Spitting on Dr Kings legacy

Oh but every book told me they were, while the democrats ran around wearing funny pointed hats....

You know why that is dummy? because it's the truth........Your fucking local library most likely to prove it without question..

Your ignorance is breathtaking.

Actually, belonging to the Klan was not a democrat or republican issue. You just had to be a good ole white boy........you should know Nicky

KKK was started by Nathan Bedford Forrest...Democrat/Terrorist

No..actually, the Klan was an equal opportunity employer. You could be Dem or Republican .....as long as you were white and Christian

You would fit right in

I truly doubt that Rick Perry thinks that, you are attempting to paint with a broad brush. Talk about racism, what about Obama's 20 year relationship with Rev Wright, a devoted white person hater.

Remember too, Abe Lincoln was a republican and if it were not for the Republicans in congress the civil rights movement would have ended with the Democrats, if any party is racist it is the democrats. After the civil war Republican governors were murdered for giving blacks the right to vote. Know your history and you will know your mistake, then have the courage to admit it and correct it..

Actually, without the Republicans in Congress, there would have been no Civil Rights acts.

LBJ was actually one of the leading Senators opposing it during Eisenhower's administration.

Actually, it wouldn't have passed without Democrats either.

But when all was said and done, the Civil Rights act of 1964 would not have Passed without LBJ
*52 Democrats were segregationists, to 3 Republicans from 1955-1968.
*From the list.

The first Republican President was Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves.
It was Republican President Dwight Eisenhower who pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and sent troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools.
Republican President Eisenhower also appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the U.S. Supreme Court, which resulted in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision ending school segregation.

Uu do it again.

Nice try becki........you almost had us fooled

In fact.....most elected officials in the south were Democrats. That does not mean that republicans in the south were in favor of civil rights, it only means that they did not get elected

Civil Rights was not a Democrat/Republican issue

It was a North/South issue
Thanks, rightwinger. When this southern woman was in high school, she heard Martin Luther King's Dream speech and took it to heart. In 1964, I heard some boys from my school had taken off to go "teach a lesson" in the disgraceful shantytown blacks were then shunted to. That did it. I was thinking which party I would join, so I registered as an independent, but when I married, I married a Republican on purpose because of all that hatred I had seen in high school towards people who were not guilty of anything other than just trying to make a living and be friendly to other people. Now, I know there are people on both sides of the aisle who aren't haters on account of skin color, but I'm on this side because of how the DNC went out of its way to recruit my classmates into lives of hatred and prejudice. It's been interesting, but I'm not sorry I made my choice the way I did. Nice talking to you.
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I don't mind what David Barton says, it just shows the true colors of his defenders/supporters.
It's ironic that Perry will be spending the day before the King memorial dedication with a man who has said that King does not deserve credit for the revolutionary changes in civil rights law that took place in the 1950s and 60s.

Barton was among a group of Texas conservatives who in 2010 sought to revise that state's textbooks to promote their view that the notion of a constitutional separation of church and state is a myth, and that students should be taught a version of American history that blends theology with themes of a constant clash of civilizations between Christians and Muslims. According to a Washington Monthly article in January 2010, Barton, the former head of the Texas Republican Party, and Peter Marshall, who the article described as "a Massachusetts-based preacher who has argued that California wildfires and Hurricane Katrina were God's punishment for tolerating gays,"

These are the guys who would be helping to establish policy in a Perry administration

Do you mind that Obama learned his Religion from Rev. Wright? Do you mind that several of Obama's high appointments are racists? Didn't think so. Selective outrage is so chic.
It's ironic that Perry will be spending the day before the King memorial dedication with a man who has said that King does not deserve credit for the revolutionary changes in civil rights law that took place in the 1950s and 60s.

Barton was among a group of Texas conservatives who in 2010 sought to revise that state's textbooks to promote their view that the notion of a constitutional separation of church and state is a myth, and that students should be taught a version of American history that blends theology with themes of a constant clash of civilizations between Christians and Muslims. According to a Washington Monthly article in January 2010, Barton, the former head of the Texas Republican Party, and Peter Marshall, who the article described as "a Massachusetts-based preacher who has argued that California wildfires and Hurricane Katrina were God's punishment for tolerating gays,"

These are the guys who would be helping to establish policy in a Perry administration

Do you mind that Obama learned his Religion from Rev. Wright? Do you mind that several of Obama's high appointments are racists? Didn't think so. Selective outrage is so chic.

Which high appointments are racists? 95% of church going blacks learn their religion from Rev. Wright type pastors. They are the only ones speaking the truth about racist whites.
I truly doubt that Rick Perry thinks that, you are attempting to paint with a broad brush. Talk about racism, what about Obama's 20 year relationship with Rev Wright, a devoted white person hater.

Remember too, Abe Lincoln was a republican and if it were not for the Republicans in congress the civil rights movement would have ended with the Democrats, if any party is racist it is the democrats. After the civil war Republican governors were murdered for giving blacks the right to vote. Know your history and you will know your mistake, then have the courage to admit it and correct it..

Actually, without the Republicans in Congress, there would have been no Civil Rights acts.

LBJ was actually one of the leading Senators opposing it during Eisenhower's administration.

Actually, it wouldn't have passed without Democrats either.

But when all was said and done, the Civil Rights act of 1964 would not have Passed without LBJ

So disingenuous; let me ask you if any, any GOP candidate had a father that voted against the civil rights act and profited immensely off of tobacco would have had a chance in hell of getting the Republican presidential nomination?

The left routinely ridiculed and impugned the Bush family, making connections to Nazis and the Illuminati, but they all supported and voted for Gore.

Senator Byrd was a recruiter for the KKK, and I know how "he saw the light", but if a Republican former KKK member used the word '******' on national television--which Byrd F-ing did in 2000 no less-- do you believe the GOP would allow him to sit in his Senate seat until he withered away and died. BTW Byrd is burning in hell for the black men he helped burn.

The answer, because I'm sure you won't answer, is NO.
It's ironic that Perry will be spending the day before the King memorial dedication with a man who has said that King does not deserve credit for the revolutionary changes in civil rights law that took place in the 1950s and 60s.

Barton was among a group of Texas conservatives who in 2010 sought to revise that state's textbooks to promote their view that the notion of a constitutional separation of church and state is a myth, and that students should be taught a version of American history that blends theology with themes of a constant clash of civilizations between Christians and Muslims. According to a Washington Monthly article in January 2010, Barton, the former head of the Texas Republican Party, and Peter Marshall, who the article described as "a Massachusetts-based preacher who has argued that California wildfires and Hurricane Katrina were God's punishment for tolerating gays,"

These are the guys who would be helping to establish policy in a Perry administration

Do you mind that Obama learned his Religion from Rev. Wright? Do you mind that several of Obama's high appointments are racists? Didn't think so. Selective outrage is so chic.

Good point Gunny. I do hope you apply it when gazing in the mirror. I am curious about which of Obama's appointments are racist?
It's ironic that Perry will be spending the day before the King memorial dedication with a man who has said that King does not deserve credit for the revolutionary changes in civil rights law that took place in the 1950s and 60s.

Barton was among a group of Texas conservatives who in 2010 sought to revise that state's textbooks to promote their view that the notion of a constitutional separation of church and state is a myth, and that students should be taught a version of American history that blends theology with themes of a constant clash of civilizations between Christians and Muslims. According to a Washington Monthly article in January 2010, Barton, the former head of the Texas Republican Party, and Peter Marshall, who the article described as "a Massachusetts-based preacher who has argued that California wildfires and Hurricane Katrina were God's punishment for tolerating gays,"

These are the guys who would be helping to establish policy in a Perry administration

Do you mind that Obama learned his Religion from Rev. Wright? Do you mind that several of Obama's high appointments are racists? Didn't think so. Selective outrage is so chic.

Which high appointments are racists? 95% of church going blacks learn their religion from Rev. Wright type pastors. They are the only ones speaking the truth about racist whites.

Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.
Do you mind that Obama learned his Religion from Rev. Wright? Do you mind that several of Obama's high appointments are racists? Didn't think so. Selective outrage is so chic.

Which high appointments are racists? 95% of church going blacks learn their religion from Rev. Wright type pastors. They are the only ones speaking the truth about racist whites.

Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

I'll give you that Holder might be racist. Haven't seen it from Obama.
It's ironic that Perry will be spending the day before the King memorial dedication with a man who has said that King does not deserve credit for the revolutionary changes in civil rights law that took place in the 1950s and 60s.

Barton was among a group of Texas conservatives who in 2010 sought to revise that state's textbooks to promote their view that the notion of a constitutional separation of church and state is a myth, and that students should be taught a version of American history that blends theology with themes of a constant clash of civilizations between Christians and Muslims. According to a Washington Monthly article in January 2010, Barton, the former head of the Texas Republican Party, and Peter Marshall, who the article described as "a Massachusetts-based preacher who has argued that California wildfires and Hurricane Katrina were God's punishment for tolerating gays,"

These are the guys who would be helping to establish policy in a Perry administration

Do you mind that Obama learned his Religion from Rev. Wright? Do you mind that several of Obama's high appointments are racists? Didn't think so. Selective outrage is so chic.

Good point Gunny. I do hope you apply it when gazing in the mirror. I am curious about which of Obama's appointments are racist?

To be able to properly answer your question, I'd have to know what your definition of racism is. What is racist to me, like an organization that only allows a certain race to be a member, may not be racist to you.
Which high appointments are racists? 95% of church going blacks learn their religion from Rev. Wright type pastors. They are the only ones speaking the truth about racist whites.

Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

I'll give you that Holder might be racist. Haven't seen it from Obama.

You haven't? Remember Professor Gates?? The police acted stupidly?? The beer summit he had to have with the white police officer and professor Gates to prove that he's not a racist?? Get real.
Which high appointments are racists? 95% of church going blacks learn their religion from Rev. Wright type pastors. They are the only ones speaking the truth about racist whites.

Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

I'll give you that Holder might be racist. Haven't seen it from Obama.

How about VP Biden?
I truly doubt that Rick Perry thinks that, you are attempting to paint with a broad brush. Talk about racism, what about Obama's 20 year relationship with Rev Wright, a devoted white person hater.

Remember too, Abe Lincoln was a republican and if it were not for the Republicans in congress the civil rights movement would have ended with the Democrats, if any party is racist it is the democrats. After the civil war Republican governors were murdered for giving blacks the right to vote. Know your history and you will know your mistake, then have the courage to admit it and correct it..

Actually, without the Republicans in Congress, there would have been no Civil Rights acts.

LBJ was actually one of the leading Senators opposing it during Eisenhower's administration.

Actually, it wouldn't have passed without Democrats either.

But when all was said and done, the Civil Rights act of 1964 would not have Passed without LBJ

No. It certainly wouldnt have passed in 64 without LBJ. It would have passed in the 50s had LBJ not fillibusted the bill.

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