Southern Patriot chased,ran off road. Brother killed in hate crime.

If y
So she's a black woman so she's automatically lying?
Or is she lying because she went to a pro Confederate Flag rally?

Which one is it, Pete?
Seems you are the only one who has made the assertions you listed.
Do you simply hate Black people and automatically consider them liars???
Where do you get that BS from what Ernie said?
If you could read you wouldn't have to ask such a silly question.
Apparently you are the one with comprehension problems. Does it only sink in it you read it on Huff Po, Progressive Underground and Mother Jones?
Apparently you did not use enough Vaseline and your thumb is now stuck in your hemmorhoidal asshole.
The remarks I questioned were from a poster and not the article
Stop trying to multitask, either keep up with the posts or work on getting your thumb out your ass.
You replied to my post: "
she's a black woman so she's automatically lying?
Or is she lying because she went to a pro Confederate Flag rally?"
And asked: "Seems you are the only one who has made the assertions you listed.

You lose.
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Imagine the irony if the intolerant lefty bigots who did this to these black people are white. Killing a black man in the alleged name of defending blacks from alleged white bigots.

Where do you get the idea that the passenger guy was black?
Where do you get "intolerant lefty bigots", when no one knows who ran the car off?
That is, if any such car even existed?

For that matter where does the OP get the idea he was "her brother"?
Since the OP said they were both black and assuming they were attacked by people offended by the flag, the post stands.

The OP also said they had just left a flag rally in Mississippi and that he was her brother, both of which are contradicted by his own article. So the questions stand.

And you failed to answer where you get "intolerant lefty bigots", since nobody including the police have indicated any such thing, or even confirmed that an intervening vehicle even exists. So that one stands bigger.
So if they weren't black then part of the irony is not there. But it does nothing to justify the likely bigoted fascism that motivated the incident.

Yuh huh.
So, in spite of having nothing to go on but a single person's hearsay from a Nosebook post, in spite of not even the police confirming that another car even existed, you're gonna plant your flag on the claim that not only did it happen but you know who did it, what their political philosophies are, and pass judgment on their motives. Hearsay, rumor, innuendo and out the other. In a thread where the OP has already been caught lying twice.

In other words exactly the same reasoning they used to use to lynch black people. Rumor and innuendo, no evidence needed.

In the newspaper article in the comments section, one woman said she saw the flag rally on local TV where the victim burnt her NAACP membership card. It was suspected that Black Panthers ran the car off the road.

I HATE to say it but looks like the hate Genii is out of the bottle. Obama has made the Confederate Flag a Hate issue; a vast number see it as a heritage thingy. This is going to end badly.


Yep seems like the southern's need their asses whipped again, General sherman should have been allowed to finish these vermin off 150 years ago, now America is suffering the consequences of letting them return to their homes and spawn

From what I can gather a million dead Americans was a price that even Lincoln felt was a tad high. How many sons of the North would have returned home from attacks on Texas do you figure?? Glad you still have a Southern Genocide on your pea-brain!!

In the newspaper article in the comments section, one woman said she saw the flag rally on local TV where the victim burnt her NAACP membership card. It was suspected that Black Panthers ran the car off the road.

I HATE to say it but looks like the hate Genii is out of the bottle. Obama has made the Confederate Flag a Hate issue; a vast number see it as a heritage thingy. This is going to end badly.


Yep seems like the southern's need their asses whipped again, General sherman should have been allowed to finish these vermin off 150 years ago, now America is suffering the consequences of letting them return to their homes and spawn
Seems to me the US murder rate would be cut in half if the South had won.
Really? Born and raised in NY never had a problem , moved down south and what a bunch of uneducated violent white people who never got over LOSING the civil war and are still fighting it all over in their "minds" . More murders and violence from a bunch of yahoos having unfettered access to weapons then I have ever seen up north
Seems to me the US murder rate would be cut in half if the South had won.
Why, because the ******* would all be in chains instead of behind bars?
You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!
If y
Seems you are the only one who has made the assertions you listed.
Do you simply hate Black people and automatically consider them liars???
Where do you get that BS from what Ernie said?
If you could read you wouldn't have to ask such a silly question.
Apparently you are the one with comprehension problems. Does it only sink in it you read it on Huff Po, Progressive Underground and Mother Jones?
Apparently you did not use enough Vaseline and your thumb is now stuck in your hemmorhoidal asshole.
The remarks I questioned were from a poster and not the article
Stop trying to multitask, either keep up with the posts or work on getting your thumb out your ass.
You replied to my post: "
she's a black woman so she's automatically lying?
Or is she lying because she went to a pro Confederate Flag rally?"
And asked: "Seems you are the only one who has made the assertions you listed.

You lose.
It's obvious that you are still attempting to multitask...
Seems to me the US murder rate would be cut in half if the South had won.
Why, because the ******* would all be in chains instead of behind bars?
You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!
Liberals, Northern Liberals, are who won the war and freed the slaves, dumbass.
In the newspaper article in the comments section, one woman said she saw the flag rally on local TV where the victim burnt her NAACP membership card. It was suspected that Black Panthers ran the car off the road.

I HATE to say it but looks like the hate Genii is out of the bottle. Obama has made the Confederate Flag a Hate issue; a vast number see it as a heritage thingy. This is going to end badly.


Yep seems like the southern's need their asses whipped again, General sherman should have been allowed to finish these vermin off 150 years ago, now America is suffering the consequences of letting them return to their homes and spawn
Seems to me the US murder rate would be cut in half if the South had won.
Really? Born and raised in NY never had a problem , moved down south and what a bunch of uneducated violent white people who never got over LOSING the civil war and are still fighting it all over in their "minds" . More murders and violence from a bunch of yahoos having unfettered access to weapons then I have ever seen up north

You have some statistics to back up your nonsense?? Your statements contradict what I have seen recently, though if you are talking about DemoKKKrat lynchings then you have a point...if only Historical!!

Seems to me the US murder rate would be cut in half if the South had won.
Why, because the ******* would all be in chains instead of behind bars?
You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!
Liberals, Northern Liberals, are who won the war and freed the slaves, dumbass.
The only thing liberals have won is a Teddy Bear at a carnival.
Seems to me the US murder rate would be cut in half if the South had won.
Why, because the ******* would all be in chains instead of behind bars?
You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!
Liberals, Northern Liberals, are who won the war and freed the slaves, dumbass.

No: it was Northern Republicans. Get your facts straight you fool!!

Why, because the ******* would all be in chains instead of behind bars?
You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!
Liberals, Northern Liberals, are who won the war and freed the slaves, dumbass.
The only thing liberals have won is a Teddy Bear at a carnival.
We've been kicking your reactionary ass left and right lately, little friend...
You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!
Liberals, Northern Liberals, are who won the war and freed the slaves, dumbass.
The only thing liberals have won is a Teddy Bear at a carnival.
We've been kicking your reactionary ass left and right lately, little friend...
Howzat, Tarzan?
Why, because the ******* would all be in chains instead of behind bars?
You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!
Liberals, Northern Liberals, are who won the war and freed the slaves, dumbass.

No: it was Northern Republicans. Get your facts straight you fool!!
I am well aware of that. Are you calling Lincoln a Southern Conservative? He was a Liberal you moron.

Maybe this will help you, dumbass...
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!
Liberals, Northern Liberals, are who won the war and freed the slaves, dumbass.
The only thing liberals have won is a Teddy Bear at a carnival.
We've been kicking your reactionary ass left and right lately, little friend...
Howzat, Tarzan?
Obamacare, faggots getting married, Cuba, Iran, you name it. Lately you can't win a fuckin' thing.
Seems to me the US murder rate would be cut in half if the South had won.
Why, because the ******* would all be in chains instead of behind bars?
You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!

Umm... in the mid-19th century the Republicans were the Liberals. And Southern blacks (ex-slaves) didn't migrate to the North en masse until WWI, when factories there needed lots of new warm bodies. That would be when they (and immigrants) were seen as competition in the North. One reason the revived KKK got such a foothold in places like Indiana.

But yes those newly-freed slaves were very much seen as competition (or "uppity") within the South, which spawned over a decade of terror on them. Competition was already fierce just to get through one's day with enough to eat in the devastated South.

I agree with you that slavery would have been phased out without the War. The rest of the world was already getting past it, the last country in the Americas to outlaw it being Brazil in 1888. The Confederacy's trading partners would have at the least boycotted in the name of human rights. Eventually.
You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!
Liberals, Northern Liberals, are who won the war and freed the slaves, dumbass.

No: it was Northern Republicans. Get your facts straight you fool!!
I am well aware of that. Are you calling Lincoln a Southern Conservative? He was a Liberal you moron.

Maybe this will help you, dumbass...

Liberals were UK you dimnwit!!! And a Great Party it was. Republicans were more Whigs than anything else you dopey little twit!! The LiberalsUK and the Republicans had similar roots but they were NOT the same!!

And they would have tarred and feathered modern liberals as immoral bludgers!!

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