Southern Patriot chased,ran off road. Brother killed in hate crime.

You said you got this idea from the comments section of the article.
Neither that article, nor the followup, even HAS a comments section.
I checked.
Dood, read some of the previous posts before sticking your hoof in your maw.:lmao:

I just checked -- still no comments section.
Maybe it got run off the road?

Sorry but I need something with a little more meat on its journalistic bones than some message board posts and Nosebook tweets claiming a car nobody saw.
The very first link, Pogo. Or does your Big Lots 2050A PC not open links?

What exactly are you trying to pull here, Hoss?
I read the whole article. It ends with "The News-Capital will provide further information and attempt to secure police reports to further confirm the account." Then five links for similar articles.

That's it. End of page. No comments, no link for comments, no nuttin'.
I went through those similar links and saw what I wrote. I didn't make up anything.

OK well ---- got any of those mushrooms left?
In the newspaper article in the comments section, one woman said she saw the flag rally on local TV where the victim burnt her NAACP membership card. It was suspected that Black Panthers ran the car off the road.
Suspected by whom???

"It was suspected"? My aren't we in the passive voice. Why does this remind me of "some people say"?

And again, the flag rally was in Birmingham, 200 miles away --- not even the same state.
I have gone to MANY rallies etc that weren't in my state. She decided to do the same thing what's so weird about that to you>
The OP goes to great lengths to make it appear they were followed out of this "flag rally". It even lies and says "Mississippi flag rally", along with "her brother". Neither are true, and this is plainly refuted in your own article.
So 1 article got it wrong...what's that matter> She and the fellow were in Alabama for a rally where she ALSO burned her racist membership card in the NAACP I am sure that pissed off some of Obama's sons...waited until they were alone and ran them off road....killing 1 southern patriot and putting another in hospital.

If that indeed was the case then it was a repulsive deed. I just caution not to jump to conclusions. I also would like to see what the Police have to say about it. I await their report with patience. However, initial reports indicate that the Lady believed that her vehicle was run off the road. The actions of a other vehicle would indicate that she was. 200 miles?? That's barely a three hour drive!!!

Suspected by whom???

"It was suspected"? My aren't we in the passive voice. Why does this remind me of "some people say"?

And again, the flag rally was in Birmingham, 200 miles away --- not even the same state.
I have gone to MANY rallies etc that weren't in my state. She decided to do the same thing what's so weird about that to you>
The OP goes to great lengths to make it appear they were followed out of this "flag rally". It even lies and says "Mississippi flag rally", along with "her brother". Neither are true, and this is plainly refuted in your own article.
So 1 article got it wrong...what's that matter> She and the fellow were in Alabama for a rally where she ALSO burned her racist membership card in the NAACP I am sure that pissed off some of Obama's sons...waited until they were alone and ran them off road....killing 1 southern patriot and putting another in hospital.

If that indeed was the case then it was a repulsive deed. I just caution not to jump to conclusions. I also would like to see what the Police have to say about it. I await their report with patience. However, initial reports indicate that the Lady believed that her vehicle was run off the road. The actions of a other vehicle would indicate that she was. 200 miles?? That's barely a three hour drive!!!


There is no way a car with that intent would have to follow 200 miles to wait for a spot. It's all rural Mississippi, either highway 82 or highway 78. Once you're out of middle Alabama you're not even using interstate highways (there aren't any). You'd have about ten thousand opportunities along that route if you wanted them.
Imagine the irony if the intolerant lefty bigots who did this to these black people are white. Killing a black man in the alleged name of defending blacks from alleged white bigots.

Where do you get the idea that the passenger guy was black?
Where do you get "intolerant lefty bigots", when no one knows who ran the car off?
That is, if any such car even existed?

For that matter where does the OP get the idea he was "her brother"?
Since the OP said they were both black and assuming they were attacked by people offended by the flag, the post stands.
Imagine the irony if the intolerant lefty bigots who did this to these black people are white. Killing a black man in the alleged name of defending blacks from alleged white bigots.

Where do you get the idea that the passenger guy was black?
Where do you get "intolerant lefty bigots", when no one knows who ran the car off?
That is, if any such car even existed?

For that matter where does the OP get the idea he was "her brother"?
Since the OP said they were both black and assuming they were attacked by people offended by the flag, the post stands.

The OP also said they had just left a flag rally in Mississippi and that he was her brother, both of which are contradicted by his own article. So the questions stand.

And you failed to answer where you get "intolerant lefty bigots", since nobody including the police have indicated any such identity, or even confirmed that an intervening vehicle even exists. So that one stands bigger.

So let's recap:

OP claims two people left a flag rally in Mississippi (bullshit), who are brother and sister (bullshit) and were chased when leaving it (bullshit) by black people (unknown assumption) who are "intolerant (unknown assumption) lefty (unknown assumption) bigots (unknown assumption)" in a "hate crime" (unknown assumption) committed by a car nobody can prove even exists, sent by Obama, and this was all gleaned from the comments section of the article which has somehow disappeared just the last few minutes without a trace, like the car.

Did I miss anything?
Last edited:
In the newspaper article in the comments section, one woman said she saw the flag rally on local TV where the victim burnt her NAACP membership card. It was suspected that Black Panthers ran the car off the road.
Suspected by whom???

"It was suspected"? My aren't we in the passive voice. Why does this remind me of "some people say"?

And again, the flag rally was in Birmingham, 200 miles away --- not even the same state.
I have gone to MANY rallies etc that weren't in my state. She decided to do the same thing what's so weird about that to you>
"Southern Patriot" is a contradiction. Patriots are loyal to the USA, not the Confederacy.
Yawn troll Yawn. Liberals such as yourself are only "patriotic" about killing babies. You wouldn't know patriotism if it smacked you in the face.

Why do they find driving themselves to a rally interstate so unusual?? Are they so used to being bussed in by the NAACP or interstate Democrat event organisers??

Imagine the irony if the intolerant lefty bigots who did this to these black people are white. Killing a black man in the alleged name of defending blacks from alleged white bigots.

Where do you get the idea that the passenger guy was black?
Where do you get "intolerant lefty bigots", when no one knows who ran the car off?
That is, if any such car even existed?

For that matter where does the OP get the idea he was "her brother"?
Since the OP said they were both black and assuming they were attacked by people offended by the flag, the post stands.

The OP also said they had just left a flag rally in Mississippi and that he was her brother, both of which are contradicted by his own article. So the questions stand.

And you failed to answer where you get "intolerant lefty bigots", since nobody including the police have indicated any such thing, or even confirmed that an intervening vehicle even exists. So that one stands bigger.
So if they weren't black then part of the irony is not there. But it does nothing to justify the likely bigoted fascism that motivated the incident.
In the newspaper article in the comments section, one woman said she saw the flag rally on local TV where the victim burnt her NAACP membership card. It was suspected that Black Panthers ran the car off the road.
Suspected by whom???

"It was suspected"? My aren't we in the passive voice. Why does this remind me of "some people say"?

And again, the flag rally was in Birmingham, 200 miles away --- not even the same state.
I have gone to MANY rallies etc that weren't in my state. She decided to do the same thing what's so weird about that to you>
"Southern Patriot" is a contradiction. Patriots are loyal to the USA, not the Confederacy.
Yawn troll Yawn. Liberals such as yourself are only "patriotic" about killing babies. You wouldn't know patriotism if it smacked you in the face.

Why do they find driving themselves to a rally interstate so unusual?? Are they so used to being bussed in by the NAACP or interstate Democrat event organisers??


Because, Dumbass, the OP lied in his first post saying they were chased coming from a rally in Mississippi. And that's bullshit. Birmingham is three hours away from the wreck.
Car accident. And we are taking her word that she was being chased and was pushed off the road. OK.
So she's a black woman so she's automatically lying?
Or is she lying because she went to a pro Confederate Flag rally?

Which one is it, Pete?
Seems you are the only one who has made the assertions you listed.
Do you simply hate Black people and automatically consider them liars???
Go back and read the post I replied to, idiot. Body/Pete posted: "And we are taking her word that she was being chased and was pushed off the road. OK."
If y
Car accident. And we are taking her word that she was being chased and was pushed off the road. OK.
So she's a black woman so she's automatically lying?
Or is she lying because she went to a pro Confederate Flag rally?

Which one is it, Pete?
Seems you are the only one who has made the assertions you listed.
Do you simply hate Black people and automatically consider them liars???
Where do you get that BS from what Ernie said?
If you could read you wouldn't have to ask such a silly question.
Apparently you are the one with comprehension problems. Does it only sink in it you read it on Huff Po, Progressive Underground and Mother Jones?
Imagine the irony if the intolerant lefty bigots who did this to these black people are white. Killing a black man in the alleged name of defending blacks from alleged white bigots.

Where do you get the idea that the passenger guy was black?
Where do you get "intolerant lefty bigots", when no one knows who ran the car off?
That is, if any such car even existed?

For that matter where does the OP get the idea he was "her brother"?
Since the OP said they were both black and assuming they were attacked by people offended by the flag, the post stands.

The OP also said they had just left a flag rally in Mississippi and that he was her brother, both of which are contradicted by his own article. So the questions stand.

And you failed to answer where you get "intolerant lefty bigots", since nobody including the police have indicated any such identity, or even confirmed that an intervening vehicle even exists. So that one stands bigger.

So let's recap:

OP claims two people left a flag rally in Mississippi (bullshit), who are brother and sister (bullshit) and were chased when leaving it (bullshit) by black people (unknown assumption) who are "intolerant (unknown assumption) lefty (unknown assumption) bigots (unknown assumption)" in a "hate crime" (unknown assumption) committed by a car nobody can prove even exists, sent by Obama, and this was all gleaned from the comments section of the article which has somehow disappeared just the last few minutes without a trace, like the car.

Did I miss anything?

Just the facts.

In the newspaper article in the comments section, one woman said she saw the flag rally on local TV where the victim burnt her NAACP membership card. It was suspected that Black Panthers ran the car off the road.

I HATE to say it but looks like the hate Genii is out of the bottle. Obama has made the Confederate Flag a Hate issue; a vast number see it as a heritage thingy. This is going to end badly.


Yep seems like the southern's need their asses whipped again, General sherman should have been allowed to finish these vermin off 150 years ago, now America is suffering the consequences of letting them return to their homes and spawn
If y
Car accident. And we are taking her word that she was being chased and was pushed off the road. OK.
So she's a black woman so she's automatically lying?
Or is she lying because she went to a pro Confederate Flag rally?

Which one is it, Pete?
Seems you are the only one who has made the assertions you listed.
Do you simply hate Black people and automatically consider them liars???
Where do you get that BS from what Ernie said?
If you could read you wouldn't have to ask such a silly question.
Apparently you are the one with comprehension problems. Does it only sink in it you read it on Huff Po, Progressive Underground and Mother Jones?
Apparently you did not use enough Vaseline and your thumb is now stuck in your hemmorhoidal asshole.
The remarks I questioned were from a poster and not the article
Stop trying to multitask, either keep up with the posts or work on getting your thumb out your ass.
In the newspaper article in the comments section, one woman said she saw the flag rally on local TV where the victim burnt her NAACP membership card. It was suspected that Black Panthers ran the car off the road.

I HATE to say it but looks like the hate Genii is out of the bottle. Obama has made the Confederate Flag a Hate issue; a vast number see it as a heritage thingy. This is going to end badly.


Yep seems like the southern's need their asses whipped again, General sherman should have been allowed to finish these vermin off 150 years ago, now America is suffering the consequences of letting them return to their homes and spawn
Seems to me the US murder rate would be cut in half if the South had won.

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