South Dakota Lawmaker Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Ban Colored People

And how is that racist? Morons ruin perfectly good words for everyone :/

It allows certain people to practice their racism in a nonviolent way if they choose to. I think that should be allowed. If people care enough to hinder their own sales then they should be allowed to make that decision.
Yes, but believing they have that right isnt racist.

Rights are rights even if you don't like how some people use them. I don't like racism and it took me a long time to see it this way, but the left really did just try to shut it all down by making stuff illegal and shaming people into submission. Intolerance is not the right response to intolerance. At least undo the regulations that were imposed on private business.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

The Civil Rights Act should only pertain to government, fed, state, local, private property and businesses should be left alone.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.
Which is why the Civil Rights Act is needed as much today as in 1964, to address the ignorance and racism that currently exists; the South Dakota lawmaker is one of far too many, unfortunately.
I think they should. I also think black people should be able to ban white people. Its their fucking property. They should be able to ban anyone for anything.
The problem is that the bigots used the force of law and the power of the government to carry out their bigotry. Blacks were forcibly removed and jailed by the police for violating the Jim Crow laws.

It's one thing to say a business owner should be able to ban whomever he chooses. Quite another to abuse the levers of government to enforce bigoted beliefs.

Through their intransigence, the bigots set the precedent for using government force to carry out social policy, and royally screwed the pooch.

And so here we are.
Individuals and businesses should have the right to discriminate.
The government shouldnt be able to discriminate against anyone.
The weak-kneed alt right and libertarian defense of a businessman's right to deny service to anyone he wishes in the public square does not surprise.

In fact, there is no constitutional requirement that endows anyone with the right to do business unregulated in the public square.

Put two more right wing justices on SCOTUS and the CRA still would not be declared unconstitutional.

The right of states to impose PA laws has been recognized as legal by SCOTUS.

So, until SCOTUS decides otherwise, the legal war will continue.
Sorry sissies but the Civil Right's Act (which democrat lawmakers fought against) does not extend to sodomites shopping for a freaking wedding cake (and trolling for discrimination)
I see you dodged the question -- deflection noted
There is no link to the post because angry lefties don't want people to see the source of the fake news. Sodomites lost the battle and now they are trying to twist it into a racial issue. It's a shame.
There is no Constitutional or inaleinable right to do business. The government has a responsibilty to set standards.

Anyone that wishes to do business must be willing to provide services and/or goods to everyone equally.
Please show me where you saw that enumerated power in the constitution.
Anyone that wishes to do business must be willing to provide services and/or goods to everyone equally.

Why? It seems more reasonable to me that a private business owner should be able to do business with whoever he/she chooses.
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If there is a business owner who actually doesn't want certain people, based on skin color, in their business, I want to know who and where they are, so that I don't give them my business. I also want to know who would patronize such a place, for future reference.

So yeah, go ahead and do that, and advertise it.
It's about one more instance of the government telling you how you need to live your life and run your business. Big brother has his dick in everything and people are tired of it.
There is no link to the post because angry lefties don't want people to see the source of the fake news. Sodomites lost the battle and now they are trying to twist it into a racial issue. It's a shame.

I have not been here long enough to be granted permission to post links -- but a second of research will show this story to be true -- but an apologist for racists such as yourself will still deflect
There is no Constitutional or inaleinable right to do business. The government has a responsibilty to set standards.

Anyone that wishes to do business must be willing to provide services and/or goods to everyone equally.
Please show me where you saw that enumerated power in the constitution.

No, you show me where the Constitution says that anyone has a right to do business.

The 'Peace and tranquility' clause in the preamble of the Constitution provides that the government has to make laws that ensure fairness. The principal of 'all men being created equal' provides the underlying philosophical justification.
If there is a business owner who actually doesn't want certain people, based on skin color, in their business, I want to know who and where they are, so that I don't give them my business. I also want to know who would patronize such a place, for future reference.

So yeah, go ahead and do that, and advertise it.
The thing is, there was a time not so long ago when businesses openly advertised WHITES ONLY, and it not only did them no harm, they actually thrived.

We do not want to go backwards.

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