Spicer on Syria: If you gas a baby or barrel bomb, expect to be destroyed


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Spicer on Syria: If you gas a baby or barrel bomb, expect a response - CNNPolitics.com

The word of God, Amen............................

Washington (CNN)White House press secretary Sean Spicer said twice Monday that the Trump administration will respond if the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad uses barrel bombs against his own people, something that's been a regular occurrence in the six-year civil war.

"If you gas a baby, if you put a barrel bombing to innocent people, I think you can see a response from this president," Spicer said in response to a question during his daily briefing. "That's unacceptable."

<img alt="Tillerson: US will 'hold to account' states that commit atrocities " class="media__image" src="//i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170410153307-01-rex-tillerson-boris-johnson-0410-large-169.jpg">
Tillerson: US will 'hold to account' states that commit atrocities

Spicer said the use of the crude, unguided explosives, would cross a line for Trump, who last week authorized cruise missile strikes on a Syrian base after the regime used chemical weapons on its own people.
Being a principled, morally righteous nation isn't easy. It's often a thankless job, and too often even allies aren't willing to do their part in support of this leadership. Just look at the NATO contribution issue...

America is that beacon of light on the hill so to speak, the nation that humanity needs to remain a global super power. If not for America, who would do the heavy lifting and support individual rights? It's certainly not going to come from a socialist nation that believes in domestic interference in the lives of their citizens.

The UN is feckless, hypocritical and useless. America has to make the tough choices and lead as only they can, hopefully they are correct most of the time and make decisions based on the right premises and convictions.

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