South Korea President: Trump Gets Big Credit for Bringing NK to Negotiating Table

Just watch the fucking Korean.

You don't think English media is biased?
This is a good thing, and Trump's plan may have been to out-crazy the crazy, to intimidate the intimidator.

If things continue on this path, he'll deserve credit.

They said the same things about Reagan and W that they are saying about Trump. Heck, they say it about any Republican who dares to take a strong stand in the world. When you have the teeth to back up the rhetoric, crazy can work.
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

OMG you are moron......

3 people helped bring
This is a good thing, and Trump's plan may have been to out-crazy the crazy, to intimidate the intimidator.

If things continue on this path, he'll deserve credit.

They said the same things about Reagan and W that they are saying about Trump. Heck, they say it about any Republican who dares to take a strong stand in the world. When you have the teeth to back up the rhetoric, crazy can work.
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

LOL he's one of those communism works, it just hasn't been tried properly

I haven't heard a gorbasm in a loooooong time

what is a gorbasm?
Urban Dictionary: gorbasm

IT was a term invented by Rush Limbaugh
Limbaugh on "Gorb-asm": "Gorbachev was the world's first messiah, Obama is number two"

But really who crushed the USSR

Ronald Reagan
Margret Thatcher
Pope John Paul II

those are the three that did it.........

and also we had help from Lech

Lech Wałęsa - Wikipedia
Any communication from North Korea is a good sign, a sign of softening.

Any "negotiations" by North Korea is a good sign, a sign of softening.

Anyone not consumed by partisan politics would admit that, regardless of the party affiliation of the White House occupant.
8 years of Obummer just got us nuclear explosions and missile launches. Not even a year of Trump and Norks request talks.


How prophetic is this???

I would never watch a video you provided. Is this the one where the Liar promised Mexico will pay for the wall???
Or that he’s going to bring affordable healthcare to the country?
Or that he’s going to lower the price of pharmaceuticals?

OMFG are you stupid

that explains why you're so ignorant......I read and watch your shit, then I can comment on it

but if you read the title....maybe it will give you a lazy are you lefties.......holy wonder you want free government cant even read a video title.

I provided South Korea's presidential remarks in Korean, and it doesn't say what your thread claims it says.

do tell??? what does it say?
This is a good thing, and Trump's plan may have been to out-crazy the crazy, to intimidate the intimidator.

If things continue on this path, he'll deserve credit.

They said the same things about Reagan and W that they are saying about Trump. Heck, they say it about any Republican who dares to take a strong stand in the world. When you have the teeth to back up the rhetoric, crazy can work.
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

OMG you are moron......

3 people helped bring
This is a good thing, and Trump's plan may have been to out-crazy the crazy, to intimidate the intimidator.

If things continue on this path, he'll deserve credit.

They said the same things about Reagan and W that they are saying about Trump. Heck, they say it about any Republican who dares to take a strong stand in the world. When you have the teeth to back up the rhetoric, crazy can work.
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

LOL he's one of those communism works, it just hasn't been tried properly

I haven't heard a gorbasm in a loooooong time

what is a gorbasm?
Urban Dictionary: gorbasm

IT was a term invented by Rush Limbaugh
Limbaugh on "Gorb-asm": "Gorbachev was the world's first messiah, Obama is number two"

But really who crushed the USSR

Ronald Reagan
Margret Thatcher
Pope John Paul II

those are the three that did it.........

and also we had help from Lech

Lech Wałęsa - Wikipedia

I'll take historians and geopolitical analyses over your stupid politically-motivated **** mouth any day.

Gorbachev's Glasnost did more to harm the USSR than anything else, and Chernobyl imploded the USSR economy, wiped out 25% of their wheat production, and 10% of their total agricultural output.

But ignore facts, go believe big tough words and fake "Star wars" programs ended the cold war.

Just watch the fucking Korean.

You don't think English media is biased?

South Korean president credits Trump with bringing North Korea to the table

yeah CNN and the WAPO love Trump......they never report negative things about him.........are you fucking high ?
8 years of Obummer just got us nuclear explosions and missile launches. Not even a year of Trump and Norks request talks.


How prophetic is this???

I would never watch a video you provided. Is this the one where the Liar promised Mexico will pay for the wall???
Or that he’s going to bring affordable healthcare to the country?
Or that he’s going to lower the price of pharmaceuticals?

OMFG are you stupid

that explains why you're so ignorant......I read and watch your shit, then I can comment on it

but if you read the title....maybe it will give you a lazy are you lefties.......holy wonder you want free government cant even read a video title.

I provided South Korea's presidential remarks in Korean, and it doesn't say what your thread claims it says.

do tell??? what does it say?

The onus is on you to tell us what it says. Your news articles strangely avoid a direct quote from the President of South Korea.

Just watch the fucking Korean.

You don't think English media is biased?

South Korean president credits Trump with bringing North Korea to the table

yeah CNN and the WAPO love Trump......they never report negative things about him.........are you fucking high ?

All English-speaking Media is propaganda for the Anglophone Empire which constitutes the majority of "Western Interests".

Internally you think you're all in some big battle royale against competing ideologies.

Externally it just looks like cock-fights for the masses of a very oppressed and propagandized down-right idiotic public of an English speaking Empire.
This is a good thing, and Trump's plan may have been to out-crazy the crazy, to intimidate the intimidator.

If things continue on this path, he'll deserve credit.

They said the same things about Reagan and W that they are saying about Trump. Heck, they say it about any Republican who dares to take a strong stand in the world. When you have the teeth to back up the rhetoric, crazy can work.
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

OMG you are moron......

3 people helped bring
This is a good thing, and Trump's plan may have been to out-crazy the crazy, to intimidate the intimidator.

If things continue on this path, he'll deserve credit.

They said the same things about Reagan and W that they are saying about Trump. Heck, they say it about any Republican who dares to take a strong stand in the world. When you have the teeth to back up the rhetoric, crazy can work.
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

LOL he's one of those communism works, it just hasn't been tried properly

I haven't heard a gorbasm in a loooooong time

what is a gorbasm?
Urban Dictionary: gorbasm

IT was a term invented by Rush Limbaugh
Limbaugh on "Gorb-asm": "Gorbachev was the world's first messiah, Obama is number two"

But really who crushed the USSR

Ronald Reagan
Margret Thatcher
Pope John Paul II

those are the three that did it.........

and also we had help from Lech

Lech Wałęsa - Wikipedia

I'll take historians and geopolitical analyses over your stupid politically-motivated **** mouth any day.

Gorbachev's Glasnost did more to harm the USSR than anything else, and Chernobyl imploded the USSR economy, wiped out 25% of their wheat production, and 10% of their total agricultural output.

But ignore facts, go believe big tough words and fake "Star wars" programs ended the cold war.

OMG dude, you'll take the word of commies, have a link for one?

I'd love to see it

Stalin wiped out more of their wheat production and it didn't end the USSR.
Star Wars was a major factor....
the biggest one though is that communism's discredited and a horrible was bound to fail.....the big 3 just pushed it hard enough to topple it.

Just watch the fucking Korean.

You don't think English media is biased?

South Korean president credits Trump with bringing North Korea to the table

yeah CNN and the WAPO love Trump......they never report negative things about him.........are you fucking high ?

All English-speaking Media is propaganda for the Anglophone Empire which constitutes the majority of "Western Interests".

Internally you think you're all in some big battle royale against ideology.

Externally it just looks like cock-fights for the masses of a very oppressed and propagandized down-right idiotic public of an English speaking Empire.

I see. So CNN, Newsweek, ABC, NBC, CBS etc are all stooge pawns for Trump. :cuckoo:
This is a good thing, and Trump's plan may have been to out-crazy the crazy, to intimidate the intimidator.

If things continue on this path, he'll deserve credit.

They said the same things about Reagan and W that they are saying about Trump. Heck, they say it about any Republican who dares to take a strong stand in the world. When you have the teeth to back up the rhetoric, crazy can work.
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

OMG you are moron......

3 people helped bring
This is a good thing, and Trump's plan may have been to out-crazy the crazy, to intimidate the intimidator.

If things continue on this path, he'll deserve credit.

They said the same things about Reagan and W that they are saying about Trump. Heck, they say it about any Republican who dares to take a strong stand in the world. When you have the teeth to back up the rhetoric, crazy can work.
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

LOL he's one of those communism works, it just hasn't been tried properly

I haven't heard a gorbasm in a loooooong time

what is a gorbasm?
Urban Dictionary: gorbasm

IT was a term invented by Rush Limbaugh
Limbaugh on "Gorb-asm": "Gorbachev was the world's first messiah, Obama is number two"

But really who crushed the USSR

Ronald Reagan
Margret Thatcher
Pope John Paul II

those are the three that did it.........

and also we had help from Lech

Lech Wałęsa - Wikipedia

I'll take historians and geopolitical analyses over your stupid politically-motivated **** mouth any day.

Gorbachev's Glasnost did more to harm the USSR than anything else, and Chernobyl imploded the USSR economy, wiped out 25% of their wheat production, and 10% of their total agricultural output.

But ignore facts, go believe big tough words and fake "Star wars" programs ended the cold war.

OMG dude, you'll take the word of commies, have a link for one?

I'd love to see it

Stalin wiped out more of their wheat production and it didn't end the USSR.
Star Wars was a major factor....
the biggest one though is that communism's discredited and a horrible was bound to fail.....the big 3 just pushed it hard enough to topple it.

Stalin didn't wipe out USSR wheat production, Stalin over-saw the largest GDP growth of the USSR.

You can't even get one basic fact right.

Just watch the fucking Korean.

You don't think English media is biased?

South Korean president credits Trump with bringing North Korea to the table

yeah CNN and the WAPO love Trump......they never report negative things about him.........are you fucking high ?

All English-speaking Media is propaganda for the Anglophone Empire which constitutes the majority of "Western Interests".

Internally you think you're all in some big battle royale against competing ideologies.

Externally it just looks like cock-fights for the masses of a very oppressed and propagandized down-right idiotic public of an English speaking Empire.

OMG, you are nuts.....

you still haven't told us what he said.....what did he "really" say????
They said the same things about Reagan and W that they are saying about Trump. Heck, they say it about any Republican who dares to take a strong stand in the world. When you have the teeth to back up the rhetoric, crazy can work.
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

OMG you are moron......

3 people helped bring
They said the same things about Reagan and W that they are saying about Trump. Heck, they say it about any Republican who dares to take a strong stand in the world. When you have the teeth to back up the rhetoric, crazy can work.
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

LOL he's one of those communism works, it just hasn't been tried properly

I haven't heard a gorbasm in a loooooong time

what is a gorbasm?
Urban Dictionary: gorbasm

IT was a term invented by Rush Limbaugh
Limbaugh on "Gorb-asm": "Gorbachev was the world's first messiah, Obama is number two"

But really who crushed the USSR

Ronald Reagan
Margret Thatcher
Pope John Paul II

those are the three that did it.........

and also we had help from Lech

Lech Wałęsa - Wikipedia

I'll take historians and geopolitical analyses over your stupid politically-motivated **** mouth any day.

Gorbachev's Glasnost did more to harm the USSR than anything else, and Chernobyl imploded the USSR economy, wiped out 25% of their wheat production, and 10% of their total agricultural output.

But ignore facts, go believe big tough words and fake "Star wars" programs ended the cold war.

OMG dude, you'll take the word of commies, have a link for one?

I'd love to see it

Stalin wiped out more of their wheat production and it didn't end the USSR.
Star Wars was a major factor....
the biggest one though is that communism's discredited and a horrible was bound to fail.....the big 3 just pushed it hard enough to topple it.

Stalin didn't wipe out USSR wheat production, Stalin over-saw the largest GDP growth of the USSR.

You can't even get one basic fact right.
By starving 3 million people to death so he could get their grain.

Just watch the fucking Korean.

You don't think English media is biased?

South Korean president credits Trump with bringing North Korea to the table

yeah CNN and the WAPO love Trump......they never report negative things about him.........are you fucking high ?

All English-speaking Media is propaganda for the Anglophone Empire which constitutes the majority of "Western Interests".

Internally you think you're all in some big battle royale against ideology.

Externally it just looks like cock-fights for the masses of a very oppressed and propagandized down-right idiotic public of an English speaking Empire.

I see. So CNN, Newsweek, ABC, NBC, CBS etc are all stooge pawns for Trump. :cuckoo:

The English speaking word is taking over the world.......
sorry we already did....

oh here is from the tiems of OMAN

a Muslim middle eastern, non English speaking know people who looooove Trump.

Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

OMG you are moron......

3 people helped bring
Overly simplistic.

Any historian gives credit to the USSR breaking-up to Gorbachev and to Chernobyl. The US played very little in that.

LOL he's one of those communism works, it just hasn't been tried properly

I haven't heard a gorbasm in a loooooong time

what is a gorbasm?
Urban Dictionary: gorbasm

IT was a term invented by Rush Limbaugh
Limbaugh on "Gorb-asm": "Gorbachev was the world's first messiah, Obama is number two"

But really who crushed the USSR

Ronald Reagan
Margret Thatcher
Pope John Paul II

those are the three that did it.........

and also we had help from Lech

Lech Wałęsa - Wikipedia

I'll take historians and geopolitical analyses over your stupid politically-motivated **** mouth any day.

Gorbachev's Glasnost did more to harm the USSR than anything else, and Chernobyl imploded the USSR economy, wiped out 25% of their wheat production, and 10% of their total agricultural output.

But ignore facts, go believe big tough words and fake "Star wars" programs ended the cold war.

OMG dude, you'll take the word of commies, have a link for one?

I'd love to see it

Stalin wiped out more of their wheat production and it didn't end the USSR.
Star Wars was a major factor....
the biggest one though is that communism's discredited and a horrible was bound to fail.....the big 3 just pushed it hard enough to topple it.

Stalin didn't wipe out USSR wheat production, Stalin over-saw the largest GDP growth of the USSR.

You can't even get one basic fact right.
By starving 3 million people to death so he could get their grain.
No, idiot, production is not the same thing as consumption.
But I was assured by the experts that the only thing Trump would do is bring nuclear holocaust.

S Korea's president says Trump helped in talks with North | Daily Mail Online
Daily mail is lying.

The US is not allowed at the negotiation table.

Can you find a Korean-language paper that says this? Or only the right-wing-lying mouth piece the "Daily mail"?
I caught that too. The Daily Mail is a propaganda rag which is why the Trumpanzees always jump to use it.

All English-speaking Media is propaganda for the Anglophone Empire which constitutes the majority of "Western Interests".

Internally you think you're all in some big battle royale against ideology.

Externally it just looks like cock-fights for the masses of a very oppressed and propagandized down-right idiotic public of an English speaking Empire.
I see. So CNN, Newsweek, ABC, NBC, CBS etc are all stooge pawns for Trump. :cuckoo:

The English speaking word is taking over the world.......
sorry we already did....

oh here is from the tiems of OMAN

a Muslim middle eastern, non English speaking know people who looooove Trump.


You just linked to an English video. What's that have to do with a "non-English speaking country" which yes, happens to love Trump because Oman is a US clientele and does nothing but business with real-estate moguls to transfer their oil money into sovereign wealth funds.

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