South Dakota Lawmaker Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Ban Colored People

If there is a business owner who actually doesn't want certain people, based on skin color, in their business, I want to know who and where they are, so that I don't give them my business. I also want to know who would patronize such a place, for future reference.

So yeah, go ahead and do that, and advertise it.
The thing is, there was a time not so long ago when businesses openly advertised WHITES ONLY, and it not only did them no harm, they actually thrived.

We do not want to go backwards.
I think the best way to marginalize these cockroaches is to shine a light on them. It ain't pretty, it ain't easy, but it's better than letting them fester. It's partially what gave us TRUMP.
What gave us Trump should inform you that we could easily return to the days of Whites Only lunch counters, and that such businesses would thrive again.

Most businesses care about only their bottom line and would not want such bad publicity anyways. Very few businesses (and no large businesses with shareholders) are going to be discriminating against anyone. That would be bad for business in today's day and age.
There is no Constitutional or inaleinable right to do business. The government has a responsibilty to set standards.

Anyone that wishes to do business must be willing to provide services and/or goods to everyone equally.

I think I'd take the other side of both those statements.
If there is a business owner who actually doesn't want certain people, based on skin color, in their business, I want to know who and where they are, so that I don't give them my business. I also want to know who would patronize such a place, for future reference.

So yeah, go ahead and do that, and advertise it.
The thing is, there was a time not so long ago when businesses openly advertised WHITES ONLY, and it not only did them no harm, they actually thrived.

We do not want to go backwards.
I think the best way to marginalize these cockroaches is to shine a light on them. It ain't pretty, it ain't easy, but it's better than letting them fester. It's partially what gave us TRUMP.
What gave us Trump should inform you that we could easily return to the days of Whites Only lunch counters, and that such businesses would thrive again.
I doubt it. When in doubt, I always defer to freedom of expression.

I want to know how the crazies are, and who agrees with them.
You seem to believe knowing who the crazies are would stop them from being crazy. History refutes you soundly.

I can show you a photo of the crazies who help bigotry thrive.

So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.
Kansas City, a liberal city. Run by liberals. Regulated by liberals. Trys to prevent blacks from going into the nicer districts and shopping centers by using dress codes (no baggy pants, no gang colors, no bandannas, etc) and curfews for inner city blacks.

What say you?
If there is a business owner who actually doesn't want certain people, based on skin color, in their business, I want to know who and where they are, so that I don't give them my business. I also want to know who would patronize such a place, for future reference.

So yeah, go ahead and do that, and advertise it.
The thing is, there was a time not so long ago when businesses openly advertised WHITES ONLY, and it not only did them no harm, they actually thrived.

We do not want to go backwards.
I think the best way to marginalize these cockroaches is to shine a light on them. It ain't pretty, it ain't easy, but it's better than letting them fester. It's partially what gave us TRUMP.
What gave us Trump should inform you that we could easily return to the days of Whites Only lunch counters, and that such businesses would thrive again.
I doubt it. When in doubt, I always defer to freedom of expression.

I want to know how the crazies are, and who agrees with them.
You seem to believe knowing who the crazies are would stop them from being crazy. History refutes you soundly.

I can show you a photo of the crazies who help bigotry thrive.


That is a completely different era in time.
There is no Constitutional or inaleinable right to do business. The government has a responsibilty to set standards.

Anyone that wishes to do business must be willing to provide services and/or goods to everyone equally.
Please show me where you saw that enumerated power in the constitution.

No, you show me where the Constitution says that anyone has a right to do business.

The 'Peace and tranquility' clause in the preamble of the Constitution provides that the government has to make laws that ensure fairness. The principal of 'all men being created equal' provides the underlying philosophical justification.
wth does that have to do with the govt forcing business owners to go against their will?
What a silly argument.
There's the crazy who actively bans the negroes. Then there's the crazy who engages the negroes by physically attacking them. And then there is the mob standing around providing moral support and silent consent.

That's all it takes for bigoted businesses to thrive.

The thing is, there was a time not so long ago when businesses openly advertised WHITES ONLY, and it not only did them no harm, they actually thrived.

We do not want to go backwards.
I think the best way to marginalize these cockroaches is to shine a light on them. It ain't pretty, it ain't easy, but it's better than letting them fester. It's partially what gave us TRUMP.
What gave us Trump should inform you that we could easily return to the days of Whites Only lunch counters, and that such businesses would thrive again.
I doubt it. When in doubt, I always defer to freedom of expression.

I want to know how the crazies are, and who agrees with them.
You seem to believe knowing who the crazies are would stop them from being crazy. History refutes you soundly.

I can show you a photo of the crazies who help bigotry thrive.


That is a completely different era in time.
Do you think humans have evolved as a species?

We haven't. It is precisely because of our laws that we have not returned to those days.

Remove the laws, and this country will rush back to those days so fast your head would spin.
I think they should. I also think black people should be able to ban white people. Its their fucking property. They should be able to ban anyone for anything.
I hate people from Tennessee and the name of the state is spelled funny..
I think the best way to marginalize these cockroaches is to shine a light on them. It ain't pretty, it ain't easy, but it's better than letting them fester. It's partially what gave us TRUMP.
What gave us Trump should inform you that we could easily return to the days of Whites Only lunch counters, and that such businesses would thrive again.
I doubt it. When in doubt, I always defer to freedom of expression.

I want to know how the crazies are, and who agrees with them.
You seem to believe knowing who the crazies are would stop them from being crazy. History refutes you soundly.

I can show you a photo of the crazies who help bigotry thrive.


That is a completely different era in time.
Do you think humans have evolved as a species?

We haven't. It is precisely because of our laws that we have not returned to those days.

Remove the laws, and this country will rush back to those days so fast your head would spin.

No it wouldn't. People have completely different attitudes and are more educated today. Many black people OWN businesses, fool.
I think the best way to marginalize these cockroaches is to shine a light on them. It ain't pretty, it ain't easy, but it's better than letting them fester. It's partially what gave us TRUMP.
What gave us Trump should inform you that we could easily return to the days of Whites Only lunch counters, and that such businesses would thrive again.
I doubt it. When in doubt, I always defer to freedom of expression.

I want to know how the crazies are, and who agrees with them.
You seem to believe knowing who the crazies are would stop them from being crazy. History refutes you soundly.

I can show you a photo of the crazies who help bigotry thrive.


That is a completely different era in time.
Do you think humans have evolved as a species?

We haven't. It is precisely because of our laws that we have not returned to those days.

Remove the laws, and this country will rush back to those days so fast your head would spin.
Clubs and nooses are extra.
I think the best way to marginalize these cockroaches is to shine a light on them. It ain't pretty, it ain't easy, but it's better than letting them fester. It's partially what gave us TRUMP.
What gave us Trump should inform you that we could easily return to the days of Whites Only lunch counters, and that such businesses would thrive again.
I doubt it. When in doubt, I always defer to freedom of expression.

I want to know how the crazies are, and who agrees with them.
You seem to believe knowing who the crazies are would stop them from being crazy. History refutes you soundly.

I can show you a photo of the crazies who help bigotry thrive.


That is a completely different era in time.
Do you think humans have evolved as a species?

We haven't. It is precisely because of our laws that we have not returned to those days.

Remove the laws, and this country will rush back to those days so fast your head would spin.
The govt knows better than you, so do as i say.
This is why people call you a leftist.
What gave us Trump should inform you that we could easily return to the days of Whites Only lunch counters, and that such businesses would thrive again.
I doubt it. When in doubt, I always defer to freedom of expression.

I want to know how the crazies are, and who agrees with them.
You seem to believe knowing who the crazies are would stop them from being crazy. History refutes you soundly.

I can show you a photo of the crazies who help bigotry thrive.


That is a completely different era in time.
Do you think humans have evolved as a species?

We haven't. It is precisely because of our laws that we have not returned to those days.

Remove the laws, and this country will rush back to those days so fast your head would spin.

No it wouldn't. People have completely different attitudes and are more educated today. Many black people OWN businesses, fool.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.
Kansas City, a liberal city. Run by liberals. Regulated by liberals. Trys to prevent blacks from going into the nicer districts and shopping centers by using dress codes (no baggy pants, no gang colors, no bandannas, etc) and curfews for inner city blacks.

What say you?
I don't respect racists, people who try to make excuses for racists and people who are dishonest.

1. White kids wear baggy pants, bandannas, etc --- now if those dress codes are only enforced on black kids and not white kids -- that is discrimination.
2. The curfews are in 5 entertainment districts -- if that curfew is only enforced against black kids and not white kids -- that would be discrimination.

You assuming liberal politicians can't also be discriminatory is just your stupid assumption -- but as usual, your whata-boutsim failed -- and you have shown me to be one of those three classes of people I don't respect.
If there is a business owner who actually doesn't want certain people, based on skin color, in their business, I want to know who and where they are, so that I don't give them my business. I also want to know who would patronize such a place, for future reference.

So yeah, go ahead and do that, and advertise it.

But your tax dollars are still being used to create and maintain roads that bring that business's goods to them to sell or allows that business's goods to get to market to sell.

Your tax dollars are still paying for the police that serve and protect that business.

Your tax dollars are still paying for the firefighters who put fires out if they happen at that business.

Your tax dollars are still going to the court system that business uses.

Sure if they want to discriminate let everyone know and totally cut them off from 100% of every benefit they get from tax dollars. So they would have to create their own infrastructure to get their goods to sell or get their goods to market.

That's not reasonable. The most reasonable thing is to follow our constitution and not discriminate against people in business.
There was a time when businesses did provide their own infrastructure. That was how our country was built in the beginning, actually. Private enterprise built the roads and the steamship canals and the railroads.

In fact, there was a time when there were huge debates about whether or not the federal government had the constitutional authority to fund infrastructure projects. Federal funding for the Erie Canal was turned down for this reason.

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