Spitting on Dr Kings legacy

Do you mind that Obama learned his Religion from Rev. Wright? Do you mind that several of Obama's high appointments are racists? Didn't think so. Selective outrage is so chic.

Good point Gunny. I do hope you apply it when gazing in the mirror. I am curious about which of Obama's appointments are racist?

To be able to properly answer your question, I'd have to know what your definition of racism is. What is racist to me, like an organization that only allows a certain race to be a member, may not be racist to you.

To only allow a certain race to be a member, is racist. Are you a Democrat?
Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

I'll give you that Holder might be racist. Haven't seen it from Obama.

How about VP Biden?
Depends upon which day this question is asked...VP Bite Me forgets where he is and whom he is talking to. (And the left accused REAGAN of Alzheimer's )? :eusa_shhh:
Perry is not responsible for what Barton says or feels. I understand wanting to tar him with the words of one of his Confederates but please...Perry has said enough stupid things on his own. His supporters can't see it but everybody else can.

All politicians do it; Perry is just another politician. We're steering toward theocracy if he's elected and those who are agnostic/non Christian should be worried; science should be worried since he seems to reject the unassailable truth about global warming.

All in all, he's just another politician who needs a focus group to tell him how he feels about any number of topics. But he shouldn't be branded with a moron's words any more than others should simply because they are political allies.
Do you mind that Obama learned his Religion from Rev. Wright? Do you mind that several of Obama's high appointments are racists? Didn't think so. Selective outrage is so chic.

Which high appointments are racists? 95% of church going blacks learn their religion from Rev. Wright type pastors. They are the only ones speaking the truth about racist whites.

Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

Was it racism when the Bush Admin dropped the black panther case?

Proof of Sotomeyer's racism?

You old scared white people make me laugh. Your country is our country now.
I'll give you that Holder might be racist. Haven't seen it from Obama.

How about VP Biden?

Well give me some evidence about Mr. Biden.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny - CNN

Could you imagine a Republican candidate saying such a blatantly ignorant, condescending and yes racist thing and getting the VP nod from him. :lol:
And one of the biggest racists of all during the civil rights movement- George Wallace and guess what party he was with- you got it another Democrat.

George Wallace
Good point Gunny. I do hope you apply it when gazing in the mirror. I am curious about which of Obama's appointments are racist?

To be able to properly answer your question, I'd have to know what your definition of racism is. What is racist to me, like an organization that only allows a certain race to be a member, may not be racist to you.

To only allow a certain race to be a member, is racist. Are you a Democrat?

That is what was claimed when the Federal Government shut down all NONE private clubs from doing so. Yet we have a Black Caucus in the Congress.
Which high appointments are racists? 95% of church going blacks learn their religion from Rev. Wright type pastors. They are the only ones speaking the truth about racist whites.

Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

Was it racism when the Bush Admin dropped the black panther case?

Proof of Sotomeyer's racism?

You old scared white people make me laugh. Your country is our country now.

the bush admin dropped the black panther poll case? :eusa_eh:
Which high appointments are racists? 95% of church going blacks learn their religion from Rev. Wright type pastors. They are the only ones speaking the truth about racist whites.

Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

Was it racism when the Bush Admin dropped the black panther case?

Proof of Sotomeyer's racism?

You old scared white people make me laugh. Your country is our country now.

Our country is yours now? :lol: Thank you for demonstrating the mentality of simplicity and stupidity that permeates those so misinformed as to align themselves with the leftist ideology.
Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

Was it racism when the Bush Admin dropped the black panther case?

Proof of Sotomeyer's racism?

You old scared white people make me laugh. Your country is our country now.

the bush admin dropped the black panther poll case? :eusa_eh:
Boggles the MIND, doesn't it?
To be able to properly answer your question, I'd have to know what your definition of racism is. What is racist to me, like an organization that only allows a certain race to be a member, may not be racist to you.

To only allow a certain race to be a member, is racist. Are you a Democrat?

That is what was claimed when the Federal Government shut down all NONE private clubs from doing so. Yet we have a Black Caucus in the Congress.

And one of the biggest racists of all during the civil rights movement- George Wallace and guess what party he was with- you got it another Democrat.

George Wallace

Goes to show you both parties in the 2 party sytem are establishment, protecting narrow self interests and corrupt. Join us Independents. We will eventually show them the way out like Quaddafi.
Start at 1:10, and keep in mind this man was a recruiter for the Klu Klux Klan and was the longest serving Senator in America's history. After watching, really this is only for the liberals, I want you to honestly answer this question: If he were a Republican--putting aside that given his past the GOP wouldn't have allowed him to continue to serve--would this not have been newsworthy?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FIBJt-c2o0]Senator Robert Byrd says "white *******" on TV - YouTube[/ame]
Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

Was it racism when the Bush Admin dropped the black panther case?

Proof of Sotomeyer's racism?

You old scared white people make me laugh. Your country is our country now.

Our country is yours now? :lol: Thank you for demonstrating the mentality of simplicity and stupidity that permeates those so misinformed as to align themselves with the leftist ideology.

Who was President on January 7th 2009?
Which high appointments are racists? 95% of church going blacks learn their religion from Rev. Wright type pastors. They are the only ones speaking the truth about racist whites.

Emanuel advocates murdering the elderly. He was part of this administration. Sotomeyer is a RACIST. Holder allowed blacks to be immune from our laws. Sounds racist to me.

Was it racism when the Bush Admin dropped the black panther case?

Proof of Sotomeyer's racism?

You old scared white people make me laugh. Your country is our country now.

Allowing Robert Byrd to serve as a respected member of the United States Senate until he withered away and died was a slap in the face to the legacy of MLK.

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