Spam Alert! Spam Spam Spam!


Jun 21, 2017
I have been accused of being a spammer before. But what does that mean exactly. In forum terminology. Does it mean I'm trying to sell something? Well I never tried to "sell" anything. All I ever did was give my opinion and seek debate over the matter. (I say sarcastically) "What a thing to do at a political forum!"

Also, what if anything I had to say was proven wrong. I would admit it. I wouldn't keep bringing up a point that was shown to be wrong. Only a mentally ill person would do that. And I'm not mentally ill. But chances are, most of you are.

As far as I can see, there is only one reason to ban somebody over "spamming." That is because whatever "spam" they brought up was actually the truth. And the truth is something they don't want being discussed!

This place is turning into spam central with three or four people spamming their propaganda over and over rather than just enjoying and posting to the board.

This is what drives normal people away and slowly turns the place into a one note anger-dump.

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