South Africa infrastructure collapsing - The "racists" were right again

Look how the Whites have destroyed S.A.!!!!!!
I'm sure the negroes will put things right though.
Look what the Whites have done to 'the land'! 'The negroes are now actively returning the land to it's 'natural' state.

Whites turned SA into the jewel of the continent. One of the most high-tech countries in the world. Then blacks took over and it's back to the stone age. Same happened in zimbabwe and the congo. And it's happening in america as i speak thanks to the blacks and hispanic illegals. Only whites and asians can make and maintain a first world country.


Whites killed 12,000,000 blacks in Congo and turned it into a slave state so a white, European king get rich.

I'm thinking what happened in the Congo happened 105 years ago for fuck sake!
How fucking stupid are you?
Give the negroes back all of Africa please.
No fucking negroes allowed to enter the US from Africa.
I'm positive every country in Europe will be very happy to enact the same law.
There's no country on the planet that is wanting another negro to move to their country. Why is that?

Why are you a retard?

The Congo was never a high-tech country, retard.

Whites killed 12,000,000 blacks in Congo and turned it into a slave state so a white, European king get rich.


Up until around 1950-60 the congo was doing pretty well under white rule. They had roads and schools and hospitals. It wasn't first world but strong second world lets say. And whites were NOT killing millions of blacks, you liar. Then blacks chased out the whites and everything fell apart.

Clearly, you didn't learn history when you enrolled in that GED off the back of a pack of matches.

Belgian Congo Colonial Genocides Genocide Studies Program Yale University

Whites killed 12,000,000 blacks in Congo and turned it into a slave state so a white, European king get rich.


Up until around 1950-60 the congo was doing pretty well under white rule. They had roads and schools and hospitals. It wasn't first world but strong second world lets say. And whites were NOT killing millions of blacks, you liar. Then blacks chased out the whites and everything fell apart.

Clearly, you didn't learn history when you enrolled in that GED off the back of a pack of matches.

Belgian Congo Colonial Genocides Genocide Studies Program Yale University

That was 100 years ago, you damn fool. The board was talking about the post 1950 era when blacks started demanding control of the congo. Whites weren't killing blacks then but whites did give independence to the blacks in the congo and the country fell apart.

Whites killed 12,000,000 blacks in Congo and turned it into a slave state so a white, European king get rich.


Up until around 1950-60 the congo was doing pretty well under white rule. They had roads and schools and hospitals. It wasn't first world but strong second world lets say. And whites were NOT killing millions of blacks, you liar. Then blacks chased out the whites and everything fell apart.

Clearly, you didn't learn history when you enrolled in that GED off the back of a pack of matches.

Belgian Congo Colonial Genocides Genocide Studies Program Yale University

That was 100 years ago, you damn fool. The board was talking about the post 1950 era when blacks started demanding control of the congo. Whites weren't killing blacks then but whites did give independence to the blacks in the congo and the country fell apart.

White males killed 12,000,000 blacks. If blacks killed 12,000,000 whites, you'd be screaming like a little bitch.

So what is your degree in?

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