South Dakota Resisted Shutdown, Now It's a Hotspot

Norway locked down. They have 200 dead
Sweden did not. They have 2000
Sweden had almost as many dead YESTERDAY as Norway has had in total

So what.

That proves nothing.

As I've already posted, Belgium and Holland (Both locked down) are doing worse than Sweden.

So you put aside the Norway only argument.

It does not work.
You're just upset that you were corrected.

Sorry for providing you with factual numbers, I guess.

You have not provided any math. So I guess that makes you a liar.

I've posted this several times now for you. Total cases/1M pop is math.


Total cases/1M pop means the total number of cases for each million people in that country. This gives us the infection rate for each country, when adjusting for population.

Notice that Sweden has 1,659 cases for each million people. Meanwhile Norway has 1,365 total cases for each million people. Therefore, since 1,659 > 1,365, Sweden's infection rate is higher than Norway's infection rate when adjusting for population size.

There you have it. Math. Numbers. Rates. Let me know which part of that you're having difficulty with and I'll help you through it.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.

Crepitus. Man I’ll bet New York wishes it was a “hot spot” like South Dakota with “exponential growth”.

Sun Devil 92 this won’t shut them up. They are liberals and lower China virus deaths are a crushing disappointment to them. They are back to hoping Iran annihilates us.

But it’s fun to
As of today, South Dakota ranks 45th out of 50 states in deaths per million.

Still looking for this "hot spot" the OP speaks of
North Dakota. 1/2 the infections...almost 2X times the deaths

Wyoming. 1/4 the infections...same number of deaths

Idaho...fewer infections...5X deaths

And on and on...

Some day we're going to have to study the constitution of folks from SD. They appear to be supermen
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As of today, South Dakota ranks 45th out of 50 states in deaths per million.

Still looking for this "hot spot" the OP speaks of
North Dakota. 1/2 the infections...almost 2X times the deaths

Wyoming. 1/4 the infections...same number of deaths

Idaho...fewer infections...5X deaths

And on and on...

Some day we're going to have to study the constitution of folks from SD. They appear to be supermen
awe...................your body bag count doesn't support your NARRATIVE.......

maybe more will die for you tomorrow..........poor thing.

You realize you sound like a mortician looking for business don't you.............
Norway locked down. They have 200 dead
Sweden did not. They have 2000
Sweden had almost as many dead YESTERDAY as Norway has had in total
Other countries need to man up like Sweden. Herd immunity is the only solution.
Sweden cases falling off.

S.D. throws another no-hitter yesterday (deaths).

Cases are dropping off.

Add two to the death total, 13.

Up to 2,373 cases.
Add two to the death total, 13.

Up to 2,373 cases.

Wow, New York had 4,500 new cases today.

New York and New Jersey have 1/2 of the U.S deaths.

But South Dakota should run for the Black Hills.

Are you really trying to compare populations or population density of New York/New Jersey to the prairie dog boondocks?

Where did I say anything about population density ?

This thread is about a moron calling South Dakota a Hot Spot when they don't have the density to be a Hot Spot.

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