Sources: Trump will announce a 2024 Presidential run on November 14th

Not sure if Desantis can work with Trump. He could I think, but could Trump be a great partner with Desantis, otherwise looking at Trump's record with his previous partner's ? Granted he was good at exposing weaknesses, but could it be that so many were not compatible with him or was it the other way around ?

Trump is a huge egotistical no-nonsense get-r-done kind of character, and Desantis is possibly the same minus the egotistical part. Both would be good for the COUNTRY, but at this point Desantis is carrying the lightest load of baggage along the way.

Let them both battle it out on stage for the nomination for President in 2024, and may the best man win. A Trump/Desantis ticket ? Not likely.

Desantis had best come with his A-game, because he's dealing with a man that has retribution against the woke Democrat's in his eyes, and rightfully so.
He won’t,he will wait at least til 2028 to run fir potus.
Well, Trump announced, and there have been many murmurings about Trump being past his prime among those in the GOP. Wonder if the GOP will tear themselves apart over this? Gonna be an interesting next couple of years..................
Not sure if Desantis can work with Trump. He could I think, but could Trump be a great partner with Desantis, otherwise looking at Trump's record with his previous partner's ? Granted he was good at exposing weaknesses, but could it be that so many were not compatible with him or was it the other way around ?
Trump is too hard on people he works with. He sees them as either loyal underlings or cowardly traitors. You would have to be a family member to be loyal enough to suit him, and not all of them are even loyal enough.
Trump is a huge egotistical no-nonsense get-r-done kind of character, and Desantis is possibly the same minus the egotistical part. Both would be good for the COUNTRY, but at this point Desantis is carrying the lightest load of baggage along the way.
DeSantis' load is lighter than Trump's but it would quickly grow heavier if he were the nominee and the only thing standing in the way of Dems having the White House again in 2025. The dems and the media (redundant) went pretty light on DeSantis for his Martha's Vineyard action, but I doubt they've forgotten it. They will trash him, dig up accusers (as they already have in a fictionalized version) and make him the latest Literally Hitler.

Let them both battle it out on stage for the nomination for President in 2024, and may the best man win. A Trump/Desantis ticket ? Not likely.
Desantis had best come with his A-game, because he's dealing with a man that has retribution against the woke Democrat's in his eyes, and rightfully so.
DeSantis best bet is to say he's honoring his commitment to Florida, and make that state an oasis of economic stability of Biden's Inflation/recession has another term, or the leader in Trump's prosperity if Trump wins.

If Democrats are really serious about putting Fetterman in the VP spot, then whoever runs with Trump will also be running against a Ghost in the Basement.
Well, Trump announced, and there have been many murmurings about Trump being past his prime among those in the GOP. Wonder if the GOP will tear themselves apart over this? Gonna be an interesting next couple of years..................
trump thinks his announcement will fend off the legal issues he is facing. This is the game trump plays...delay, delay, deny, and delay. He will try to run the clock out or try to be re-elected which gives him a degree of immunity.

But trump WILL NEVER be re-elected. So............
trump thinks his announcement will fend off the legal issues he is facing. This is the game trump plays...delay, delay, deny, and delay. He will try to run the clock out or try to be re-elected which gives him a degree of immunity.

But trump WILL NEVER be re-elected. So............
You misspelled the last word.

Trump WILL NEVER be indicted. So. . . .
Low Energy Donald gave a really weak speech. He looked and sounded like a zombie.

I guess snorting Adderall isn't working any more.
He is trying to get voters to see him as a cool calculating person, when in reality he is a crazy, nasty, impulsive piece of feces that does not rise to the level of dog crap on the bottom of my shoe.
trump thinks his announcement will fend off the legal issues he is facing. This is the game trump plays...delay, delay, deny, and delay. He will try to run the clock out or try to be re-elected which gives him a degree of immunity.

But trump WILL NEVER be re-elected. So............
He is unelectable now.

But it's better than that.

Before he finally crashes and burns he is going to inflict so much damage on the G.O.P. that it will be unelectable as well.
He is unelectable now.

But it's better than that.

Before he finally crashes and burns he is going to inflict so much damage on the G.O.P. that it will be unelectable as well.
He will burn the whole thing down if he is not nominated. If he is nominated, he will drag down most of the down ballot people. It should have become obvious after the disastrous mid-terms that the repubs need to move to someone else.
You misspelled the last word.

Trump WILL NEVER be indicted. So. . . .
IF Trump makes it through the primary which is unlikely, the same moderate Republican voters who repulsed the MAGAt candidates last week will just either stay home in 2024 or they will join Dems.
They will NOT vote for Trump.

If he does not make it to the General Election whatever candidate does (DeSantis?) get the nomination is not likely to get the butt-hurt MAGAt tribe vote.
Not after the war that is coming for this nomination.

So that's (let's just say) is about 70 million votes that EON'T be going into DeSantis' column.

This is a TOTAL win-win for Dems!
He will burn the whole thing down if he is not nominated. If he is nominated, he will drag down most of the down ballot people. It should have become obvious after the disastrous mid-terms that the repubs need to move to someone else.
Who the fuck are you kidding? You Communists will trash any Republican candidate for POTUS. Been doing that since time immemorial.
Trump is too hard on people he works with. He sees them as either loyal underlings or cowardly traitors. You would have to be a family member to be loyal enough to suit him, and not all of them are even loyal enough.

DeSantis' load is lighter than Trump's but it would quickly grow heavier if he were the nominee and the only thing standing in the way of Dems having the White House again in 2025. The dems and the media (redundant) went pretty light on DeSantis for his Martha's Vineyard action, but I doubt they've forgotten it. They will trash him, dig up accusers (as they already have in a fictionalized version) and make him the latest Literally Hitler.


DeSantis best bet is to say he's honoring his commitment to Florida, and make that state an oasis of economic stability of Biden's Inflation/recession has another term, or the leader in Trump's prosperity if Trump wins.

If Democrats are really serious about putting Fetterman in the VP spot, then whoever runs with Trump will also be running against a Ghost in the Basement.
The Martha's vineyard thing was over the illegals sent there right ?? Desantis made the right move on that, just as his governor partner Abbott in Texas done the same. The illegal invasion will build up into both governors making the right calls on the issue, so there is no fears of this illegal invasion sponsored by the Dimocrats having a negative effect on either of them come time for their next elections.

Right now or when the house investigation's start, the issue will fall squarely in favor of the republican's, and governors like Desantis and Abbott will be seen as heroes for doing what the constitution requires in a time of an open border security and the violation's of border security.
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There was no big steal.
That is the BIG LIE.
Just think of the problems that the Big Lie has caused, including deaths, injuries, and millions of dollars of needless litigations and damages...all because a fat, lying, pos would not admit he lost to an old man from Delaware.
You think there was no steal because your demented boy "won".
Not at all.
I know there was no steal because none of the dimwit sheeple like yourself claiming some kind of "steal" can ever produce ONE SINGLE SHRED of actual, credible EVIDENCE to verify your claim.

And when you do try to present something that you believe "proves" election fraud it is always some goofy, anecdotal testimony of another loony elecruon denier (usually) just claiming they "witnessed" fraud.....or they "heard" about someone committing fraud....or they "think" there is fraud.

I don't know WHO put it in you people's heads that elections were "easy" to rig and falsify?
Well, actually I do.
But that is NOT the case!

There is a secure chain of custody for every ballot.
All mail in ballots must be signature verified with voter registration rosters.
The security protocols are very effective.

It's nit perfect though.
Mistakes do happen. But the actual numbers for voter fraud are miniscule and only amount to something like one in every hundred million votes or something.

Very uncommon

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