Spitting on Dr Kings legacy

Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

Was it racism when the Bush Admin dropped the black panther case?

Proof of Sotomeyer's racism?

You old scared white people make me laugh. Your country is our country now.

Allowing Robert Byrd to serve as a respected member of the United States Senate until he withered away and died was a slap in the face to the legacy of MLK.

Who was President on January 7th 2009?
Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

Was it racism when the Bush Admin dropped the black panther case?

Proof of Sotomeyer's racism?

You old scared white people make me laugh. Your country is our country now.

Allowing Robert Byrd to serve as a respected member of the United States Senate until he withered away and died was a slap in the face to the legacy of MLK.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FIBJt-c2o0"]Senator Robert Byrd says "white *******" on TV - YouTube[/ame]

So says the former Grand Wizard...
Start at 1:10, and keep in mind this man was a recruiter for the Klu Klux Klan and was the longest serving Senator in America's history. After watching, really this is only for the liberals, I want you to honestly answer this question: If he were a Republican--putting aside that given his past the GOP wouldn't have allowed him to continue to serve--would this not have been newsworthy?

Senator Robert Byrd says "white *******" on TV - YouTube

That must have been after he ditched his white robe and face mask- another democrat racist.
Was it racism when the Bush Admin dropped the black panther case?

Proof of Sotomeyer's racism?

You old scared white people make me laugh. Your country is our country now.

Our country is yours now? :lol: Thank you for demonstrating the mentality of simplicity and stupidity that permeates those so misinformed as to align themselves with the leftist ideology.

Who was President on January 7th 2009?

Continuing to demonstrate your simplicity and stupidity--I didn't even mention the Black Panther case--but let me illuminate you as to which presidential administration allowed the obvious voter intimidation at the hands of militant weapon carrying men at polling places to simply be swept under the rug.

"Attorney General Eric Holder finally got fed up Tuesday with claims that the Justice Department went easy in a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party because they are African American."
Eric Holder: Black Panther case focus demeans 'my people' - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Really, have you been drinking this evening, or are you just stupid :razz:
Start at 1:10, and keep in mind this man was a recruiter for the Klu Klux Klan and was the longest serving Senator in America's history. After watching, really this is only for the liberals, I want you to honestly answer this question: If he were a Republican--putting aside that given his past the GOP wouldn't have allowed him to continue to serve--would this not have been newsworthy?

Senator Robert Byrd says "white *******" on TV - YouTube

Senator Byrd: "I think we talk about race too much".

He would have preferred no one talk about it, since it leads back to the fact that a Democrat was a racist Klan member.
Was it racism when the Bush Admin dropped the black panther case?

Proof of Sotomeyer's racism?

You old scared white people make me laugh. Your country is our country now.

Our country is yours now? :lol: Thank you for demonstrating the mentality of simplicity and stupidity that permeates those so misinformed as to align themselves with the leftist ideology.

Who was President on January 7th 2009?
Stop skirting the fucking issue. Deflection and obfuscation buys you zero here.
Start at 1:10, and keep in mind this man was a recruiter for the Klu Klux Klan and was the longest serving Senator in America's history. After watching, really this is only for the liberals, I want you to honestly answer this question: If he were a Republican--putting aside that given his past the GOP wouldn't have allowed him to continue to serve--would this not have been newsworthy?

Senator Robert Byrd says "white *******" on TV - YouTube

That must have been after he ditched his white robe and face mask- another democrat racist.

Oh yeah, he saw the light and was instantaneously forgiven.

I wonder how many black men died at the hands of men Byrd recruited?

Republicans disassociates and ridicules its' racists like David Duke, the Democrats embrace and make excuses for theirs.
What does all that crap have to do with the here and now????

We Republicans are flat sick and tired of being called racists, the facts and the history of this great country demonstrate just the opposite and we are hammering it home.
Start at 1:10, and keep in mind this man was a recruiter for the Klu Klux Klan and was the longest serving Senator in America's history. After watching, really this is only for the liberals, I want you to honestly answer this question: If he were a Republican--putting aside that given his past the GOP wouldn't have allowed him to continue to serve--would this not have been newsworthy?

Senator Robert Byrd says "white *******" on TV - YouTube

That must have been after he ditched his white robe and face mask- another democrat racist.

Oh yeah, he saw the light and was instantaneously forgiven.

I wonder how many black men died at the hands of men Byrd recruited?

Republicans disassociates and ridicules its' racists like David Duke, the Democrats embrace and make excuses for theirs.
DUKE has been an idiot and holds NO office.

NEXT excuse?
If a white man had a billy club in front of a polling location dressed in the attire of a third world general, BTY has anyone else seen the latest 'urban' trend of wearing clothing with pseudo military patches lol, does anyone actually believe that these men wouldn't be sitting prison right now? I guess that depends on what your definition of 'racism' is. I think these men....dear I say...acted stupidly

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4MTQVMatW0]RACIST GROUP INTIMIDATES VOTERS - YouTube[/ame]
What does all that crap have to do with the here and now????

We Republicans are flat sick and tired of being called racists, the facts and the history of this great country demonstrate just the opposite and we are hammering it home.

And anyone who voted for President Obama because he is black, is a racist. That is the most racist statement I have heard and I have heard it from plenty of Democrats. Color of skin is absolutely no reason to vote for anyone, nor is it a reason NOT to vote for someone, it's the qualifications, the agenda and the philosophy of the candidate, not the skin color.
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If a white man had a billy club in front of a polling location dressed in the attire of a third world general, BTY has anyone else seen the latest 'urban' trend of wearing clothing with pseudo military patches lol, does anyone actually believe that these men wouldn't be sitting prison right now? I guess that depends on what your definition of 'racism' is. I think these men....dear I say...acted stupidly

They ACTED upon intimidation.
What does all that crap have to do with the here and now????

We Republicans are flat sick and tired of being called racists, the facts and the history of this great country demonstrate just the opposite and we are hammering it home.

And anyone who voted for President Obama because he is black, is a racist. That is the most racist statement I have heard and I have heard it from plenty of Democrats. Color of skin is absolutely no reason to vote for anyone, nor is it a reason NOT to vote for someone, it's the qualifications, the agenda and the philosophy of the candidate, not the skin color.

Given the last choices..that excuse was about as good as any, heh?
Our country is yours now? :lol: Thank you for demonstrating the mentality of simplicity and stupidity that permeates those so misinformed as to align themselves with the leftist ideology.

Who was President on January 7th 2009?

Continuing to demonstrate your simplicity and stupidity--I didn't even mention the Black Panther case--but let me illuminate you as to which presidential administration allowed the obvious voter intimidation at the hands of militant weapon carrying men at polling places to simply be swept under the rug.

"Attorney General Eric Holder finally got fed up Tuesday with claims that the Justice Department went easy in a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party because they are African American."
Eric Holder: Black Panther case focus demeans 'my people' - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Really, have you been drinking this evening, or are you just stupid :razz:

Then why did the Bush admin drop the criminal case against the New Black Panthers on January 7th 2009? You white conservatives make me laugh. You are so scared that you have lost "your" country that you believe all kinds of lies and fake stories. You do no research to verify anything. I'm glad you are being overrun, you deserve all the pain you are about to feel.
What does all that crap have to do with the here and now????

We Republicans are flat sick and tired of being called racists, the facts and the history of this great country demonstrate just the opposite and we are hammering it home.

From what I see you are biased toward the rich. Is that racist?

I miss your point entirely what does race and rich have to do with anything on this thread? It's about race.
We Republicans are flat sick and tired of being called racists, the facts and the history of this great country demonstrate just the opposite and we are hammering it home.

From what I see you are biased toward the rich. Is that racist?

I miss your point entirely what does race and rich have to do with anything on this thread? It's about race.

Maybe this is the point you are trying to make.

Reverend Wright's Million Dollar Retirement Home
We Republicans are flat sick and tired of being called racists, the facts and the history of this great country demonstrate just the opposite and we are hammering it home.

From what I see you are biased toward the rich. Is that racist?

I miss your point entirely what does race and rich have to do with anything on this thread? It's about race.

Oh nothing at all dear. Carry on.
Who was President on January 7th 2009?

Continuing to demonstrate your simplicity and stupidity--I didn't even mention the Black Panther case--but let me illuminate you as to which presidential administration allowed the obvious voter intimidation at the hands of militant weapon carrying men at polling places to simply be swept under the rug.

"Attorney General Eric Holder finally got fed up Tuesday with claims that the Justice Department went easy in a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party because they are African American."
Eric Holder: Black Panther case focus demeans 'my people' - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Really, have you been drinking this evening, or are you just stupid :razz:

Then why did the Bush admin drop the criminal case against the New Black Panthers on January 7th 2009? You white conservatives make me laugh. You are so scared that you have lost "your" country that you believe all kinds of lies and fake stories. You do no research to verify anything. I'm glad you are being overrun, you deserve all the pain you are about to feel.

How the hell do you know I'm white? Is it because you have a stereotype of blacks as being Democrats? Could a black person not be conservative? Or would that make them a 'Uncle Tom'?

What is your definition of racism? It's funny, whenever dealing with a liberal about race it's easy for them to throw around accusations of racism, but they have a hard time with that word's meaning.

I haven't lost my country. My country may have lost itself, but we are all Americans and I don't consider particular groups to be unAmerican, you obviously do.

You have only demonstrated how uninformed you are. While you are digging around in that dictionary, look up hypocrite :razz:
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