we all know this was nothing more than a fishing expedition as part of grabbing up Crossfire Hurricane information that Trump took with him....

The FBI needs to be disbanded, the leadership fired from government service, the agents, maybe.....sent to new agencies.....the Border Patrol would be a good place for them....
the documents the FBI seized from mar-a-lago are of the highest level of classification. The stuff that Trump declassified in his final days as president werent at that level. Totally different set of documents.

alot of this stuff was declassified while trump was president, so there would be no reason for fbi interest in that.

Nope....anything he said was declassified was declassified....anything he took with him was declassified simply through the act of taking them....the President has that power, no one else.......

This is nothing more than a fishing expedition, with a side of grabbing Cross fire Hurricane documents and political the democrat party gestapo.
the documents the FBI seized from mar-a-lago are of the highest level of classification. The stuff that Trump declassified in his final days as president werent at that level. Totally different set of documents.

alot of this stuff was declassified while trump was president, so there would be no reason for fbi interest in that.
Says you. As the article makes clear, the intelligence agencies refused to declassify much of it despite being ordered to do so.
There has been talk of an informant in side of MLG.

Very true, seems prudent then to not make a judgment yet.

Hopefully Trump's request will be granted, that will help a lot in my opinion.

Pence supervised the inventory and packing of documents he turned over to the National Archives.
Nope....anything he said was declassified was declassified....anything he took with him was declassified simply through the act of taking them....the President has that power, no one else.......

This is nothing more than a fishing expedition, with a side of grabbing Cross fire Hurricane documents and political the democrat party gestapo.

Nope. Trump is stupid and he lied.
Nope.....not even close.....he gets to declassify anything he wants...........this was a gestapo raid to smear Trump, intimidate his followers and squish republicans, and it was a warning to anyone who wants to work for Trump in his next Presidential term...

Nope. It doesn't work that way.

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