Speaker of the House gives history lesson to reporter.


Biden won. You agree...right?

Time to start your tap dance boy.
81 million votes.
This doesn't surprise me at all. Liberals still believe in the phony separation of church and state. The word of the year for 2023 should be "misnomer."

---CNBC Anchor Gets A History Lesson On Separation of Church and State---


At the time that the U.S. Constitution was written, just about all previous governments were monarchies. In almost all of them the Kings were 'Ordained' by Bishops or the equivalent.

This meant that the Kings were 'chosen' by God, and that to be against the King meant you were against God. It was considered blasphemy.

The King of England, to this day is the Head of the Church of England.

The Founders of the U.S. were very careful to make it clear that the U.S. Government was NOT ordained by God, but by the people that iot served.

The first words of the Constitution were clearly chosen:

"We the People...Do Ordain."

Not God,

Furthermore the 1st amendment clearly reinforced the separation of Church and State:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,"

Since the vast majority of the American people have been religious, we've tolerated the incorporation of religion somewhat - because most people just don't want to get into a big fight whenever some religious zealot wants to push their religion. But it's clear that the founding Fathers, who were mostly Religious themselves, intended the U.S. to be a strictly secular government.

I should add:

Somebody, I recall, once said:

"Render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser's, and to God what is God's."

Apparently, whoever that guy was clearly believed in a separation of Church and State.
Who's 'morals & ethics'?
Well, certainly not some of the people I have sat in church pews or sang in choirs with, though outwardly the models of Christian propriety and uprightness. Catholic priests that diddled little boys (as well as little girls, and women BTW)? Oh, hell no! How about Southern Baptist like Mike Johnson? Of course, he was high up in that convention, the same Christian organization, where it came out, they had been covering up decades of sexual abuse by some of it's preachers and leaders. Spare me. I was baptized in that religion. Been there, done that. Evangelical? Lord knows, Oral Roberts family and even ORU has had its share of scandal, everything from misuse of funds and naturally sexual escapes. The same can pretty much for all major religion. It has probably always been this way, and maybe another reason the framers wanted freedom of and from religion as it is established in our constitution.

What we really need are people in government with a good sense of right and wrong, and that isn't joined at the hip to religiosity. I had a buddy, back in working days at the office, named JR. A true prick, but very smart. That intelligence as well as being possibly one of the most honest, ethical and morally correct people I ever met were his saving graces. He was an Atheist as long as I knew him, but he didn't wear that on his sleeve as some dumbass badge of honor, either. His personal code was as good and solid as anybody I ever met, Christian or other. Hunt him down and use his moral and ethics.
This doesn't surprise me at all. Liberals still believe in the phony separation of church and state. The word of the year for 2023 should be "misnomer."

---CNBC Anchor Gets A History Lesson On Separation of Church and State---

Freedom of religion does not mean Freedom from religion. Most, if not all, references to the founding government's actions clearly reference faith in a superior power as a guiding principle.
Well, certainly not some of the people I have sat in church pews or sang in choirs with, though outwardly the models of Christian propriety and uprightness. Catholic priests that diddled little boys (as well as little girls, and women BTW)? Oh, hell no! How about Southern Baptist like Mike Johnson? Of course, he was high up in that convention, the same Christian organization, where it came out, they had been covering up decades of sexual abuse by some of it's preachers and leaders. Spare me. I was baptized in that religion. Been there, done that. Evangelical? Lord knows, Oral Roberts family and even ORU has had its share of scandal, everything from misuse of funds and naturally sexual escapes. The same can pretty much for all major religion. It has probably always been this way, and maybe another reason the framers wanted freedom of and from religion as it is established in our constitution.

What we really need are people in government with a good sense of right and wrong, and that isn't joined at the hip to religiosity. I had a buddy, back in working days at the office, named JR. A true prick, but very smart. That intelligence as well as being possibly one of the most honest, ethical and morally correct people I ever met were his saving graces. He was an Atheist as long as I knew him, but he didn't wear that on his sleeve as some dumbass badge of honor, either. His personal code was as good and solid as anybody I ever met, Christian or other. Hunt him down and use his moral and ethics.

What's a good sense of 'right and wrong' though? Define it... what are you basing 'right and wrong' on?

You bring up instances of 'religious' people doing bad things, as though it's the fault of the religion and not the people. Do you think Christianity supports the things you listed?
What's a good sense of 'right and wrong' though? Define it... what are you basing 'right and wrong' on?

You bring up instances of 'religious' people doing bad things, as though it's the fault of the religion and not the people. Do you think Christianity supports the things you listed?
Exactly. Every mass murderer in history felt they were morally superior.
By who?

The American people.

Wrong. The American Congress in a fit of Anti-Communist zeal did so without awareness of American history or philosophy.

They also dup'd us into believing that the U.S. was a Capitalist country first and foremost.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Speaker.

Sounds like the speaker knew exactly what he was talking about.
Hahaha, what is your creators name? Btw the DOI is why and how they justified the separation from the UK. The Constitution is how our government is set up. The only mention of "The Lord" is as a placeholder in time.
My Creator is thee Creator, the only one, choose whom you serve, or don't serve it matters not to me. It changes nothing about the fact that Separation of Church and State do not occur in the constitution

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