Spitting on Dr Kings legacy

Dr. King would not approve of the Democrats' abhorrent behavior these days. Constantly calling your fellow Americans "Racists" and "Terrorists" is as low as one can go. The Democrats need the People to be divided by Race. It's a very sad political ploy for them. Dr. King would have recognized this and would have scolded them. 'Divide & Conquer' is what the Democrats are all about. So don't expect their constant Race Baiting to end anytime soon. They see it as a winning formula. It is very sad and i really do believe Dr. King would agree with me on that.
Dr. King would not approve of the Democrats' abhorrent behavior these days. Constantly calling your fellow Americans "Racists" and "Terrorists" is as low as one can go. The Democrats need the People to be divided by Race. It's a very sad political ploy for them. Dr. King would have recognized this and would have scolded them. 'Divide & Conquer' is what the Democrats are all about. So don't expect their constant Race Baiting to end anytime soon. They see it as a winning formula. It is very sad and i really do believe Dr. King would agree with me on that.

Dr King would look at the anti gay, anti Muslim,pro torture, anti poor platform of today's and sigh, shrug his shoulders on how little they have advanced on human rights
We should be a 'Color Blind Society.' Dr. King had it right. And it is the Democrats who are working very hard to permanently divide the Races. They don't want the people to ever see past color. If that happened,they might just be put out of business. And no one knows that more than them. So they will continue their Race Baiting agenda. It's a proven winner for them. Why would they ever want the People to come together and see past color? They see no benefit for their party if that ever happens. It will be Divide & Conquer for the Democrats for the foreseeable future. It really is very sad.
We should be a 'Color Blind Society.' Dr. King had it right. And it is the Democrats who are working very hard to permanently divide the Races. They don't want the people to ever see past color. If that happened,they might just be put out of business. And no one knows that more than them. So they will continue their Race Baiting agenda. It's a proven winner for them. Why would they ever want the People to come together and see past color? They see no benefit for their party if that ever happens. It will be Divide & Conquer for the Democrats for the foreseeable future. It really is very sad.

You need to read more of his speeches instead of selecting what's good for you because about a good 90% of what he stood for on the jobless, poor and minorities you rant against every time you post here.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbMvX2cs288&feature=related]Martin Luther King was a Liberal Socialist! Deal with it. - YouTube[/ame]

Face it, the only MLK that you a lot of white like is the one that talked about nonviolence and loving your enemies, a stripped down MLK made palatable to all people by the media.
We should be a 'Color Blind Society.' Dr. King had it right. And it is the Democrats who are working very hard to permanently divide the Races. They don't want the people to ever see past color. If that happened,they might just be put out of business. And no one knows that more than them. So they will continue their Race Baiting agenda. It's a proven winner for them. Why would they ever want the People to come together and see past color? They see no benefit for their party if that ever happens. It will be Divide & Conquer for the Democrats for the foreseeable future. It really is very sad.

You need to read more of his speeches instead of selecting what's good for you because about a good 90% of what he stood for on the jobless, poor and minorities you rant against every time you post here.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbMvX2cs288&feature=related]Martin Luther King was a Liberal Socialist! Deal with it. - YouTube[/ame]

Face it, the only MLK that you a lot of white like is the one that talked about nonviolence and loving your enemies, a stripped down MLK made palatable to all people by the media.

He's been whitewashed.:lol:
The Race Game is good for business for the Democrats. So why would they want the People to come together and see past color? The Democrats see no benefit or profit in that. Without their endless Race Baiting division,where would their Party be? We should be a Color Blind Society but i just don't think the Democrats will ever allow that to happen. Because that would be bad for business for them. Calling their fellow Americans "Racists" & "Terrorists" is what that Party's all about. It's the Democrats who are spitting on Dr. King's legacy.
The Race Game is good for business for the Democrats. So why would they want the People to come together and see past color? The Democrats see no benefit or profit in that. Without their endless Race Baiting division,where would their Party be? We should be a Color Blind Society but i just don't think the Democrats will ever allow that to happen. Because that would be bad for business for them. Calling their fellow Americans "Racists" & "Terrorists" is what that Party's all about. It's the Democrats who are spitting on Dr. King's legacy.

The Race Game has always worked for Republicans

When people look at their lot iin life and see their standard of living declining and job prospects disappearing, Republicans point to Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims and gays and tell them that is the reason they are suffering

All to deflect attention away from the super wealthy who have had their taxes cut to record low levels
It's ironic that Perry will be spending the day before the King memorial dedication with a man who has said that King does not deserve credit for the revolutionary changes in civil rights law that took place in the 1950s and 60s.

Did he really say that?

My goodness, that man is truly playing to his pointy headed klanner base, isn't he?

MLK saved this nation from a civil rights nightmare, folks.

Imagine what might have happened if one of the many advocates for violent change had captured the civil rights movement.

Racists like Perry aren't just stupid, hateful morons, they're also freaking dangerous since they appeal to likeminded notwits.
It's ironic that Perry will be spending the day before the King memorial dedication with a man who has said that King does not deserve credit for the revolutionary changes in civil rights law that took place in the 1950s and 60s.

Did he really say that?

My goodness, that man is truly playing to his pointy headed klanner base, isn't he?

MLK saved this nation from a civil rights nightmare, folks.

Imagine what might have happened if one of the many advocates for violent change had captured the civil rights movement.

Racists like Perry aren't just stupid, hateful morons, they're also freaking dangerous since they appeal to likeminded notwits.

Actually, no one can produce a quote from David Barton that actually says that. However, earlier in the thread, Avatar produced a video clip of Glenn Beck and David Barton that shed a different light on Mr. Barton's beliefs.

Very telling that no one can produce the evil words of David Barton, no?

ML King was a white Chinese guy?...Weird....


Its a shame it was done in China.... why not here in America?

Im sure the $800,000.00 couldve been used to pay some American artisans to do it.

Thats what happens when the President's Jobs Advisor, the CEO of GE, helps obama think of ways to create jobs, he ships them to china

immelt jobs to china - Bing <---plenty of proof of what i say Immelt is doing.
That's what the media chooses to ignore. GE CEO used his closet cabinet post to ship another couple of hundred thousand American aeronautical mfg. jobs to China the other day to help O get back at Boeing and SC for the Union PACS.
The statue is an awful sculpture. He does look like an angry Asian. What were they thinking? It looks like the Artist was a big Mao & Pol Pot Fan. Couldn't they have found a better Artist? It doesn't capture the essence of MLK at all. It's very embarrassing. They should consider starting over with a new Artist and new statue.
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Dr. King would be appalled at the Left/Democrats' constant attempts at dividing the People with sad & shallow Race Baiting. The Left/Democrats have worked incredibly hard for decades to keep the People divided based on Race. It's the only way they can continue winning any Elections. It's a very sad 'Divide & Conquer' mentality. Dr. King wanted a 'Color-Blind Society'. The Left/Democrats have done everything in their power to make sure that never happens. Dr. King would be very disappointed in today's Democrats. And that's the real truth.

And what has the right done to unite the people?

Trash gays?
Villainize Muslims ?
Cut benefits to working Americans?

My God, is this still going on? There's been enough extremism on BOTH sides of this to fill in the Grand Canyon. There's been enough effort at establishing guilt by association, and partisan race baiting, and not nearly enough honest examination of the issues.

As for that last RW, BOTH parties have done more than enough to further exacerbate the divides in America; BOTh have found that in their narrow partisan interest to do, and BOTH have done it, repeatedly. Neither has a monopoly on the practice. BOTH major parties have extremists in their hard=core bases, and among these are people whose views many of us would find reprehensible, for a variety of reasons.

As to the original argument, such as it is,it should be obvious to any thinking person that it is all but impossible for a minority of 1/8 of the population to "force" its agenda on the majority. Armed revolt would almost certainly have been futile, and probably a disaster. The CRM, as practiced by Dr. King and others, recognized this, and fought a battle aimed at winning enough of the hearts and minds of the majority to create a common cause, and establish the necessary political will to achieve its goals. It took the efforts of a great many people, both Black and White, to make that happen, and the achievement is no less for that; in fact, it is the greater and more remarkable for it. There is little question that Dr, King became the leading symbol for the movement (though the man himself would not have taken the credit for it), a movement he and many others saw as about ALL Americans, not just Black people. What his views in 1968 might have evolved into is and always will be a matter for conjecture; like Robert Kennedy, who was taken from us the same year, he was still a relatively young man, and we will never know with certainty what he might have become. He was a complex figure, not some one-dimensional hero for one race, but a leader in fighting for what he believed America's ideals should be, and historically it is more honest to see him in that context.
The Race Game is good for business for the Democrats. So why would they want the People to come together and see past color? The Democrats see no benefit or profit in that. Without their endless Race Baiting division,where would their Party be? We should be a Color Blind Society but i just don't think the Democrats will ever allow that to happen. Because that would be bad for business for them. Calling their fellow Americans "Racists" & "Terrorists" is what that Party's all about. It's the Democrats who are spitting on Dr. King's legacy.

Your partisan brain is so damned biased, don't talk about colorblind societies when you belong to and support a party that is over 88% white and uses division as a weapon.
The Race Game is good for business for the Democrats. So why would they want the People to come together and see past color? The Democrats see no benefit or profit in that. Without their endless Race Baiting division,where would their Party be? We should be a Color Blind Society but i just don't think the Democrats will ever allow that to happen. Because that would be bad for business for them. Calling their fellow Americans "Racists" & "Terrorists" is what that Party's all about. It's the Democrats who are spitting on Dr. King's legacy.

Your partisan brain is so damned biased, don't talk about colorblind societies when you belong to and support a party that is over 88% white and uses division as a weapon.

:confused: You say the Republican party is over 88% white. rdean says it is over 90% white. When are you liberals ever going to sit down and decide on a percentage?
The Race Game is good for business for the Democrats. So why would they want the People to come together and see past color? The Democrats see no benefit or profit in that. Without their endless Race Baiting division,where would their Party be? We should be a Color Blind Society but i just don't think the Democrats will ever allow that to happen. Because that would be bad for business for them. Calling their fellow Americans "Racists" & "Terrorists" is what that Party's all about. It's the Democrats who are spitting on Dr. King's legacy.

Your partisan brain is so damned biased, don't talk about colorblind societies when you belong to and support a party that is over 88% white and uses division as a weapon.

:confused: You say the Republican party is over 88% white. rdean says it is over 90% white. When are you liberals ever going to sit down and decide on a percentage?

When is a retard like you going to realize that not every damn person that criticizes your retarded Republican Party is a liberal? You jackasses use the terms liberal and conservative freely without knowing their true meaning, one doesn't have to be liberal to criticize Republicans, only a party loving hacktard would believe and do that.
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Your partisan brain is so damned biased, don't talk about colorblind societies when you belong to and support a party that is over 88% white and uses division as a weapon.

:confused: You say the Republican party is over 88% white. rdean says it is over 90% white. When are you liberals ever going to sit down and decide on a percentage?

When is a retard liek you going to realize that not every damn person that criticizes your retarded Republican Party is a liberal? You jackasses use the terms liberal and conservative freely without knowing their true meaning, one doesn't have to be liberal to criticize Republicans, only a party loving hacktard would believe and do that.

Settle down. Take it easy. Honestly, no one here minds the fact that you're a liberal. Why does it bother you so much?
:confused: You say the Republican party is over 88% white. rdean says it is over 90% white. When are you liberals ever going to sit down and decide on a percentage?

When is a retard liek you going to realize that not every damn person that criticizes your retarded Republican Party is a liberal? You jackasses use the terms liberal and conservative freely without knowing their true meaning, one doesn't have to be liberal to criticize Republicans, only a party loving hacktard would believe and do that.

Settle down. Take it easy. Honestly, no one here minds the fact that you're a liberal. Why does it bother you so much?

Now you're being a troll, its all good :)
When is a retard liek you going to realize that not every damn person that criticizes your retarded Republican Party is a liberal? You jackasses use the terms liberal and conservative freely without knowing their true meaning, one doesn't have to be liberal to criticize Republicans, only a party loving hacktard would believe and do that.

Settle down. Take it easy. Honestly, no one here minds the fact that you're a liberal. Why does it bother you so much?

Now you're being a troll, its all good :)

You seem to have me confused with Flaylo the troll.
The Race Game is good for business for the Democrats. So why would they want the People to come together and see past color? The Democrats see no benefit or profit in that. Without their endless Race Baiting division,where would their Party be? We should be a Color Blind Society but i just don't think the Democrats will ever allow that to happen. Because that would be bad for business for them. Calling their fellow Americans "Racists" & "Terrorists" is what that Party's all about. It's the Democrats who are spitting on Dr. King's legacy.

Your partisan brain is so damned biased, don't talk about colorblind societies when you belong to and support a party that is over 88% white and uses division as a weapon.

:confused: You say the Republican party is over 88% white. rdean says it is over 90% white. When are you liberals ever going to sit down and decide on a percentage?

Its actually 100% white...the rest are RINOs

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