Spicer cites Atlanta terror attack that never happened

He meant Orlando, big deal.

Were you guys calling Obama a liar when he claimed there were 57 states?

Are you calling Maxine Waters a liar for claiming Putin is pushing into Korea?

Of course not, because you're all a bunch of dishonest c*nts.

I think anybody would overlook gaffes provided the person making the gaffe "owns" it. Why wouldn't they? Everyone makes them at one time or another. "Owning" their mistakes is not, however, the pattern the Trump team exhibits. They double down on them and maintain that they didn't merely slip up. Trump himself even does so multiple times over a period of years, well after the falsehood of his position has been revealed
And as if that weren't enough, Spicer actually said, "I think sometimes we can disagree with the facts." Um, no. Facts are not things one can disagree with. People can not know facts. People are able to and do ignore facts. Disagree with them. No. Just no.

Spicer went on to say, "There are certain things that we may not fully understand when we come out." Okay. That happens, but that is also easy to deal with: (1) just don't talk about those things one doesn't fully understand or (2) explicitly state that one doesn't yet fully understand "whatever" and be clear about the limit of one's current understanding. It's really that simple, at least it is for people of integrity.

Conway said immediately she misspoke. Spicer said he meant Orlando. So they did "own up" to it.

Maxine Waters didn't just misspeak, she didn't know the country and just said "Korea?" while looking for approval from her entourage.

I haven't seen that they did so. If they did, I'm happy to stop citing those instances of their misspeaking, and I'm happy to call those instances simple gaffes. I don't think, however, that two single retractions by two individuals militate for saying the Trump team consistently owns their errors, but I'm willing to give credit where its been earned.

It's worth noting that no amount of forthrightness by Conway and Spicer can ameliorate for Trump's lack thereof. Sooner or later the "tone at the top" overrides and infects the people below, or it inspires them to greatness. In Trump's case, the former appears to be all that's gone on so far. Change is needed and it has to start with Trump himself.
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He meant Orlando, big deal.

Were you guys calling Obama a liar when he claimed there were 57 states?

Are you calling Maxine Waters a liar for claiming Putin is pushing into Korea?

Of course not, because you're all a bunch of dishonest c*nts.
I can certainly understand your frustration at having to defend your so-called president.
Sean Spicer cites Atlanta terror attack that never happened
Sean Spicer cites Atlanta terror attack that never happened - CNNPolitics.com
Did these people go to Trump University to get a degree in LYING?

This is getting embarrassing...

The whole of the Trump WH seems not to actually know what they are talking about, nor do they seem to even accurately remember U.S. history.

Conway mentioned that two so-called radicalized terrorists came to the U.S. and "masterminded" a "massacre" in Bowling Green, KY. There was no such event. To make matters worse, she tried to say her statement was reported before someone asked her what she meant.

Who the hell is going to ask what it means to "mastermind a massacre?" Those aren't ambiguous terms; intelligent people know exactly what they mean. You know what that phrase doesn't mean? It doesn't mean "two men were convicted of trying to get money from the U.S. to Al Qaeda so as to help terrorists in Iran carry out attacks against Americans there," which is what the men in Bowling Green were convicted of doing.

It's also interesting that she called to attention the Bowling Green incident. That event is what inspired Obama to issue his executive order that slowed, not halted, the immigration processing of Iraqi immigrants/refugees.

They don't know history, they don't know how the government works, what do they actually know? They know they have control and they're laughing.

The world is laughing!
Centennial Olympic Park bombing - Wikipedia

"The Centennial Olympic Park bombing was a domestic terrorist pipe bombing attack on the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 27 during the 1996 Summer Olympics. The blast directly killed 1 person and injured 111 others; another person later died of a heart attack. It was the first of four bombings committed by Eric Robert Rudolph."

This is the only attack I could immediately find...and it was a DOMESTIC terrorist attack. If he was using THIS attack to support the Trump Travel Ban, Trump should pull Spicer aside, look him right in the eyes, and say, 'You're FIRED!'
Gee the Iraqi gentlemen in question from Bowling Green were caught with a Stinger Missle Launcher and other heavy weapons including Russian machine guns.

Do you think maybe they were preparing for buck season? Yeah. Yeah. That's the ticket. The refugees thought that's how you hunt in America.

Yeah, yeah. That's the ticket.


Trying to help the Comrade, SHE SAID THERE WAS A MASSACRE! SHE LIED!
This is the most dishonest administration in history. You cannot believe a word they say.
Centennial Olympic Park bombing - Wikipedia

"The Centennial Olympic Park bombing was a domestic terrorist pipe bombing attack on the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 27 during the 1996 Summer Olympics. The blast directly killed 1 person and injured 111 others; another person later died of a heart attack. It was the first of four bombings committed by Eric Robert Rudolph."

This is the only attack I could immediately find...and it was a DOMESTIC terrorist attack. If he was using THIS attack to support the Trump Travel Ban, Trump should pull Spicer aside, look him right in the eyes, and say, 'You're FIRED!'

He won't cause he lies more than they do. It is their badge on honor.
He meant Orlando, big deal.

Were you guys calling Obama a liar when he claimed there were 57 states?

Are you calling Maxine Waters a liar for claiming Putin is pushing into Korea?

Of course not, because you're all a bunch of dishonest c*nts.

Obama's staff didn't repeatedly reference "57 states". It was a one off slip of the tongue.
He meant Orlando, big deal.

Were you guys calling Obama a liar when he claimed there were 57 states?

Are you calling Maxine Waters a liar for claiming Putin is pushing into Korea?

Of course not, because you're all a bunch of dishonest c*nts.

Obama's staff didn't repeatedly reference "57 states". It was a one off slip of the tongue.

What Obama's people should have done is attack the press for not reporting that there are 57 states.
Gee the Iraqi gentlemen in question from Bowling Green were caught with a Stinger Missle Launcher and other heavy weapons including Russian machine guns.

Do you think maybe they were preparing for buck season? Yeah. Yeah. That's the ticket. The refugees thought that's how you hunt in America.

Yeah, yeah. That's the ticket.


Do you think maybe they were preparing for buck season?

I think they were caught in a sting by the FBI attempting to ship money and weapons overseas to assist in Iraq. Those are the facts.
I want to be clear. I don't consider being wrong -- either by mere gaffe or by some form of ignorance -- the same as lying. The difference, when it comes to political and other leaders, is that lies are told to advance some end and in response to being called on them, they try to dance and wiggle their way out of them or they double down on them. When such people are just wrong with no malfeasant, conniving or contriving intent, they just own it and move on. Everyone knows this just as well as I do.

Now here's the thing. Even though everyone is at times honestly mistaken/wrong, there are some things people in the White House just aren't allowed to be wrong about. The fact is that being privileged to serve the U.S. from the WH carries with it a higher bar. The electorate, other nations and their leaders, the press, and everyone else must be able to rely on the veracity of what a President and his Administration employees say.

The problem with Trump and his Administration isn't they are the intellectual equivalent of Gerald Ford and his physical clumsiness, it's that they are found with regularity to be be wrong, and for many of the misstatements there is a clear political end being served by the misstatement, paltering and prevarication. That's the problem, not that folks merely slip up by saying "Korea" instead of "Crimea," or "Atlanta" instead of (perhaps) "Orlando."

I kind of see the Korea-Crimea gaffe. It's harder for me to "get" the Atlanta-Orlando thing, in large part because (1) not only are the two city names not at all similar, but also (2) he said it three times in mere minutes. That said, Spicer did say he meant Orlando. Okay. I'll give him a pass for it.
He meant Orlando, big deal.

Were you guys calling Obama a liar when he claimed there were 57 states?

Are you calling Maxine Waters a liar for claiming Putin is pushing into Korea?

Of course not, because you're all a bunch of dishonest c*nts.

I think anybody would overlook gaffes provided the person making the gaffe "owns" it. Why wouldn't they? Everyone makes them at one time or another. "Owning" their mistakes is not, however, the pattern the Trump team exhibits. They double down on them and maintain that they didn't merely slip up. Trump himself even does so multiple times over a period of years, well after the falsehood of his position has been revealed
And as if that weren't enough, Spicer actually said, "I think sometimes we can disagree with the facts." Um, no. Facts are not things one can disagree with. People can not know facts. People are able to and do ignore facts. Disagree with them. No. Just no.

Spicer went on to say, "There are certain things that we may not fully understand when we come out." Okay. That happens, but that is also easy to deal with: (1) just don't talk about those things one doesn't fully understand or (2) explicitly state that one doesn't yet fully understand "whatever" and be clear about the limit of one's current understanding. It's really that simple, at least it is for people of integrity.

Conway said immediately she misspoke. Spicer said he meant Orlando. So they did "own up" to it.

Maxine Waters didn't just misspeak, she didn't know the country and just said "Korea?" while looking for approval from her entourage.

and that horrible kenyan doubled down on the alternative state number, and claimed that the media underreported the real number of states. then hussein claimed that his state tour was the best ever with the most states visited ever. sad.

<<alternative history
Sean Spicer cites Atlanta terror attack that never happened
Sean Spicer cites Atlanta terror attack that never happened - CNNPolitics.com
Did these people go to Trump University to get a degree in LYING?

This is getting embarrassing...
Obama said there are plenty of shovel ready jobs and you can keep your own dr.

Obama is gone. Let's talk about the Liar in Chief that is president now....wait....that is Steve Bannon. Let's talk about the Comrade, Putin's wife.
Sean Spicer cites Atlanta terror attack that never happened
Sean Spicer cites Atlanta terror attack that never happened - CNNPolitics.com
Did these people go to Trump University to get a degree in LYING?

This is getting embarrassing...

The whole administration is an embarrassment worldwide. The UK Parliament won't allow the Liar in Chief to address them. That is how bad it has gotten. But, president Bannon will continue to write EOs and pursue his stated goal of crashing the US government.
He meant Orlando, big deal.

Were you guys calling Obama a liar when he claimed there were 57 states?

Are you calling Maxine Waters a liar for claiming Putin is pushing into Korea?

Of course not, because you're all a bunch of dishonest c*nts.

Obama's staff didn't repeatedly reference "57 states". It was a one off slip of the tongue.

This president lies and then get his "soulless" staff to go before the media and lie. AMAZING!
He meant Orlando, big deal.

Were you guys calling Obama a liar when he claimed there were 57 states?

Are you calling Maxine Waters a liar for claiming Putin is pushing into Korea?

Of course not, because you're all a bunch of dishonest c*nts.

I think anybody would overlook gaffes provided the person making the gaffe "owns" it. Why wouldn't they? Everyone makes them at one time or another. "Owning" their mistakes is not, however, the pattern the Trump team exhibits. They double down on them and maintain that they didn't merely slip up. Trump himself even does so multiple times over a period of years, well after the falsehood of his position has been revealed
And as if that weren't enough, Spicer actually said, "I think sometimes we can disagree with the facts." Um, no. Facts are not things one can disagree with. People can not know facts. People are able to and do ignore facts. Disagree with them. No. Just no.

Spicer went on to say, "There are certain things that we may not fully understand when we come out." Okay. That happens, but that is also easy to deal with: (1) just don't talk about those things one doesn't fully understand or (2) explicitly state that one doesn't yet fully understand "whatever" and be clear about the limit of one's current understanding. It's really that simple, at least it is for people of integrity.

Conway said immediately she misspoke. Spicer said he meant Orlando. So they did "own up" to it.

Maxine Waters didn't just misspeak, she didn't know the country and just said "Korea?" while looking for approval from her entourage.

Conway said she misspoke then it was discovered she'd told the same lie in another interview some time before.

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