Speaker of the House gives history lesson to reporter.

What's a good sense of 'right and wrong' though? Define it... what are you basing 'right and wrong' on?

You bring up instances of 'religious' people doing bad things, as though it's the fault of the religion and not the people. Do you think Christianity supports the things you listed?
You got the wrong guy. You need my philosophy professor. Right and wrong is kind of like pornography. Normal people recognize it immediately. If you meet somebody that doesn't or simply doesn't care, you probably should avoid that person and by all means, don't embrace and follow them.
Conservative Southerners and former slaveholders were the ones who formed the original KKK as an insurgent group to fight the Northern Occupation and to reverse the Reconstruction laws placed on the south after the occupying federal troops finally left the south. It also served to keep the recently freed slaves in their place as well. After the former white power structure regain control of their states , the KKK became the law biding citizen of the south that gave us Jim Crow. The next iteration of the KKK was more political, and at its height had members of both parties who were both overtly racist. The conservatives of the South are firmly in the grips of Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP.
You simply are not allowed to rewrite history to cover for your racism.
Wrong. The American Congress in a fit of Anti-Communist zeal did so without awareness of American history or philosophy.

They also dup'd us into believing that the U.S. was a Capitalist country first and foremost.


Who voted them into congress?

Wrong. The American Congress in a fit of Anti-Communist zeal did so without awareness of American history or philosophy.

They also dup'd us into believing that the U.S. was a Capitalist country first and foremost.
Don't like it, move, or force change, those of us who love the country, will not go quietly into the abyss of socialism
Funny that so many supposed 'religious' people support Trump, despite the fact that they know that Trump violated religious laws constantly. He's a dirtbag and they know it.

Yet they seem to support him because he's willing to promote the Conservatives social policies that they want - even though he clearly doesn't believe in them.

Meanwhile, they also know that the reason he supports those policies is just because he needs their votes.

It seems that they've made a pact with Satan. They believe they have Satan on a leash. They don't seem to realize that Satan will snap that leash as soon as he doesn't need them anymore.

Geez -we were always told that Satan had RED skin, not Orange!
Wrong. The American Congress in a fit of Anti-Communist zeal did so without awareness of American history or philosophy.

They also dup'd us into believing that the U.S. was a Capitalist country first and foremost.
Since you can't refute what I type without only using Emojis let me type it again The words Separation of Church and State are not in the constitution
Funny that so many supposed 'religious' people support Trump, despite the fact that they know that Trump violated religious laws constantly. He's a dirtbag and they know it.

Yet they seem to support him because he's willing to promote the Conservatives social policies that they want - even though he clearly doesn't believe in them.

Meanwhile, they also know that the reason he supports those policies is just because he needs their votes.

It seems that they've made a pact with Satan. They believe they have Satan on a leash. They don't seem to realize that Satan will snap that leash as soon as he doesn't need them anymore.

Geez -we were always told that Satan had RED skin, not Orange!
Shove it, we did not vote for trump to be pastor, we voted for him to keep satan worshiping pagans like yourself from ruining a good thing you clown! You voted for a pedophile grifter who has schmoozed you for 50+ years.

Who voted them into congress?


Congress is a continuum. Just because there was an anti-communist frenzy that caused the election of one religious Congress, should not mean that the secular nature that was supported by all previous congresses should have been ignored.

The motto is an afront to American philosophy. It should be removed, but nobody wants to get into a big fight over it. It's rather insignificant.

Like the statues of Confederate traitors, it will eventually get removed.

Keep drawing attention to it and see what happens!
Shove it, we did not vote for trump to be pastor, we voted for him to keep satan worshiping pagans like yourself from ruining a good thing you clown! You voted for a pedophile grifter who has schmoozed you for 50+ years.

You can puke up whatever delusional fantasies you want, but you are supporting a man who is well known to violate multiple religious laws and the laws of this nation.

Yes, trump is the Orange Satan, and you are one of his followers.

Have fun in HELL, loser!
This doesn't surprise me at all. Liberals still believe in the phony separation of church and state. The word of the year for 2023 should be "misnomer."

---CNBC Anchor Gets A History Lesson On Separation of Church and State---

“When the founders set the system up, they wanted a vibrant expression of faith in the public square because they believed that a general moral consensus and virtue was necessary to maintain this grand experiment and self-governance." - Mike Johnson

Gee, that must be why Mike Johnson sucks Donald Trump's cock.
Keep drawing attention to it and see what happens!









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Don't like it, move, or force change, those of us who love the country, will not go quietly into the abyss of socialism

The U.S. has been partially socialist since at least the late 19th century, dumbass.

You're already in the 'abyss of Socialism' - and you can expect it to get deeper in the next few years.

Feel free to leave if you don't like it.
Conservative Southerners and former slaveholders were the ones who formed the original KKK as an insurgent group to fight the Northern Occupation and to reverse the Reconstruction laws placed on the south after the occupying federal troops finally left the south. It also served to keep the recently freed slaves in their place as well. After the former white power structure regain control of their states , the KKK became the law biding citizen of the south that gave us Jim Crow. The next iteration of the KKK was more political, and at its height had members of both parties who were both overtly racist. The conservatives of the South are firmly in the grips of Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP.
“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

You’re dear leader Brandon.
By their representatives in Congress, yes.

But the claim is that we were founded as a Christian nation. If it happened 168 years later, it was not part of the founding of the country.


The claim is that we are a secular nation and that there is a separation of church and state.

Secular gov'ts who are separated from the church don't inscribe "IN God We Trust" on ALL of their gov't. controlled currency.
Upon my arrival in the United States, the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there the more did I perceive the great political consequences resulting from this state of things, to which I was unaccustomed. In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom pursuing courses diametrically opposed to each other; but in America I found that they were intimately united, and that they reigned in common over the same country. My desire to discover the causes of this phenomenon increased from day to day. In order to satisfy it I questioned the members of all the different sects; and I more especially sought the society of the clergy, who are the depositaries of the different persuasions, and who are more especially interested in their duration. As a member of the Roman Catholic Church I was more particularly brought into contact with several of its priests, with whom I became intimately acquainted. To each of these men I expressed my astonishment and I explained my doubts; I found that they differed upon matters of detail alone; and that they mainly attributed the peaceful dominion of religion in their country to the separation of Church and State. I do not hesitate to affirm that during my stay in America I did not meet with a single individual, of the clergy or of the laity, who was not of the same opinion upon this point.

Democracy in America, Chapter 17

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