Special Counsel Panic: Donald Trump’s Documents Trial Could Be Delayed Until After 2024 Election

It is certainly in Donny's interests to delay, delay, delay, but it will happen and won't be dismissed. The case on some of the charges is solid to the point of undeniability. His best bet is to support a Republican candidate that could possibly win (as he can't) and work for a pardon. Republican love to pardon high crimes and misdemeanor of past presidents and staffs.
You don't think Trump could win from a jail cell against Biden? I wish I had your faith on that account.

I definitely agree, he would not have a shot against any other competent Democrat. . . but against Biden? At this point?



Since none of the charges prevent Trump from running, Trump could, hypothetically, just pardon himself from a jail cell.


That would be disgraceful, IMO.
There is no solid evidence of any wrong doing on Trump's part.

Since none of us can actually read the classified intel, I don't think that is a statement grounded in reality.

A lot of this goes to, "intent."

The establishment apparently believes, that Trump has shown intent, whereas, other politicians, in his same position, that have done the same, have not shown intent, for doing similar things.
Since none of us can actually read the classified intel, I don't think that is a statement grounded in reality.

A lot of this goes to, "intent."

The establishment apparently believes, that Trump has shown intent, whereas, other politicians, in his same position, that have done the same, have not shown intent, for doing similar things.
Intent to do what? Get his personal stuff separated?
Intent to do what? Get his personal stuff separated?
They law enforcement agencies make the claim that folks like Pence, Clinton and Biden never intended to break the law, whereas Trump showed a clear pattern of willful disregard of it.

That is the official line from the DoJ.

You don't think Trump could win from a jail cell against Biden? I wish I had your faith on that account.

I definitely agree, he would not have a shot against any other competent Democrat. . . but against Biden? At this point?



Since none of the charges prevent Trump from running, Trump could, hypothetically, just pardon himself from a jail cell.


That would be disgraceful, IMO.
With the employment numbers very good, unemployment relatively low, Inflation that jumped to 7% in 2021 mainly due to all the free money from the covid thing, suspension of student loans and of course, the rise in oil prices after the production shutdowns under trump, during the epidemic and the reluctance of Big Oil to do much to ramp up production at higher cost, while they were suddenly making record profits producing, processing and drilling less, keeping the prices high and the profits higher, that inflation has dropped to about 4%, reasonably steady decline since then and I figure will drop even more before next summer, during election year, it it must be remembered that wage increases have stayed ahead of inflation. Manufacturing is up. Manufacturing construction project (like the local Ford plant) have increase 180% since 2021. Nationally, the crime rate for violent crime is actually lowering. Recent polling shows about half of Americans support backing Ukraine in its fight to defend itself from Russian aggression to take over that country, while only a quarter do not, (probably the die hard trumpers). Infrastructure spending on upgrades and maintenance is up, and you can certainly tell it around here. So no matter what the right wing on here say, these are very favorable to another 4 years of Joe, whether I would like to see a change or not. You can say that he is too old, and it may be true, though I don't care if he trips, as long as he gets up. You can also say that VP Harris is viewed as incompetent to take over, and I would agree. But, on average during my almost 69 years, the country is doing pretty well, compared to the many years I have seen with higher inflation, higher crime and our troops being sent to battle and left there beyond mission accomplishment or to place the country decided they should not have been sent.

The other side of the coin is Trump. The twice impeached currently facing Federal Criminal charges for taking and refusing to give back government documents (no personal) including some that violate the espionage act (documents that cannot, by law, be declassified by a President, as they involve not only us but foreign government security) and he will probably be indicted at least once more, I expect by the end of summer. Couple with that, the women and young that view Trump as stacking the Supreme Court and taking away their decisions regarding abortion, and the States that have moved to make them criminals for even seeking and abortion, right or wrong. Bottom lilne is Trump is a non-starter for the General election with well over half the country, but very well may win the nomination process, whether it ultimately screws the Republican Party or not. This too, bode well for Biden.

This is my analysis, (as of 20 June 2023 with election about 17 months away) based on economic, legal and polling numbers on actual issues. The rest of what you are hearing on here is just the right wing Trumper's messaging, (not reality) meant to sway opinion.

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