The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Joe Biden is a corrupt politician. His corruption and lying started nearly on the first day he took office 47 years ago.
Hillary Clinton's career followed and mirrored the same path. We knew Joe was corrupt for a long time, we just did not know how bad it was. Reports started coming out of The Ukraine during The Obama Administration about corrupt dealings and selling Joe's Office for a Profit to a Russian owned energy company to Burisma. The State Department run under Hillary Clinton had $7 Billion lost through The Ukraine Embassy. No one was ever held accountable but what we found out later was that The Obama Administration was pouring massive amounts of money in to Ukraine elections trying to keep a corrupt Oligarch in power.

The Obama Administration prior to an Anti-Corruption Government being elected had so much power over Ukraine that they could get a prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma fired and BRAGGED OPENLY ON VIDEO about it.

The Bidens have taken bribes from Ukraine, China, and Russia and many many more.

The Ukraine Prosecutor who they had fired confirmed that. Hunter Biden's Laptop Confirms That, Bobulinski's emails, cell phones, text messages and documents confirm that.

I could go on and on with the Evidence and confirmations, and go in to how Democrat allies in The Media and Big Tech have tried to suppress information like this for years, but that's not why I called. Unless The Democrats have a Sweeping Tuesday Night Massacre, no matter who is President, there is going to be a Mueller Investigation and Report, only unlike The Mueller Investigation, there is Evidence here. This will not be a Russian Disinformation Campaign used to attempt to disrupt our Democracy and Over Turn the results of an Election.

There will be Orange Jump Suits, and a Trial when this is all done. So the question is, who do you think should lead The Investigation in to Biden Gate?
Democrats who hate America admire people who sell America out. Democrats want to manage America's decline into a post America world
That is so true

the left has been brainwashing schoolchildren with anti American bullshit for several generations and its created a solid democrat base
Joe Biden is a corrupt politician. His corruption and lying started nearly on the first day he took office 47 years ago.
Hillary Clinton's career followed and mirrored the same path. We knew Joe was corrupt for a long time, we just did not know how bad it was. Reports started coming out of The Ukraine during The Obama Administration about corrupt dealings and selling Joe's Office for a Profit to a Russian owned energy company to Burisma. The State Department run under Hillary Clinton had $7 Billion lost through The Ukraine Embassy. No one was ever held accountable but what we found out later was that The Obama Administration was pouring massive amounts of money in to Ukraine elections trying to keep a corrupt Oligarch in power.

The Obama Administration prior to an Anti-Corruption Government being elected had so much power over Ukraine that they could get a prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma fired and BRAGGED OPENLY ON VIDEO about it.

The Bidens have taken bribes from Ukraine, China, and Russia and many many more.

The Ukraine Prosecutor who they had fired confirmed that. Hunter Biden's Laptop Confirms That, Bobulinski's emails, cell phones, text messages and documents confirm that.

I could go on and on with the Evidence and confirmations, and go in to how Democrat allies in The Media and Big Tech have tried to suppress information like this for years, but that's not why I called. Unless The Democrats have a Sweeping Tuesday Night Massacre, no matter who is President, there is going to be a Mueller Investigation and Report, only unlike The Mueller Investigation, there is Evidence here. This will not be a Russian Disinformation Campaign used to attempt to disrupt our Democracy and Over Turn the results of an Election.

There will be Orange Jump Suits, and a Trial when this is all done. So the question is, who do you think should lead The Investigation in to Biden Gate?
The Grim Reaper?
Democrats who hate America admire people who sell America out. Democrats want to manage America's decline into a post America world
Well, we know that is True, but do you have any recommendations for Special Counsel to investigate Biden Gate?
I really don't trust any of the Republicans. Gowdy talks tough but never delivers. Graham is a rino. Maybe Ted cruz?
Democrats who hate America admire people who sell America out. Democrats want to manage America's decline into a post America world
Well, we know that is True, but do you have any recommendations for Special Counsel to investigate Biden Gate?
I really don't trust any of the Republicans. Gowdy talks tough but never delivers. Graham is a rino. Maybe Ted cruz?
Ted might work
Pam Bondi?
Democrats who hate America admire people who sell America out. Democrats want to manage America's decline into a post America world
Well, we know that is True, but do you have any recommendations for Special Counsel to investigate Biden Gate?
I really don't trust any of the Republicans. Gowdy talks tough but never delivers. Graham is a rino. Maybe Ted cruz?
Ted might work
Pam Bondi?
I would trust Flynn
Democrats who hate America admire people who sell America out. Democrats want to manage America's decline into a post America world
Well, we know that is True, but do you have any recommendations for Special Counsel to investigate Biden Gate?
I really don't trust any of the Republicans. Gowdy talks tough but never delivers. Graham is a rino. Maybe Ted cruz?
Ted might work
Pam Bondi?
I would trust Flynn
What great revenge would that be if they put General Flynn in charge of Biden Gate?
Mark Levin

He would be a great special council.

But just remember, the Special Council that investigated Trump were all Trump hating democrats, so having set up that precedent they should be all Biden hating conservatives.

Fair is fair.
Mark Levin

He would be a great special council.

But just remember, the Special Council that investigated Trump were all Trump hating democrats, so having set up that precedent they should be all Biden hating conservatives.

Fair is fair.
I did not think about him. He'd be awesome~
They are planning to deligitimilze the election


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