Speaker of the House Donald Trump Next Year

Trump's not interested.

He doesn't do minor venue gigs.
You don't get it......Neither Biden or his Ho Harris should be in office. They are getting impeached once the republicans take back the house. Biden is senile and corrupt--he's gone with no fuss. Ho Harris is a druggy so once Biden is out for mental issues requiring her to take drug tests to prove her ability to govern is also an easy gone. This is IF they don't take the more direct route and declare that the 2020 election was fraud which we all know that it was. Speaker of the HOUSE (Trump) would become president which is also why they aren't worried about him being a member of the house to be SPEAKER of the HOUSE. Trump becomes president, Gaetz will likely then be House speaker----and lots of criminals charges for the dems... I like this ideal----I think the libs will lose their minds.
Trump's not interested.

He doesn't do minor venue gigs.
He might do it as a stepping stone back to being POTUS. It would certainly be satisfying to preside over multiple impeachments. What comes around goes around.
You don't get it......

SURE I get it. I know all that! The question now is to talk Trump into it. How do you think the Dems would react after J6 if once in power, the GOP puts Trump in as speaker then impeaches Kammy and Joe? Isn't that the very kind of political coup they have been hollering about for the past year? It could all blow up in the GOP's faces proving the dire warnings against Trump by the Left were true all along rallying their base to recover years sooner than otherwise! That raises many questions:
  1. The uncertain unity of the GOP to even pull it off.
  2. Political, legal and constitutional considerations.
  3. The optics of sneaking in the back door implying that Trump can't win an open election.
  4. The social aspects of governing after assuming power in such a backhanded way.
  5. Opening the door for the Left to then do the same thing some day to us.
Don't get me wrong--- I'm actually all for it just to see the look on Nancy's face, plus there is nothing I'd like better than for once see the GOP grow some stones and ram it down the Left's throat as bad or worse than they do us, but this is very uncertain ground and we must be certain of the consequences.

I've also considered that maybe Trump is just SAYING he's not interested in the Speaker job, for now, until after the midterms, just to keep the Dems guessing and off balance. Either way, the topic is moot unless and until Trump himself signs onto it.
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If the corrupt DOJ & FBI arrest Trump and don't even investigate the Biden Crime Family's obvious crimes, I'd protest.
"Obvious" crimes?
Sure, just like "obvious" voter fraud, that Trump and his cult can't prove.
What's wrong with protesting corruption?
Nothing, if you have a scintilla of evidence.

Trump and his cult have none.
Someone younger and braver and more energetic who can take the best of the Trump agenda, mix it with vision and compassion, and sell it across party lines.

Vladimir Putin, born 7 October 1952) is a Russian politician and former intelligence officer who is the president of Russia, a position he has filled since 2012, and previously from 2000 until 2008.
He was also the prime minister from 1999 to 2000, and again from 2008 to 2012. Putin is the second-longest currently-serving European president after Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus.

Under Putin's leadership, Russia has experienced democratic backsliding and a shift to authoritarianism. Putin's rule has been characterised by endemic corruption, the jailing and repression of political opponents, the intimidation and suppression of independent media in Russia, and a lack of free and fair elections.

I'm sure republicans would endorse him.
I hope there is no impeachment. The Democrats made Impeachment such a joke that unless it is a serious conduit towards removal from offfice, I think it is a waste. The best removal from office is a legitimate fair Election without question. As for Speaker of the House Trump, that would be fun. I’m sure the Democrats would counter with Justice Obama.
Give me a name or names
In a pinch I'll take DeSantis of Florida - given his visibility and anti-Woke activism - although I'm not all that confident that he's the answer.

I might very well go for Greg Abbot of Texas - I like his hard-nosed stand against Illegal Aliens and he's got a fairly broad experience.

I could probably go for Steve Scalise of Louisiana. He's another hard-nose but he understands the subtleties and nuances and seems a pragmatist.

And, realizing that they are anathema to most Rump fans, I'd even consider either Cheney or Kinzinger. True conservatives with considerable courage.

You can keep Cruz and Rubio and McConnell and Boehner and Romney and all that bunch... but the above makes for a good start on my own list.
And Trump. Trump is all about revenge and Trump. Mostly Trump. That some people believe he is about anything else... well it's stunning. Of course, these are the same people to whom Trump was nothing but a punchline until he started spewing rhetoric that was music to their ears, so...
I would support Trump for Speaker of the House, just to see liberal heads explode.

Yes, I hate progressives "that" much. :p

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