Spitting on Dr Kings legacy

This is direct evidence of the racism of this base
And i'm sure you were pitchin' a bitch about anti-american racist Jeremiah Wright, and the terrorist attacks on american citizens by Obama's good buddy Bill Ayer's, correct?

You fuckin' lib's are cartoons.....Nothing more.

And your defense of Barton, while bashing Wright is cartoonish as well.
Do you see me defending Barton?

You're to stupid to see the pointing out, yet again, of loony liberal Obamabot hypocrisy.

Like I said, you lib's are fuckin' cartoons......Nothing more.
An uniformed, historically ignorant, moron? Perhaps.

Listen, what you have posted is available to everyone. What you have posted is obvious and undeniable incorrect statements.

You have shown that you have no clue what you are talking about.

I am sorry for you. You are a victim of a education system that has failed countless black youths. You are victim of a political party that simply exploits your community. You are a victim of a social ideology that has all but destroyed the black family.

Here is Atlanta, after having proven the utter failure of the predominate black public education system, what are the parents doing? They are standing up for the teachers that robbed them. It is fucking sad; you are sad.

Hahaha. I went to school in a 95% white school district, rated the top district in in the State of Maryland. I graduated with honors. I retired from the military after 20 years and earned my Bachelors degree, while traveling the world. My parents are still married and I've never been poor a day in my life, my father owned a trucking company.

You make me laugh with your lack of knowledge, but it's typical of your ilk.
So, why the fuck are you such an angry, whiney lil' racist pissant?.....Doesn't sound like the evil white man did you any wrong.

Oh, wait, we understand.......Bill Cosby speaks the truth about you whiney ones.

I bet you have no clue what Bill Cosby says about whites. He's been a true militant for decades.

Why do I hate white conservatives? Why not.
Hahaha. I went to school in a 95% white school district, rated the top district in in the State of Maryland. I graduated with honors. I retired from the military after 20 years and earned my Bachelors degree, while traveling the world. My parents are still married and I've never been poor a day in my life, my father owned a trucking company.

You make me laugh with your lack of knowledge, but it's typical of your ilk.
So, why the fuck are you such an angry, whiney lil' racist pissant?.....Doesn't sound like the evil white man did you any wrong.

Oh, wait, we understand.......Bill Cosby speaks the truth about you whiney ones.

I bet you have no clue what Bill Cosby says about whites. He's been a true militant for decades.

Why do I hate white conservatives? Why not.

Why not? Well the best reason is that hate corrupts and sears the soul.
So, why the fuck are you such an angry, whiney lil' racist pissant?.....Doesn't sound like the evil white man did you any wrong.

Oh, wait, we understand.......Bill Cosby speaks the truth about you whiney ones.

I bet you have no clue what Bill Cosby says about whites. He's been a true militant for decades.

Why do I hate white conservatives? Why not.

Why not? Well the best reason is that hate corrupts and sears the soul.

What soul?
Go get what wright said and we will compare the two statements MMMKAY

let's start with this, dip shit.
"[The United States] government lied about their belief that all men were created equal. The truth is they believed that all white men were created equal. The truth is they did not even believe that white women were created equal, in creation nor civilization. The government had to pass an amendment to the Constitution to get white women the vote. Then the government had to pass an equal rights amendment to get equal protection under the law for women. The government still thinks a woman has no rights over her own body, and between Uncle Clarence who sexually harassed Anita Hill, and a closeted Klan court, that is a throwback to the 19th century, handpicked by Daddy Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, between Clarence and that stacked court, they are about to undo Roe vs. Wade, just like they are about to un-do affirmative action. The government lied in its founding documents and the government is still lying today. Governments lie."

98% of what was said there was truth, care to rebut it or will your cry that it was racist?
This is direct evidence of the racism of this base
And i'm sure you were pitchin' a bitch about anti-american racist Jeremiah Wright, and the terrorist attacks on american citizens by Obama's good buddy Bill Ayer's, correct?

You fuckin' lib's are cartoons.....Nothing more.

Jeremiah Wright isn't ati-American unless you also think MLK was anti-American because they both said similar things and Wright actually served his country as a Marine unlike the howling idiots who call himself anti-American like Sean Hannity.
This is direct evidence of the racism of this base
And i'm sure you were pitchin' a bitch about anti-american racist Jeremiah Wright, and the terrorist attacks on american citizens by Obama's good buddy Bill Ayer's, correct?

You fuckin' lib's are cartoons.....Nothing more.

Jeremiah Wright isn't ati-American unless you also think MLK was anti-American because they both said similar things and Wright actually served his country as a Marine unlike the howling idiots who call himself anti-American like Sean Hannity.

Did you find any of what he said offensive?

or is hating white people, calling us devils, and blaming all the evils of the world on us ok in your book?
And i'm sure you were pitchin' a bitch about anti-american racist Jeremiah Wright, and the terrorist attacks on american citizens by Obama's good buddy Bill Ayer's, correct?

You fuckin' lib's are cartoons.....Nothing more.

Jeremiah Wright isn't ati-American unless you also think MLK was anti-American because they both said similar things and Wright actually served his country as a Marine unlike the howling idiots who call himself anti-American like Sean Hannity.

Did you find any of what he said offensive?

or is hating white people, calling us devils, and blaming all the evils of the world on us ok in your book?

When did Wright specifically call *WHITE PEOPLE* devils? As far as the race problem in America and specifically its origins, yeah, whites created that problem that has left a legacy of all kinds of racial problems, do I agree with all the reactions of the oppressed to white racism? No, I have said numerous times that if the back to Africa crowd wants to leave they can go but I'm not, my black forefathers help build this country and are just as much American as any white American even more so than some later white immigrants, even if we weren't always treated equal.
Jeremiah Wright isn't ati-American unless you also think MLK was anti-American because they both said similar things and Wright actually served his country as a Marine unlike the howling idiots who call himself anti-American like Sean Hannity.

Did you find any of what he said offensive?

or is hating white people, calling us devils, and blaming all the evils of the world on us ok in your book?

When did Wright specifically call *WHITE PEOPLE* devils? As far as the race problem in America and specifically its origins, yeah, whites created that problem that has left a legacy of all kinds of racial problems, do I agree with all the reactions of the oppressed to white racism? No, I have said numerous times that if the back to Africa crowd wants to leave they can go but I'm not, my black forefathers help build this country and are just as much American as any white American even more so than some later white immigrants, even if we weren't always treated equal.

He used the term White Devils repeated over a period of over 20 years.

I am glad to see you recognize there is more than one kind of Racism.

You should be proud of your Black Forefathers. America owes a lot to all the Minorities that reside with in it. One side of my own family has been here since the late 1600's. The other side came here to escape Hitler. So I have both old and new immigrant blood in me. :)

now as far as this thread. Can you admit that if it is not fair to hold Obama Responsible for anything Wright said, or for any of the other radicals he associated with. Then this thread is a complete joke, and it's attempt to blame Perry for what a Liberal Blogger thought a perry supporter meant, and then associate that speculation on the part of the blogger with all Perry supporters? Can you at least admit that even if they guy meant what the Blogger thinks he meant (which is IMO not likely) that it is unfair to hold that against Perry? and even more unfair to paint all Conservatives with that brush?

I read the "article" the OP linked to repeatedly. I do not see how a rational person infers what was said means MLK was not an important part of the movement. To me it sounds like he is just pointing out that Civil rights, and any other Minority movement, can not happen in this country with out the support of a Majority. Therefore the Civil rights movement was a big tent. It took all kinds to get it passed and no one group of people can claim credit for it. Like Liberals constantly try to do.
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He used the term White Devils repeated over a period of over 20 years.

Proof? I have seen *NO* evidence of that, besides, only the NOI and BHI use the term White devils since they're cut from the same mold.

I am glad to see you recognize there is more than one kind of Racism.

BS, you're challenged to prove that Wright called whites devils for a period of 20 years.

I read the "article" the OP linked to repeatedly. I do not see how a rational person infers what was said means MLK was not an important part of the movement. To me it sounds like he is just pointing out that Civil rights, and any other Minority movement, can not happen in this country with out the support of a Majority. Therefore the Civil rights movement was a big tent. It took all kinds to get it passed and no one group of people can claim credit for it. Like Liberals constantly try to do.

It takes the drive and determination of the oppressed to make anything happen, I doubt that the majority would have done anything to change the status quo without the oppressed organizing and pushing for change.
What I Really respect about MLK is that he understood that Equality could not come at the point of a gun. I think his message of Non Violent resistance saved this country from a rather dark time. Had the movement gone the violent route I doubt it would have ended in a Civil Rights bill. More likely it would have lead to the inability for the 2 Races to ever live side by side in peace in one nation.

He is one of Americans great Hero's of History and Deserves the spot he has been given among them.

Now, all that said. I still think Obama is an Utter failure of a president. Not because he is Black, but because he lacks experience, lacks leadership skills, and is driven by a left leaning ideology that he refuses to accept does not work.

However feel free to call me racist if you want, When I hear that I know the person saying it has NOTHING to fight back with other than empty name calling and smears :)
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I read the "article" the OP linked to repeatedly. I do not see how a rational person infers what was said means MLK was not an important part of the movement. To me it sounds like he is just pointing out that Civil rights, and any other Minority movement, can not happen in this country with out the support of a Majority. Therefore the Civil rights movement was a big tent. It took all kinds to get it passed and no one group of people can claim credit for it. Like Liberals constantly try to do.

It takes the drive and determination of the oppressed to make anything happen, I doubt that the majority would have done anything to change the status quo without the oppressed organizing and pushing for change.

Of course not. That is the whole point. It took a coalition of Blacks and whites to make happen. Basically the blogger took a statement that did nothing more than point that out, and interpreted to be saying MLK was not Important, and then Tried to Pin that on Perry simply because he knows the guy.

Pretty silly

As far as the white Devils thing, I am not going to even bother trying to look it up. It is not important as even if he did say it, I do not think it is fair to attribute it to OBAMA any more than the attempt in this OP to attribute something to Perry is. If you say he never said it, Fine I take your word for it.
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What I Really respect about MLK is that he understood that Equality could not come at the point of a gun. I think his message of Non Violent resistance saved this country from a rather dark time. Had the movement gone the violent route I doubt it would have ended in a Civil Rights bill. More likely it would have lead to the inability for the 2 Races to ever live side by side in peace in one nation.

He is one of Americans great Hero's of History and Deserves the spot he has been given among them.

Now, all that said. I still think Obama is an Utter failure of a president. Not because he is Black, but because he lacks experience, lacks leadership skills, and is driven by a left leaning ideology that he refuses to accept does not work.

However feel free to call me racist if you want, When I hear that I know the person saying it has NOTHING to fight back with other than empty name calling and smears :)

There was a lot more to MLK than just his "I Have A Dream Speech" and "content of character" quote. He stood for a lot of things that the modern GOP are totally against today yet they still feel free to honor him for lip service sake. He was very much against the unequal distribution of wealth and the way that poor people were treated and if alive today he would be attacked as a socialist and marxist by the far right wing of the GOP. I think its totally wrong to honor Dr King just because he advocated nonviolence and turning the other check while ignoring totally what he stood for, that's incomplete.

As for Obama, I believe he filed but for different reasons than yours.
What I Really respect about MLK is that he understood that Equality could not come at the point of a gun. I think his message of Non Violent resistance saved this country from a rather dark time. Had the movement gone the violent route I doubt it would have ended in a Civil Rights bill. More likely it would have lead to the inability for the 2 Races to ever live side by side in peace in one nation.

He is one of Americans great Hero's of History and Deserves the spot he has been given among them.

Now, all that said. I still think Obama is an Utter failure of a president. Not because he is Black, but because he lacks experience, lacks leadership skills, and is driven by a left leaning ideology that he refuses to accept does not work.

However feel free to call me racist if you want, When I hear that I know the person saying it has NOTHING to fight back with other than empty name calling and smears :)

There was a lot more to MLK than just his "I Have A Dream Speech" and "content of character" quote. He stood for a lot of things that the modern GOP are totally against today yet they still feel free to honor him for lip service sake. He was very much against the unequal distribution of wealth and the way that poor people were treated and if alive today he would be attacked as a socialist and marxist by the far right wing of the GOP. I think its totally wrong to honor Dr King just because he advocated nonviolence and turning the other check while ignoring totally what he stood for, that's incomplete.

As for Obama, I believe he filed but for different reasons than yours.

I am well aware of some of MLK's ideas that I do not agree with. Does not mean we can not recognize the Contribution he made to the Civil Rights movement.
It's ironic that Perry will be spending the day before the King memorial dedication with a man who has said that King does not deserve credit for the revolutionary changes in civil rights law that took place in the 1950s and 60s.

Barton was among a group of Texas conservatives who in 2010 sought to revise that state's textbooks to promote their view that the notion of a constitutional separation of church and state is a myth, and that students should be taught a version of American history that blends theology with themes of a constant clash of civilizations between Christians and Muslims. According to a Washington Monthly article in January 2010, Barton, the former head of the Texas Republican Party, and Peter Marshall, who the article described as "a Massachusetts-based preacher who has argued that California wildfires and Hurricane Katrina were God's punishment for tolerating gays,"

These are the guys who would be helping to establish policy in a Perry administration

Do you mind that Obama learned his Religion from Rev. Wright? Do you mind that several of Obama's high appointments are racists? Didn't think so. Selective outrage is so chic.

Good point Gunny. I do hope you apply it when gazing in the mirror. I am curious about which of Obama's appointments are racist?

For starters, any of them that were made with ANY attention paid to the race of the person being appointed. "Wise Latina" Sotomayor leaps to mind.
Hahaha. I went to school in a 95% white school district, rated the top district in in the State of Maryland. I graduated with honors. I retired from the military after 20 years and earned my Bachelors degree, while traveling the world. My parents are still married and I've never been poor a day in my life, my father owned a trucking company.

You make me laugh with your lack of knowledge, but it's typical of your ilk.
So, why the fuck are you such an angry, whiney lil' racist pissant?.....Doesn't sound like the evil white man did you any wrong.

Oh, wait, we understand.......Bill Cosby speaks the truth about you whiney ones.

I bet you have no clue what Bill Cosby says about whites. He's been a true militant for decades.

Why do I hate white conservatives? Why not.
a report just released by the CDC says that over 50% of african American teenagers betwwen the ages of 14 and 19 have contracted an STD!!:eek:
Perry is not responsible for what Barton says or feels. I understand wanting to tar him with the words of one of his Confederates but please...Perry has said enough stupid things on his own. His supporters can't see it but everybody else can.

All politicians do it; Perry is just another politician. We're steering toward theocracy if he's elected and those who are agnostic/non Christian should be worried; science should be worried since he seems to reject the unassailable truth about global warming.

All in all, he's just another politician who needs a focus group to tell him how he feels about any number of topics. But he shouldn't be branded with a moron's words any more than others should simply because they are political allies.

"Unassailable truth about global warming". :lmao:

Thanks. I needed a good laugh.
This is direct evidence of the racism of this base
And i'm sure you were pitchin' a bitch about anti-american racist Jeremiah Wright, and the terrorist attacks on american citizens by Obama's good buddy Bill Ayer's, correct?

You fuckin' lib's are cartoons.....Nothing more.

Jeremiah Wright isn't ati-American unless you also think MLK was anti-American because they both said similar things and Wright actually served his country as a Marine unlike the howling idiots who call himself anti-American like Sean Hannity.
King was a convicted felon ,an unfaithful husband [go figure]a dead beat dad,and he had communist ties!!

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