Specualtive fear mongering runs amok.

OMG! Egypt will be a Mulsim Sahria law nation and will spread in the middle east and doom Israel!

Pathetic media.

And it is well reflected on here.

Actually, I thought it was just the opposite. What channel you watching, uscitizen? I been keeping CNN on most of the day...they are orgasming over the Revolution Without A Shot Fired.

OMG! Egypt will be a Mulsim Sahria law nation and will spread in the middle east and doom Israel!

Pathetic media.

And it is well reflected on here.

Actually, I thought it was just the opposite. What channel you watching, uscitizen? I been keeping CNN on most of the day...they are orgasming over the Revolution Without A Shot Fired.

Since I'm not planning a trip to Egypt like you guys, and the rest of America, I'm ignoring all news about Egypt.
OMG! Egypt will be a Mulsim Sahria law nation and will spread in the middle east and doom Israel!

Pathetic media.

And it is well reflected on here.

Actually, I thought it was just the opposite. What channel you watching, uscitizen? I been keeping CNN on most of the day...they are orgasming over the Revolution Without A Shot Fired.

I actually watched some Fox earlier today just to get their feel on the Egypt thing.
They were interviewing one of their people in Telavive (sp?) I thought funny, and some ex CIA guy that now runs a rent a mercernary security outfit.
I got the gloom and doom from them. And from threads on here.
OMG! Egypt will be a Mulsim Sahria law nation and will spread in the middle east and doom Israel!

Pathetic media.

And it is well reflected on here.

Actually, I thought it was just the opposite. What channel you watching, uscitizen? I been keeping CNN on most of the day...they are orgasming over the Revolution Without A Shot Fired.

Since I'm not planning a trip to Egypt like you guys, and the rest of America, I'm ignoring all news about Egypt.

I am mostly ignoring it as well at least till we see how it shakes out.
But I am curious about peoples reactions and I keep hearing this so goes Egypt so goes the ME thing.
Also rumors of the head Saudi dying was news earlier.
On Fox and friends of course ;)
OMG! Egypt will be a Mulsim Sahria law nation and will spread in the middle east and doom Israel!

Pathetic media.

And it is well reflected on here.

Actually, I thought it was just the opposite. What channel you watching, uscitizen? I been keeping CNN on most of the day...they are orgasming over the Revolution Without A Shot Fired.

I actually watched some Fox earlier today just to get their feel on the Egypt thing.
They were interviewing one of their people in Telavive (sp?) I thought funny, and some ex CIA guy that now runs a rent a mercernary security outfit.
I got the gloom and doom from them. And from threads on here.

O, doubtless. God forbid anyone in the media not try and spin this.
Why is telling the truth fearmongering? Are you telling me that if there is bad news going on the media is supposed to tell us it's all roses and lollipops?
Why is telling the truth fearmongering? Are you telling me that if there is bad news going on the media is supposed to tell us it's all roses and lollipops?

So goes Egypt so goes the ME?
Radical Muslims taking over Egypt, etc
Pure speculation no truth at all.
Why is telling the truth fearmongering? Are you telling me that if there is bad news going on the media is supposed to tell us it's all roses and lollipops?
The truth is that Egypt had regime change without wrecking the country first. That such a thing is possible. The truth is there is jubilation in the Egyptian streets tonight, the national museum isn't being looted. The truth is people took to the streets alongside tanks, people were neither running away from the tanks nor firing RPGs at the them.

Speculation about motives and agendas isn't the truth, is it? Speculation is assumption. And when speculation tends toward hyperbole it becomes fear-mongering.
I was watching MSNBC before going to work. They were interviewing people in the square and someone from Parliment. All they kept talking about was Freedom, Modernizing and a love for America. I heard nothing about religion. They weren't even "mad" at Mubarak. And they were happy about the military.

So far so good.
Politically, the Right is splitting themselves over this issue. The Bircher throwbacks are in need of a boogeyman. Commies, Fellow Travelers, outside agitators, Muslims. I think they are crapping themselves because they have rolled all of these together and sounded the alarm.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, the Rumsfeld/Cheney/Kristol branch of the Neo-Con clan are patting themselves on the back because their vision of democratization might be happening before their very eyes.

If they could have kick started their vision without all that 'war is messy' stuff, I'd give them credit.
The Right is just lurching from hour to hour trying to figure out how to stay on the opposite side of wherever Obama is.
The Right is just lurching from hour to hour trying to figure out how to stay on the opposite side of wherever Obama is.
No matter what happens, the right has to keep it's unrelenting meme that Obama is the source of everything wrong. Obama can't chew his food without some right wing 'pundit' shouting about how his overbite makes America weaker.

Those 'pundits' need a boogeyman to gin up the fear and hatred and resentment they have carefully cultivated. They used to use Commies as their villain. Today, it's Muslims. And tomorrow, it will be social media sites.

Without a boogeyman, this story plays out like Obama's Berlin Wall. the right could never stand for anything like that.
CNN reported that the average age of an Egyptian is 24. That seems almost impossible to believe, but I suppose they must have a very young population. These young people used social networking, etc. to find each other and the world and to make this happen, even though Mubarak tried to close the internet.

It is back up there now, and the Egyptians are reaching out to the international community. They are all over facebook, and doubtless every other such site.

I do not think cats go back into bags.
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CNN reported that the average age of an Egyptian is 24. That seems almost impossible to believe, but I suppose they must have a very young population. These young people used social networking, etc. to find each other and the world and to make this happen, even though Mubarak tried to close the internet.

It is back up there now, and the Egyptians are reaching out to the international community. They are all over facebook, and doubtless every other such site.

I do not think cats go back into bags.

I demand to know WTF we have no Egyptian Membership!

I blame Gunny. and his Draconian, Iron Fisted Dictatorship.:evil:
these Egyptions have pulled off a miracle.

They staged a revolution and kept it non violent and so organized that they had their own security checking people for weapons at several check points as well as handed out food and had cleaning crews cleaning up the trash all while they were protesting non stop.

Whoever the organizers turn out to be they will be great at running the country from the oranization we have seen from them already.

Egypt has proven brown Arab men are not all scary terrorists.

These people have shattered the neocon image that the right depends on to continue to hold back the middle east.

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