Southern Patriot chased,ran off road. Brother killed in hate crime.

You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?
They do commit half of the murders while comprising 12% of the population.
Well being that over 80% of whites killed are killed by other whites, maybe whites should be addressing their intraracial homicidal tendacies
Most murders are committed by people they know or associate with. It is completely normal for 80% of murders of whites to be committed by other whites. What is telling is the fact that blacks kill whites at about twice the rate whites kill blacks.
Please backtrack on your stupidity.
It's NORMAL for people to kill other people???..STFU!!
actually what's telling is your lame attempt at deflection.
80% of whites killed by whites and it's business as usual...oh boy; the logic of racists.

"Blacks represent 13% of the population but commit 50% of the murders; 90% of black victims are murdered by other blacks," writes Time's Joe Klein, calling for "provocative" thinking on race in America. "The facts suggest that history is not enough to explain this social disaster."

Looks like the ni##ers are not to be outdone ................
In the newspaper article in the comments section, one woman said she saw the flag rally on local TV where the victim burnt her NAACP membership card. It was suspected that Black Panthers ran the car off the road.
Suspected by whom???

"It was suspected"? My aren't we in the passive voice. Why does this remind me of "some people say"?

And again, the flag rally was in Birmingham, 200 miles away --- not even the same state.
I have gone to MANY rallies etc that weren't in my state. She decided to do the same thing what's so weird about that to you>
The OP goes to great lengths to make it appear they were followed out of this "flag rally". It even lies and says "Mississippi flag rally", along with "her brother". Neither are true, and this is plainly refuted in your own article.
So 1 article got it wrong...what's that matter> She and the fellow were in Alabama for a rally where she ALSO burned her racist membership card in the NAACP I am sure that pissed off some of Obama's sons...waited until they were alone and ran them off road....killing 1 southern patriot and putting another in hospital.

You have absolutely no evidence to corroborate this crazy claim.

Pogo is right.

The confederate abomination flag rally was in Alabama, 200 miles away.

The crash was in Mississippi.

If they were chased and it had to do with the rally, then that would have been a 200 mile long chase.
The accident was at Sunday noon, on US 6, a 4-lane divided highway. The rally was the previous Saturday. My, those are some dedicated Black Panthers, to wait until the next morning and then follow them 200 miles.

Best guess? The driver, being a paranoid hysterical type like all the Confederate kooks on this thread, got it into his head he was being followed and panicked. Started screaming to his passenger they were being followed, sped up, lost control. There's no Electronic Stability Control in a 2005 Explorer, so it's a rollover hazard.
A "pro-flag rally"?

Hm.. What would be the purpose of a "pro-flag rally"? :eusa_think:

I'm sorry that I missed the event. I am pro-flag, myself. I am especially fond of the Brazilian flag:

In the newspaper article in the comments section, one woman said she saw the flag rally on local TV where the victim burnt her NAACP membership card. It was suspected that Black Panthers ran the car off the road.
I suspect it was immortan joe and the war boys.
The accident was at Sunday noon, on US 6, a 4-lane divided highway. The rally was the previous Saturday. My, those are some dedicated Black Panthers, to wait until the next morning and then follow them 200 miles.

Best guess? The driver, being a paranoid hysterical type like all the Confederate kooks on this thread, got it into his head he was being followed and panicked. Started screaming to his passenger they were being followed, sped up, lost control. There's no Electronic Stability Control in a 2005 Explorer, so it's a rollover hazard.

Either that, or the driver was engrossed in yet another Facebook post and lost his relationship with the car's inertia.

SUVs in general have always been a rollover hazard. That's the main rap against their existence; the center of gravity defies ethical engineering. And when a motorist loses control on their own with no witnesses and no excuses, their most common story is that somebody ran them off the road.
I think that the deed was done by deserters from the government forces invading Texas.

Clearly it was one of The O'bama's car drones, with which he amuses himself of a Sunday, remote-controlled from his magic Teleprompter six hundred miles away.

Ran the car off and then disappeared in a magic rainbow cloud.
A "pro-flag rally"?

Hm.. What would be the purpose of a "pro-flag rally"? :eusa_think:

I'm sorry that I missed the event. I am pro-flag, myself. I am especially fond of the Brazilian flag:


A musica brasileira e a minha paixão! :eusa_dance:

Interesting to bring up Brazil; African slaves were imported and used there even longer than here, and while racism exists in Brazil it's far less extreme. I don't think the country's ever had a race riot, ever.
I can't believe the woman posted shit on facebook while her driver was busy dying. She could at least of held his hand.
Car accident. And we are taking her word that she was being chased and was pushed off the road. OK.
I know you can't go ape shit because a black southern patriot was harmed but you can cast doubt all night one cares. Your terrorist pals will pay for this.


"a black southern patriot"

Guess what Google found about a "a black southern patriot" named Anthony Hervey.

Anthonyhervey-Confederatecrook.Com Anthony Hervey confederate crook from Water Valley Oxford Mississippi - Embassy of the United States - University of Mississippi


If people were after him it might have had nothing whatsoever to do with the confederate flag.
Why, because the ******* would all be in chains instead of behind bars?
You really are shooting for "Dumb Shit of the Year" aren't you?
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?

I strongly suspect that slavery as a legal institution would have survived only a few more years ion the South anyway...not past the 1880s......and when made illegal with the CO-OPERATION of the States then there would have been a smoother integration of Blacks into the broader community. As it was Blacks were seen as competition for jobs in the North and traitors in the South....both views supported by the Democrats and the Labour unions. History is NOT on the side of liberals on this, stupid!!
Liberals, Northern Liberals, are who won the war and freed the slaves, dumbass.

No: it was Northern Republicans. Get your facts straight you fool!!


Yes at that time they were Liberals and up until the late 50's early 60's northern rebublicans were liberals such as jacob Javits and nelson Rockefeller
Do tell, why would crime be down if the South had won? The ******* are the problem, right?
They do commit half of the murders while comprising 12% of the population.
Well being that over 80% of whites killed are killed by other whites, maybe whites should be addressing their intraracial homicidal tendacies
Most murders are committed by people they know or associate with. It is completely normal for 80% of murders of whites to be committed by other whites. What is telling is the fact that blacks kill whites at about twice the rate whites kill blacks.
Please backtrack on your stupidity.
It's NORMAL for people to kill other people???..STFU!!
actually what's telling is your lame attempt at deflection.
80% of whites killed by whites and it's business as usual...oh boy; the logic of racists.

MY stupidity? You would be funny if you weren't so pathetically idiotic.
I can't help it if you can't grasp a simple concept.
What I said was it is normal for murder victims to be killed by someone of their own race. I never said murder was normal.

So you got your thumb out your ass and inserted your goddamn whole!!!

. It is completely normal for 80% of murders of whites to be committed by other whites.

Not only are you a stupid sack of are a dishonest lying sack of shit!!!!
Now try to backtrack from your own quote...BITCH!!!!!!

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