Sources: Trump will announce a 2024 Presidential run on November 14th

we need a fresh face. or even to keep Biden, if the alternative is Trump. no way, no how, No Trump!

Nothing but a scare tactic before tomorrow, so y'all put out a rumor... ROTFLMBO 🤣
we need a fresh face. or even to keep Biden, if the alternative is Trump. no way, no how, No Trump!

As much as I supported most of what Trump did he should have overhauled the FBI, CIA, CDC and a few other agencies from the moment he was sworn in. Came back to bite him. He gets carried away with some of his tweets. I am thinking he should not run in 2024. I will take a good look at DeSantis but its a bit early yet and we still don't know the complete fallout from Tuesday yet.
Not exactly breaking News, bakedbullshit.

And I’m happy.

Trump or DeSantis. Either way. Happy me.
That's EX, twice impeached "President Trump."
YOUR President is Mr. Joe Biden.
Bubba was also impeached. And he and Trump have the exact same number of senate convictions! 😎

And a former President is still referred to as “President,” you ignorant trout. 😎
Bubba was also impeached. And he and Trump have the exact same number of senate convictions! 😎

And a former President is still referred to as “President,” you ignorant trout. 😎
You are most amusing when you are trying to lecture.
For example here, trying to "school" me on the "proper" way to address an ex President.
Right after you've called one "Bubba."

TOO rich!
You are most amusing when you are trying to lecture.
For example here, trying to "school" me on the "proper" way to address an ex President.
Right after you've called one "Bubba."

TOO rich!
You’re a tool, my little bitch.

You are impervious to schooling. You weren’t even allowed into kindergarten at a special Ed school.

I am permitted to call out scumbag piece of criminal shit hair sniffing demented incumbent “Brandon.” I can call Obama “Obumbler.” I can call the prior Democrat shithead incumbent “Bubba” which was his own nickname, you butthurt loser. 😂

As usual, you missed the point. I was only noting (to clarify the thread) about a fact you either don’t know or didn’t choose to acknowledge.

Ex Presidents get called the honorific, “President,” regularly. 👍

Try again, if you ever find your missing brain cell.
You’re a tool, my little bitch.

You are impervious to schooling. You weren’t even allowed into kindergarten at a special Ed school.

I am permitted to call out scumbag piece of criminal shit hair sniffing demented incumbent “Brandon.” I can call Obama “Obumbler.” I can call the prior Democrat shithead incumbent “Bubba” which was his own nickname, you butthurt loser. 😂

As usual, you missed the point. I was only noting (to clarify the thread) about a fact you either don’t know or didn’t choose to acknowledge.

Ex Presidents get called the honorific, “President,” regularly. 👍

Try again, if you ever find your missing brain cell.
People like you are exactly why Republicans can't win elections anymore.

Thank you.
Trump and DeSantis must get along because they could be a strong ticket. President Trump is owed after the Big Steal!
Is that why so many Rs just won?...
How's that "red wave" working out for you?

You do realize that the small number of seats picked up by Republicans in both houses in this midterm makes this a historic election for Biden don't you?

The party in power nearly ALWAYS gets trounced in the midterms.

But not this time.

So you can call it a "win" if you just want to be funny.
How's that "red wave" working out for you?

You do realize that the small number of seats picked up by Republicans in both houses in this midterm makes this a historic election for Biden don't you?

The party in power nearly ALWAYS gets trounced in the midterms.

But not this time.

So you can call it a "win" if you just want to be funny.
Ad ad mature.
Are you retarded?
There has been a Red Wave; we got the House and might get the Senate and a shit load of Governors.
Ex Presidents get called the honorific, “President,” regularly. 👍

Try again, if you ever find your missing brain cell.

They may get called "president", but according to Emily Post, that's not the correct way to address a former president.

Formally Addressing the Former President​

When addressing a former President of the United States in a formal setting, the correct form is “Mr. LastName.” (“President LastName” or “Mr. President” are terms reserved for the current head of state.) This is true for other ex-officials, as well. When talking about the person to a third party, on the other hand, it’s appropriate to say, “former President LastName.” This holds for introductions, as well: A current state governor is introduced as “Governor Tom Smith,” while you’d introduce an ex-governor as “former Governor Jim Bell.”
Trump and DeSantis must get along because they could be a strong ticket. President Trump is owed after the Big Steal!
Not sure if Desantis can work with Trump. He could I think, but could Trump be a great partner with Desantis, otherwise looking at Trump's record with his previous partner's ? Granted he was good at exposing weaknesses, but could it be that so many were not compatible with him or was it the other way around ?

Trump is a huge egotistical no-nonsense get-r-done kind of character, and Desantis is possibly the same minus the egotistical part. Both would be good for the COUNTRY, but at this point Desantis is carrying the lightest load of baggage along the way.

Let them both battle it out on stage for the nomination for President in 2024, and may the best man win. A Trump/Desantis ticket ? Not likely.

Desantis had best come with his A-game, because he's dealing with a man that has retribution against the woke Democrat's in his eyes, and rightfully so.

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