South Dakota Resisted Shutdown, Now It's a Hotspot

Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

I know a number of aged people that are in panic over this. If they catch the virus it's going to kill them. Not might, WILL. Until the testing and isolation gets to the point where we can have entire regions none of us have any idea who is sick with the Virus or even whom the carriers are that aren't sick. You don't have to actually have the symptoms to spread it. I don't see enough emphasis on this by you "The Party of the Rump" I guess we need to rely on the sane in this but you sickos just keep getting in the way.
So let the "aged" people isolate! The only reason for locking down America was supposedly to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed. That hasn't why are we still locking everything down? To "out wait" a virus? It isn't going anywhere. So what's YOUR solution? Keeping our economy closed for another year while they develop a vaccine? You do realize that's completely unfeasible...right?

Rump has the power to get enough testing supplies for each and every citizen. No Governor has that power. Only the President who can task industry in getting busy and getting those testing kits manufactured AND distrobuted. The State can require ALL citizens in the state to be tested and then isolate those that test positive. But until EVERY citizen is tested you won't know who is sick with it and whom the carriers are. Then we can have entire regions open back up because the virus isn't in those that are NOT isolated. The State Governors want this but Rump isn't doing his job. Imagine, requiring Rump to do his job or resign. As it stands now, you can't open up entire regions like He claims or supports. And you keep making excuses for him to not do his Friggin Job. Only "The Party of the Rump" would do what you do.
Yeah, like Trump is responsible for the cluster fuck that is New York? You're not going to test your way out of this. Sorry but that's a pipe dream. For the vast majority of people this virus is seems to be just another flu. You have get over get on with your life! That's what will be happening in South Dakota. That's NOT what will be happening in other States! You're just delaying the inevitable there.

So you choose one of the states with the lowest population per square mile and use that as an example? Only a "Party of the Rump" can do that.
You on the left continually use New York as your "template" for what other States should be doing. Why would less populous States need to lock down like they did in New York City? Because the main stream media has scared the shit out of them thinking that they're going through the "zombie apocalypse"?

Because the bulk of the SD Population is in ONE city. Sioux Falls is laid out similar to Los Angeles. Not many tall buildings but a hell of a lot of people. Can you say that locking the entire state is warranted? You can if a major Interstate that is very active runs through all the other Cities and Towns with any amount of population. I-90 hits the all. When you biggest city is just over 150K and you just had a major hit then you are in need of TESTING for each and every citizen. You can either lock it down, get everyone tested and isolate the ones that can pass it on or watch a spike happen later. And there is only one man capable of getting enough testing kits made for each and every man, woman and child in the US and that is Rump. Stop covering for Rump and tell him to either do his job or resign. I am confident that his VP is capable. He was involved in the H1N1 thing when he was governor. In 11 days, the major population centers in the States that were affected had the H1N1 isolated. Pence may be a lot of negatives, but for the Corona Virus, he's the one that should be President.
You don't think Trump is doing his job? What a crock! In New York State the Democratic Governor said they would need 30,000 ventilators and a hundred thousand hospital beds or the death toll would be astronomical! Turns out they needed 5,000 ventilators and about 12,000 beds! Trump told us all that he thought Cuomo's numbers were inflated and the media roasted him for it. So who was right? Trump was! The part of the population that needed the most protection in New York State were the elderly in nursing homes. So what did New York State do? They forced nursing homes to readmit patients who had tested positive for the virus so that they would have enough empty beds in hospitals for the hundred thousand people THEY predicted would need them! So now 25% of the deaths in New York State took place in nursing that were put at terrible risk by a policy that forced them in take patients with Covid!
That's not Trump failing! He got New York the ventilators they needed. He got them additional hospital beds...building a temporary hospital at the Javits Center in less than a week and sending a Navy hospital ship to the city! He did his job! Cuomo on the other hand? He didn't even know they HAD the policy that forced those infected patients back into the nursing homes endangering and killing others!
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.

SD is not a hot spot, the Wash post lied once again.
9 deaths in S. Dakota so far............YAWN in comparison.
No state with 2,000 cases has less than 45 deaths...and yet SD had 9

No state with more than 1000 cases has less than 45 deaths.

Folks from SD must be super human.... or someone has an active eraser
And you base this all on what, Lesh? Your need to show that the Governor of South Dakota didn't take the right approach? Here's the problem you have. If you don't accuse South Dakota of covering up deaths then it's obvious that her approach was spot on! She didn't lock down the State. She followed common sense policies. She treated the people on her State like adults. She didn't panic like so many other politicians did and the people of her State are better off for it.

All of which drives you CRAZY because it doesn't fit the doom and gloom narrative you on the left have been pushing as you attempt to kill our economy!
9 deaths in S. Dakota so far............YAWN in comparison.
No state with 2,000 cases has less than 45 deaths...and yet SD had 9

No state with more than 1000 cases has less than 45 deaths.

Folks from SD must be super human.... or someone has an active eraser
And you base this all on what, Lesh? Your need to show that the Governor of South Dakota didn't take the right approach? Here's the problem you have. If you don't accuse South Dakota of covering up deaths then it's obvious that her approach was spot on! She didn't lock down the State. She followed common sense policies. She treated the people on her State like adults. She didn't panic like so many other politicians did and the people of her State are better off for it.

All of which drives you CRAZY because it doesn't fit the doom and gloom narrative you on the left have been pushing as you attempt to kill our economy!
Obvious that doing nothing was “spot on”?

how is it that people miraculously don’t die of CV in SD but the opposite I’m EVERY other state?
Cali is dealing effectively?

LOL..not big on stats, are you? Lessee..first you look at the total population of California..than you look at the projected cases statewide..absent any measures...than you look at the current stats. You make a per capita breakdown..and than you compare it others--like say..New York. You make a curve...and see what the difference in the projections is..lock-down vs no lock-down.

I'm not going to bother...having already read the breakdowns--but if you're interested in a true picture--that's what it takes. Besides..on this forum..once you mention California..all good sense and reason flies out the window.
7 PER MILLION ............YAWN
The Bronx alone has almost twice as many people as South Dakota. And hey, are there subways in South Dakota? Eagle wins moron of the year award.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.

Got my thread out there about Washington County Utah....they never really shut down. About 10 cases and 1 death.

You guys just need to keep the crisis going even if it kills the thin slivers of integrity and credibility you have.
Do they have subways there?
9 deaths in S. Dakota so far............YAWN in comparison.
No state with 2,000 cases has less than 45 deaths...and yet SD had 9

No state with more than 1000 cases has less than 45 deaths.

Folks from SD must be super human.... or someone has an active eraser
And you base this all on what, Lesh? Your need to show that the Governor of South Dakota didn't take the right approach? Here's the problem you have. If you don't accuse South Dakota of covering up deaths then it's obvious that her approach was spot on! She didn't lock down the State. She followed common sense policies. She treated the people on her State like adults. She didn't panic like so many other politicians did and the people of her State are better off for it.

All of which drives you CRAZY because it doesn't fit the doom and gloom narrative you on the left have been pushing as you attempt to kill our economy!
Obvious that doing nothing was “spot on”?

how is it that people miraculously don’t die of CV in SD but the opposite I’m EVERY other state?
You tell me, Lesh! You're the one who's convinced that South Dakota MUST be lying because they're handling this pandemic better than other places! Governor Christi Noem is everything that you liberals hate! She's a conservative. She's a woman. She competent and worst of all...she believes in personal responsibility and treating her constituents like adults not children!
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

Wasn’t too long ago Lesh was whining the Iranians were going to kill him because Trump offed one of their terrorists.

Liberalism has emasculated them all.
Don't fucking lie about me. I'm tired of your shit

Stop your whining. Don’t make me post quotes.
Cali is dealing effectively?

LOL..not big on stats, are you? Lessee..first you look at the total population of California..than you look at the projected cases statewide..absent any measures...than you look at the current stats. You make a per capita breakdown..and than you compare it others--like say..New York. You make a curve...and see what the difference in the projections is..lock-down vs no lock-down.

I'm not going to bother...having already read the breakdowns--but if you're interested in a true picture--that's what it takes. Besides..on this forum..once you mention California..all good sense and reason flies out the window.
7 PER MILLION ............YAWN
The Bronx alone has almost twice as many people as South Dakota. And hey, are there subways in South Dakota? Eagle wins moron of the year award.
And yet the main stream media was attacking the Governor of South Dakota because she wasn't acting like South Dakota WAS the Bronx! Let's face facts...she had it right! She didn't close down everything because there wasn't the need to do that and she had enough spine to absorb the attacks on her that she must have know would be coming!
Norway locked down. They have 200 dead
Sweden did not. They have 2000
Sweden had almost as many dead YESTERDAY as Norway has had in total
Cali is dealing effectively?

LOL..not big on stats, are you? Lessee..first you look at the total population of California..than you look at the projected cases statewide..absent any measures...than you look at the current stats. You make a per capita breakdown..and than you compare it others--like say..New York. You make a curve...and see what the difference in the projections is..lock-down vs no lock-down.

I'm not going to bother...having already read the breakdowns--but if you're interested in a true picture--that's what it takes. Besides..on this forum..once you mention California..all good sense and reason flies out the window.
7 PER MILLION ............YAWN
The Bronx alone has almost twice as many people as South Dakota. And hey, are there subways in South Dakota? Eagle wins moron of the year award.

Quoting that South Dakota has only a million people in it makes me a MORON.........'s actually 9 per million deaths at this point dumbass....unless more died since last night.
Norway locked down. They have 200 dead
Sweden did not. They have 2000
Sweden had almost as many dead YESTERDAY as Norway has had in total
Who wins in the fall.............get back to me then.......Sweden will have herd immunity and Norway will probably not have it.

Wars are not won in a single battle............time will tell who was right.
Sweden's numbers will decline...Norway's will increase as they are forced to come out of lock down.
Maybe...likely not. Sweden is on the increase
Norway is still on lock down...what's going to happen when they come out of it? Sweden's population is being gradually exposed so the number of people with immunity is going to be far larger than Norway.
You mean like the TEN THOUSAND dead folks in nursing homes?

You should have spent your entire life locked down. That isn’t a pimple on flu’s ass.


Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

I know a number of aged people that are in panic over this. If they catch the virus it's going to kill them. Not might, WILL. Until the testing and isolation gets to the point where we can have entire regions none of us have any idea who is sick with the Virus or even whom the carriers are that aren't sick. You don't have to actually have the symptoms to spread it. I don't see enough emphasis on this by you "The Party of the Rump" I guess we need to rely on the sane in this but you sickos just keep getting in the way.
So let the "aged" people isolate! The only reason for locking down America was supposedly to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed. That hasn't why are we still locking everything down? To "out wait" a virus? It isn't going anywhere. So what's YOUR solution? Keeping our economy closed for another year while they develop a vaccine? You do realize that's completely unfeasible...right?

Rump has the power to get enough testing supplies for each and every citizen. No Governor has that power. Only the President who can task industry in getting busy and getting those testing kits manufactured AND distrobuted. The State can require ALL citizens in the state to be tested and then isolate those that test positive. But until EVERY citizen is tested you won't know who is sick with it and whom the carriers are. Then we can have entire regions open back up because the virus isn't in those that are NOT isolated. The State Governors want this but Rump isn't doing his job. Imagine, requiring Rump to do his job or resign. As it stands now, you can't open up entire regions like He claims or supports. And you keep making excuses for him to not do his Friggin Job. Only "The Party of the Rump" would do what you do.
Yeah, like Trump is responsible for the cluster fuck that is New York? You're not going to test your way out of this. Sorry but that's a pipe dream. For the vast majority of people this virus is seems to be just another flu. You have get over get on with your life! That's what will be happening in South Dakota. That's NOT what will be happening in other States! You're just delaying the inevitable there.

So you choose one of the states with the lowest population per square mile and use that as an example? Only a "Party of the Rump" can do that.
You on the left continually use New York as your "template" for what other States should be doing. Why would less populous States need to lock down like they did in New York City? Because the main stream media has scared the shit out of them thinking that they're going through the "zombie apocalypse"?

Because the bulk of the SD Population is in ONE city. Sioux Falls is laid out similar to Los Angeles. Not many tall buildings but a hell of a lot of people. Can you say that locking the entire state is warranted? You can if a major Interstate that is very active runs through all the other Cities and Towns with any amount of population. I-90 hits the all. When you biggest city is just over 150K and you just had a major hit then you are in need of TESTING for each and every citizen. You can either lock it down, get everyone tested and isolate the ones that can pass it on or watch a spike happen later. And there is only one man capable of getting enough testing kits made for each and every man, woman and child in the US and that is Rump. Stop covering for Rump and tell him to either do his job or resign. I am confident that his VP is capable. He was involved in the H1N1 thing when he was governor. In 11 days, the major population centers in the States that were affected had the H1N1 isolated. Pence may be a lot of negatives, but for the Corona Virus, he's the one that should be President.
You don't think Trump is doing his job? What a crock! In New York State the Democratic Governor said they would need 30,000 ventilators and a hundred thousand hospital beds or the death toll would be astronomical! Turns out they needed 5,000 ventilators and about 12,000 beds! Trump told us all that he thought Cuomo's numbers were inflated and the media roasted him for it. So who was right? Trump was! The part of the population that needed the most protection in New York State were the elderly in nursing homes. So what did New York State do? They forced nursing homes to readmit patients who had tested positive for the virus so that they would have enough empty beds in hospitals for the hundred thousand people THEY predicted would need them! So now 25% of the deaths in New York State took place in nursing that were put at terrible risk by a policy that forced them in take patients with Covid!
That's not Trump failing! He got New York the ventilators they needed. He got them additional hospital beds...building a temporary hospital at the Javits Center in less than a week and sending a Navy hospital ship to the city! He did his job! Cuomo on the other hand? He didn't even know they HAD the policy that forced those infected patients back into the nursing homes endangering and killing others!

Most of what you give Rump credit for was done by the Mayor and the Governor. And then you go off where they are sending sick Covid Patients to the Rest Homes to kill off more of the elderly. What's next, you going to claim they have death squads lining up the Elderly on old abandoned Warehouse walls? Only "The Party of the Rump" does this. So glad your bunch is going to be gone come November/
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

I know a number of aged people that are in panic over this. If they catch the virus it's going to kill them. Not might, WILL. Until the testing and isolation gets to the point where we can have entire regions none of us have any idea who is sick with the Virus or even whom the carriers are that aren't sick. You don't have to actually have the symptoms to spread it. I don't see enough emphasis on this by you "The Party of the Rump" I guess we need to rely on the sane in this but you sickos just keep getting in the way.
So let the "aged" people isolate! The only reason for locking down America was supposedly to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed. That hasn't why are we still locking everything down? To "out wait" a virus? It isn't going anywhere. So what's YOUR solution? Keeping our economy closed for another year while they develop a vaccine? You do realize that's completely unfeasible...right?

Rump has the power to get enough testing supplies for each and every citizen. No Governor has that power. Only the President who can task industry in getting busy and getting those testing kits manufactured AND distrobuted. The State can require ALL citizens in the state to be tested and then isolate those that test positive. But until EVERY citizen is tested you won't know who is sick with it and whom the carriers are. Then we can have entire regions open back up because the virus isn't in those that are NOT isolated. The State Governors want this but Rump isn't doing his job. Imagine, requiring Rump to do his job or resign. As it stands now, you can't open up entire regions like He claims or supports. And you keep making excuses for him to not do his Friggin Job. Only "The Party of the Rump" would do what you do.
Yeah, like Trump is responsible for the cluster fuck that is New York? You're not going to test your way out of this. Sorry but that's a pipe dream. For the vast majority of people this virus is seems to be just another flu. You have get over get on with your life! That's what will be happening in South Dakota. That's NOT what will be happening in other States! You're just delaying the inevitable there.

So you choose one of the states with the lowest population per square mile and use that as an example? Only a "Party of the Rump" can do that.
You on the left continually use New York as your "template" for what other States should be doing. Why would less populous States need to lock down like they did in New York City? Because the main stream media has scared the shit out of them thinking that they're going through the "zombie apocalypse"?

Because the bulk of the SD Population is in ONE city. Sioux Falls is laid out similar to Los Angeles. Not many tall buildings but a hell of a lot of people. Can you say that locking the entire state is warranted? You can if a major Interstate that is very active runs through all the other Cities and Towns with any amount of population. I-90 hits the all. When you biggest city is just over 150K and you just had a major hit then you are in need of TESTING for each and every citizen. You can either lock it down, get everyone tested and isolate the ones that can pass it on or watch a spike happen later. And there is only one man capable of getting enough testing kits made for each and every man, woman and child in the US and that is Rump. Stop covering for Rump and tell him to either do his job or resign. I am confident that his VP is capable. He was involved in the H1N1 thing when he was governor. In 11 days, the major population centers in the States that were affected had the H1N1 isolated. Pence may be a lot of negatives, but for the Corona Virus, he's the one that should be President.
You don't think Trump is doing his job? What a crock! In New York State the Democratic Governor said they would need 30,000 ventilators and a hundred thousand hospital beds or the death toll would be astronomical! Turns out they needed 5,000 ventilators and about 12,000 beds! Trump told us all that he thought Cuomo's numbers were inflated and the media roasted him for it. So who was right? Trump was! The part of the population that needed the most protection in New York State were the elderly in nursing homes. So what did New York State do? They forced nursing homes to readmit patients who had tested positive for the virus so that they would have enough empty beds in hospitals for the hundred thousand people THEY predicted would need them! So now 25% of the deaths in New York State took place in nursing that were put at terrible risk by a policy that forced them in take patients with Covid!
That's not Trump failing! He got New York the ventilators they needed. He got them additional hospital beds...building a temporary hospital at the Javits Center in less than a week and sending a Navy hospital ship to the city! He did his job! Cuomo on the other hand? He didn't even know they HAD the policy that forced those infected patients back into the nursing homes endangering and killing others!

Most of what you give Rump credit for was done by the Mayor and the Governor. And then you go off where they are sending sick Covid Patients to the Rest Homes to kill off more of the elderly. What's next, you going to claim they have death squads lining up the Elderly on old abandoned Warehouse walls? Only "The Party of the Rump" does this. So glad your bunch is going to be gone come November/
What's sad is that they may as well have lined those nursing home patients up in front of firing squads! Would anyone like to explain to me what the rationale was for forcing nursing homes to take patients back that had tested positive for Corona virus? What idiot was it that thought sending people infected with Covid 19 back into nursing homes filled with the most vulnerable people in our population was such a good idea that they made it illegal for nursing homes to refuse to comply with that order?

The Mayor and the Governor weren't the ones who got that military field hospital built at the Javits Center in record time or brought the Navy hospital ship to New York harbor. That was the Federal Government...that was Trump!
Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

I know a number of aged people that are in panic over this. If they catch the virus it's going to kill them. Not might, WILL. Until the testing and isolation gets to the point where we can have entire regions none of us have any idea who is sick with the Virus or even whom the carriers are that aren't sick. You don't have to actually have the symptoms to spread it. I don't see enough emphasis on this by you "The Party of the Rump" I guess we need to rely on the sane in this but you sickos just keep getting in the way.
So let the "aged" people isolate! The only reason for locking down America was supposedly to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed. That hasn't why are we still locking everything down? To "out wait" a virus? It isn't going anywhere. So what's YOUR solution? Keeping our economy closed for another year while they develop a vaccine? You do realize that's completely unfeasible...right?

Rump has the power to get enough testing supplies for each and every citizen. No Governor has that power. Only the President who can task industry in getting busy and getting those testing kits manufactured AND distrobuted. The State can require ALL citizens in the state to be tested and then isolate those that test positive. But until EVERY citizen is tested you won't know who is sick with it and whom the carriers are. Then we can have entire regions open back up because the virus isn't in those that are NOT isolated. The State Governors want this but Rump isn't doing his job. Imagine, requiring Rump to do his job or resign. As it stands now, you can't open up entire regions like He claims or supports. And you keep making excuses for him to not do his Friggin Job. Only "The Party of the Rump" would do what you do.
Yeah, like Trump is responsible for the cluster fuck that is New York? You're not going to test your way out of this. Sorry but that's a pipe dream. For the vast majority of people this virus is seems to be just another flu. You have get over get on with your life! That's what will be happening in South Dakota. That's NOT what will be happening in other States! You're just delaying the inevitable there.

So you choose one of the states with the lowest population per square mile and use that as an example? Only a "Party of the Rump" can do that.
You on the left continually use New York as your "template" for what other States should be doing. Why would less populous States need to lock down like they did in New York City? Because the main stream media has scared the shit out of them thinking that they're going through the "zombie apocalypse"?

Because the bulk of the SD Population is in ONE city. Sioux Falls is laid out similar to Los Angeles. Not many tall buildings but a hell of a lot of people. Can you say that locking the entire state is warranted? You can if a major Interstate that is very active runs through all the other Cities and Towns with any amount of population. I-90 hits the all. When you biggest city is just over 150K and you just had a major hit then you are in need of TESTING for each and every citizen. You can either lock it down, get everyone tested and isolate the ones that can pass it on or watch a spike happen later. And there is only one man capable of getting enough testing kits made for each and every man, woman and child in the US and that is Rump. Stop covering for Rump and tell him to either do his job or resign. I am confident that his VP is capable. He was involved in the H1N1 thing when he was governor. In 11 days, the major population centers in the States that were affected had the H1N1 isolated. Pence may be a lot of negatives, but for the Corona Virus, he's the one that should be President.
You don't think Trump is doing his job? What a crock! In New York State the Democratic Governor said they would need 30,000 ventilators and a hundred thousand hospital beds or the death toll would be astronomical! Turns out they needed 5,000 ventilators and about 12,000 beds! Trump told us all that he thought Cuomo's numbers were inflated and the media roasted him for it. So who was right? Trump was! The part of the population that needed the most protection in New York State were the elderly in nursing homes. So what did New York State do? They forced nursing homes to readmit patients who had tested positive for the virus so that they would have enough empty beds in hospitals for the hundred thousand people THEY predicted would need them! So now 25% of the deaths in New York State took place in nursing that were put at terrible risk by a policy that forced them in take patients with Covid!
That's not Trump failing! He got New York the ventilators they needed. He got them additional hospital beds...building a temporary hospital at the Javits Center in less than a week and sending a Navy hospital ship to the city! He did his job! Cuomo on the other hand? He didn't even know they HAD the policy that forced those infected patients back into the nursing homes endangering and killing others!

Most of what you give Rump credit for was done by the Mayor and the Governor. And then you go off where they are sending sick Covid Patients to the Rest Homes to kill off more of the elderly. What's next, you going to claim they have death squads lining up the Elderly on old abandoned Warehouse walls? Only "The Party of the Rump" does this. So glad your bunch is going to be gone come November/
What's sad is that they may as well have lined those nursing home patients up in front of firing squads! Would anyone like to explain to me what the rationale was for forcing nursing homes to take patients back that had tested positive for Corona virus? What idiot was it that thought sending people infected with Covid 19 back into nursing homes filled with the most vulnerable people in our population was such a good idea that they made it illegal for nursing homes to refuse to comply with that order?

The Mayor and the Governor weren't the ones who got that military field hospital built at the Javits Center in record time or brought the Navy hospital ship to New York harbor. That was the Federal Government...that was Trump!

Those two I can partially award to Rump. Or I can say that it was a combination of the National Guard (Governors) and Federal (Rump, too little, too late) and sending a ship long after it was needed. Where was that Ship 2 months ago when it was badly needed. Once again, you are giving Rump credit when others had a larger impact on the Corona Virus meaning the NY Healthy industry.

But make sure you pat Rump on his ass like a good little "Party of the Rump". I hope this is ironed out long before but November we get to see Rump escorted out of the Whitehouse into the arms of some Federal Marshals for export back to at least 3 states. Wonder how is going to enjoy 5th avenue selling pencils when they seize all his assets, not the first time.
Actually dumbass.....Norway has as many infections as Sweden when adjusted for population. Finland is lower. Belgium is way above Sweden and Holland is on par (adjusted for population).

What do you make of that ?
What I make of it dumbass is that Norway has so far had one TENTH the number of deaths as Sweden...with half the population...very likely because they were able to keep the virus out of nursing homes and assisted living centers by locking down

They have the same number of cases on a population adjusted basis. You made a false claim.

And yes, Sweden infected some large nursing homes......that truly sucks.

As I just listed, there are plenty of countries that supposedly locked down that are faring way worse that Sweden.


Sweden has more cases than Norway on a population adjusted basis.

It's simple math.
And 10 times the deaths

I know right.

I'm not sure what argument he's trying to make, but plenty of false claims that some 6th-graders could explain to him.

Generally I ignore your bullshit.

You want to argue that Norway is lower (by percentage points) than Sweden, I'll give you that.

Why don't you don the math on Holland and Belgium. Hows that look ?

I wasn't correcting you on Holland and Belgium. I was correcting you on Norway and Sweden.

Because it was wrong and you kept repeating it. And it's pretty easy to see how wrong it is.

It's time to start passing over your high school bullshit....again.

You're just upset that you were corrected.

Sorry for providing you with factual numbers, I guess.

You have not provided any math. So I guess that makes you a liar.

Norway and Sweden have similar cases, but Sweden has a higher death rate (can be explained according to them and they've offered it up).
Norway has a fraction of the infections and deaths that Sweden has...because Norway got serious and locked down.

And you want to go "Sweden" here

Stop being such a drama queen, Lesh! Having healthy people or people that have already HAD the virus go back to work isn't going to "kill" you! We need to start taking that step as soon as possible because we can't afford to continue to destroy our economy by hiding at home.

I know a number of aged people that are in panic over this. If they catch the virus it's going to kill them. Not might, WILL. Until the testing and isolation gets to the point where we can have entire regions none of us have any idea who is sick with the Virus or even whom the carriers are that aren't sick. You don't have to actually have the symptoms to spread it. I don't see enough emphasis on this by you "The Party of the Rump" I guess we need to rely on the sane in this but you sickos just keep getting in the way.
So let the "aged" people isolate! The only reason for locking down America was supposedly to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed. That hasn't why are we still locking everything down? To "out wait" a virus? It isn't going anywhere. So what's YOUR solution? Keeping our economy closed for another year while they develop a vaccine? You do realize that's completely unfeasible...right?

Rump has the power to get enough testing supplies for each and every citizen. No Governor has that power. Only the President who can task industry in getting busy and getting those testing kits manufactured AND distrobuted. The State can require ALL citizens in the state to be tested and then isolate those that test positive. But until EVERY citizen is tested you won't know who is sick with it and whom the carriers are. Then we can have entire regions open back up because the virus isn't in those that are NOT isolated. The State Governors want this but Rump isn't doing his job. Imagine, requiring Rump to do his job or resign. As it stands now, you can't open up entire regions like He claims or supports. And you keep making excuses for him to not do his Friggin Job. Only "The Party of the Rump" would do what you do.
Yeah, like Trump is responsible for the cluster fuck that is New York? You're not going to test your way out of this. Sorry but that's a pipe dream. For the vast majority of people this virus is seems to be just another flu. You have get over get on with your life! That's what will be happening in South Dakota. That's NOT what will be happening in other States! You're just delaying the inevitable there.

So you choose one of the states with the lowest population per square mile and use that as an example? Only a "Party of the Rump" can do that.

Read the OP you stupid fuck.

Look who started by calling South Dakota a HOT SPOT.

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