South Dakota Resisted Shutdown, Now It's a Hotspot

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you!

So how did those folks in nursing homes and jails etc get the virus.

They sure don't get out a they...

You just don't CARE
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

I know a number of aged people that are in panic over this. If they catch the virus it's going to kill them. Not might, WILL. Until the testing and isolation gets to the point where we can have entire regions none of us have any idea who is sick with the Virus or even whom the carriers are that aren't sick. You don't have to actually have the symptoms to spread it. I don't see enough emphasis on this by you "The Party of the Rump" I guess we need to rely on the sane in this but you sickos just keep getting in the way.
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

I know a number of aged people that are in panic over this. If they catch the virus it's going to kill them. Not might, WILL. Until the testing and isolation gets to the point where we can have entire regions none of us have any idea who is sick with the Virus or even whom the carriers are that aren't sick. You don't have to actually have the symptoms to spread it. I don't see enough emphasis on this by you "The Party of the Rump" I guess we need to rely on the sane in this but you sickos just keep getting in the way.

Your credibility is kind of low. Aren’t you the one who said in December that Trump had two choices....resignation or suicide?
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.

How’s that “hot spot” business working out for you and Crepitus ?

What’s good for Americans always turns out to be bad for Democrats doesn’t it?

Chickenshit OP has vacated the thread.

They do this. Huge amounts of mud thrown. Then they abandon what didn’t stick never mind the damage to the country.
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

Wasn’t too long ago Lesh was whining the Iranians were going to kill him because Trump offed one of their terrorists.

Liberalism has emasculated them all.
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

I know a number of aged people that are in panic over this. If they catch the virus it's going to kill them. Not might, WILL. Until the testing and isolation gets to the point where we can have entire regions none of us have any idea who is sick with the Virus or even whom the carriers are that aren't sick. You don't have to actually have the symptoms to spread it. I don't see enough emphasis on this by you "The Party of the Rump" I guess we need to rely on the sane in this but you sickos just keep getting in the way.
So let the "aged" people isolate! The only reason for locking down America was supposedly to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed. That hasn't why are we still locking everything down? To "out wait" a virus? It isn't going anywhere. So what's YOUR solution? Keeping our economy closed for another year while they develop a vaccine? You do realize that's completely unfeasible...right?
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

Wasn’t too long ago Lesh was whining the Iranians were going to kill him because Trump offed one of their terrorists.

Liberalism has emasculated them all.
Don't fucking lie about me. I'm tired of your shit
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

I know a number of aged people that are in panic over this. If they catch the virus it's going to kill them. Not might, WILL. Until the testing and isolation gets to the point where we can have entire regions none of us have any idea who is sick with the Virus or even whom the carriers are that aren't sick. You don't have to actually have the symptoms to spread it. I don't see enough emphasis on this by you "The Party of the Rump" I guess we need to rely on the sane in this but you sickos just keep getting in the way.
Damn right
So let the "aged" people isolate!
There are ten THOUSAND "aged" people in nursing homes DEAD

THEY isolated

That's what you have planned for everyone over 50 and many younger than that?
Actually part of the problem with elderly people dying in nursing homes was New York's policy of elderly people HAVING Covid 19 being put back in nursing homes. You might want to talk to Cuomo about the wisdom of THAT! Oh, wait...he's a liberal! What was I thinking...he walks on water...right, Lesh?
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here


Actually dumbass.....Norway has as many infections as Sweden when adjusted for population. Finland is lower. Belgium is way above Sweden and Holland is on par (adjusted for population).

What do you make of that ?
I'm still waiting to hear your solution, Lesh! You want to keep the economy shut down for another six months? Another year? You think there's going to be any jobs left to come back to at that point?
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

I know a number of aged people that are in panic over this. If they catch the virus it's going to kill them. Not might, WILL. Until the testing and isolation gets to the point where we can have entire regions none of us have any idea who is sick with the Virus or even whom the carriers are that aren't sick. You don't have to actually have the symptoms to spread it. I don't see enough emphasis on this by you "The Party of the Rump" I guess we need to rely on the sane in this but you sickos just keep getting in the way.
Damn right

We've said from the start, the elderly need to be isolated. When I was in Phoenix, I was in a Home Depot. 1/2 of the employees were over 60 (and in some cases way over 60). No masks and no social distancing. I thought....this is a fuck up. In a space of five minutes, three women came through the front door with infants in car carriers. I thought....this is really a fuck up.

We need to watch out for the vulnerable.

But these folks don't seem to be in a panic.

That's for damn sure.

They might not need to panic, but they sure as hell should be doing better than this.
I have a residual
I'm still waiting to hear your solution, Lesh! You want to keep the economy shut down for another six months? Another year? You think there's going to be any jobs left to come back to at that point?

You can have the world back to work and you can protect the elderly.

If I was worried about getting sick (and I was 65) I'd be in my house with only my wife. I'd get someone to do my shopping and there would be no visits or visitors. That simple. elderly gentleman (77) across the street from where I was staying. Out front every day with his elderly wife....neighbors over.....and all kinds of neighborhood kids (who were running around in packs) visiting (less than 6 feet) some sitting in his lap. I thought.....dude......
So let the "aged" people isolate!
There are ten THOUSAND "aged" people in nursing homes DEAD

THEY isolated

That's what you have planned for everyone over 50 and many younger than that?
Actually part of the problem with elderly people dying in nursing homes was New York's policy of elderly people HAVING Covid 19 being put back in nursing homes. You might want to talk to Cuomo about the wisdom of THAT! Oh, wait...he's a liberal! What was I thinking...he walks on water...right, Lesh?

Sweden says that is why their numbers are so high. It got into several large nursing homes and has taken out a lot of patients.
They'll be working in South Dakota! Maybe everyone from Michigan can move there?

Fucking A ???

If I lived in South Dakota, I'd be asking the governor to arrest and isolate anyone with a New York or New Jersey plate.

Fuck them for trying to get away from their own mess.
So let the "aged" people isolate!
There are ten THOUSAND "aged" people in nursing homes DEAD

THEY isolated

That's what you have planned for everyone over 50 and many younger than that?

Nursing homes are notorious for spreading infection. Someone gets the flue and they clear out a whole wing until it passes.

All it takes is want to talk population density ? A nursing home takes the case.

So, if you live in one....GET OUT NOW.

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