Spitting on Dr Kings legacy

I don't mind what David Barton says, it just shows the true colors of his defenders/supporters.

Why would anyone mind him teaching accurate history?

Oh yeah, the people lying about what he's teaching.

What is accurate about what he teaches? It's revisionist history to make white conservatives feel good in light of their dwindling America.

What ISN'T accurate about it, is more the question. Can you actually point us to any inaccuracies in his teaching? (Warning: by "inaccuracy", I do NOT mean "things I don't want to hear or that the left has declared un-PC and forbidden". I mean things that can actually be proved, by reliable historical sources, to be wrong.)
Barton makes up his own Christian based history. He has said everything in the Op and more

David Barton

I saw your link in the previous post.

Let me ask who is doing the hating in that article, "HateWatch" or David Barton or both?

I don't know much at all about Barton and I really don't care one way or the other. I won't be voting for Perry. In fact, I would vote for Obama before I vote for Perry although, I'm not voting for any party once again. /sigh It would be so nice to have a candidate that might win an election that actually cared about the people of this country.


I'm curious. On what basis have you decided that Perry "doesn't care about the people", not that I consider that a major concern in a President, since he's the Commander in Chief, not the Therapist in Chief.

On the basis that he doesn't give a shit about this country. He has said repeatedly that he is for Texas secession. That tells me he doesn't give a shit about the country in general. Should he become President he is more than likely only going to serve the people of the great state of Texas and screw the rest of us over.

Screw him, he shalt not be getting a vote from me.

I don't mind what David Barton says, it just shows the true colors of his defenders/supporters.

At the point when you had posted this there were almost 250 posts in this thread and still no one had produced an actual quote from David Barton except for Avatar and Avatar's video showed a completely different side of David Barton than TDM had implied. So, I ask you, have you got any damning quotes against Barton or are you just following along with what are apparently more lies of TDM?

Perry is not responsible for what Barton says or feels. I understand wanting to tar him with the words of one of his Confederates but please...Perry has said enough stupid things on his own. His supporters can't see it but everybody else can.

All politicians do it; Perry is just another politician. We're steering toward theocracy if he's elected and those who are agnostic/non Christian should be worried; science should be worried since he seems to reject the unassailable truth about global warming.

All in all, he's just another politician who needs a focus group to tell him how he feels about any number of topics. But he shouldn't be branded with a moron's words any more than others should simply because they are political allies.

No Perry isn't responsible for what Barton says or feels. So then why are people lying about what Barton says or feels? If it doesn't matter, why lie about him?
I don't mind what David Barton says, it just shows the true colors of his defenders/supporters.

Why would anyone mind him teaching accurate history?

Oh yeah, the people lying about what he's teaching.

What is accurate about what he teaches? It's revisionist history to make white conservatives feel good in light of their dwindling America.

Yeah. All that Black history before the Civil rights movement that he helped add to the text books never really happened. He made it all up. Nothing happened before MLK.
What does all that crap have to do with the here and now????

History has everything to do with the here and now. If you don't understand how we got here and the forces in play that lead to now, you lose the perspective of what is going on now.
Perry is not responsible for what Barton says or feels. I understand wanting to tar him with the words of one of his Confederates but please...Perry has said enough stupid things on his own. His supporters can't see it but everybody else can.

All politicians do it; Perry is just another politician. We're steering toward theocracy if he's elected and those who are agnostic/non Christian should be worried; science should be worried since he seems to reject the unassailable truth about global warming.

All in all, he's just another politician who needs a focus group to tell him how he feels about any number of topics. But he shouldn't be branded with a moron's words any more than others should simply because they are political allies.

Oh please, CC, Christians are more concerned about a Theocracy than anyone else. Perry is not going to steer us into a theocracy. He can't and he won't.

In regards to science, do you really believe that Perry is going to make it illegal to study Global Warming? How? What he could do is shut off funding to certain organizations promoting it, but would that be such a terrible thing? Why should the U.S. Taxpayer be funding this kind of stuff anyway?

Then why did the Bush admin drop the criminal case against the New Black Panthers on January 7th 2009? You white conservatives make me laugh. You are so scared that you have lost "your" country that you believe all kinds of lies and fake stories. You do no research to verify anything. I'm glad you are being overrun, you deserve all the pain you are about to feel.

How the hell do you know I'm white? Is it because you have a stereotype of blacks as being Democrats? Could a black person not be conservative? Or would that make them a 'Uncle Tom'?

What is your definition of racism? It's funny, whenever dealing with a liberal about race it's easy for them to throw around accusations of racism, but they have a hard time with that word's meaning.

I haven't lost my country. My country my have lost itself, but we are all Americans and I don't consider particular groups to be unAmerican, you obviously do.

You have only demonstrated how uninformed you are. While you are digging around in that dictionary, look up hypocrite :razz:

Yes I consider racist white conservatives unAmerican and traitors. They should be dealt with justly.

Everyone please note that he doesnt have a problem with racists who are of another color or who are not conservative. As long as the racists are of the correct race and support his views, he will be more than happy to support that person.

Which, of course, is evidence of his own racism.

Tell me, what are you going to do to deal with yourself justly?
This is direct evidence of the racism of this base
And i'm sure you were pitchin' a bitch about anti-american racist Jeremiah Wright, and the terrorist attacks on american citizens by Obama's good buddy Bill Ayer's, correct?

You fuckin' lib's are cartoons.....Nothing more.

And your defense of Barton, while bashing Wright is cartoonish as well.

Oh really? What part of what Barton does do you find so offensive? Why do you dislike that he wants to educate people on the full range of black history instead of pretending black history started with the civil rights movement?

Why do you want to keep people ignorant of black history?
What I Really respect about MLK is that he understood that Equality could not come at the point of a gun. I think his message of Non Violent resistance saved this country from a rather dark time. Had the movement gone the violent route I doubt it would have ended in a Civil Rights bill. More likely it would have lead to the inability for the 2 Races to ever live side by side in peace in one nation.

He is one of Americans great Hero's of History and Deserves the spot he has been given among them.

Now, all that said. I still think Obama is an Utter failure of a president. Not because he is Black, but because he lacks experience, lacks leadership skills, and is driven by a left leaning ideology that he refuses to accept does not work.

However feel free to call me racist if you want, When I hear that I know the person saying it has NOTHING to fight back with other than empty name calling and smears :)

Oh they will call you racist no doubt.

After all, what do they care about the Truth?
Perry is not responsible for what Barton says or feels. I understand wanting to tar him with the words of one of his Confederates but please...Perry has said enough stupid things on his own. His supporters can't see it but everybody else can.

All politicians do it; Perry is just another politician. We're steering toward theocracy if he's elected and those who are agnostic/non Christian should be worried; science should be worried since he seems to reject the unassailable truth about global warming.

All in all, he's just another politician who needs a focus group to tell him how he feels about any number of topics. But he shouldn't be branded with a moron's words any more than others should simply because they are political allies.

Oh please, CC, Christians are more concerned about a Theocracy than anyone else. Perry is not going to steer us into a theocracy. He can't and he won't.

In regards to science, do you really believe that Perry is going to make it illegal to study Global Warming? How? What he could do is shut off funding to certain organizations promoting it, but would that be such a terrible thing? Why should the U.S. Taxpayer be funding this kind of stuff anyway?


I think you have to understand that to many on the left if the government isn't funding scientific programs with tax payer money, no science will ever occur.

Of course, that's a complete lie.
And i'm sure you were pitchin' a bitch about anti-american racist Jeremiah Wright, and the terrorist attacks on american citizens by Obama's good buddy Bill Ayer's, correct?

You fuckin' lib's are cartoons.....Nothing more.

Jeremiah Wright isn't ati-American unless you also think MLK was anti-American because they both said similar things and Wright actually served his country as a Marine unlike the howling idiots who call himself anti-American like Sean Hannity.

Did you find any of what he said offensive?

or is hating white people, calling us devils, and blaming all the evils of the world on us ok in your book?

I did... until I actually watched and listened to the entire "God Damn America" sermon. When seen in context... it takes on a different context, go figure. If my memory serves me correctly, he wasn't asking God to damn America, he was saying basically that based upon history we deserve to be damned as well. And if my memory serves me further it was not only because of our racist past towards black people but for other actions.

I have to say, that after watching the sermon, I did come away with a different view of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. I would not be a member of his church, but, I did see a different person than I had been lead to believe.

Those of you who still haven't seen it yet still decry Rev. Wright might actually gain a different perspective if you watch the interview with Bill Moyers. You might still believe he is a racist, but who knows at least when you judge a man you will do so with more than just a soundbite or two.

Bill Moyers Journal . Profile . Jeremiah Wright | PBS

Opinions are like assholes.

Everybody's got one.

If Perry were a Dem would you be singing the same tune??

If Perry were a Dem, this wouldn't have happened.
Your partisan hackery cloud your vision here. It HAS happened to dems and in far worse contrast. It happened to Obama. There were FAR different cries from the left there. Where is your intellectual honesty?

What does all that crap have to do with the here and now????

We Republicans are flat sick and tired of being called racists, the facts and the history of this great country demonstrate just the opposite and we are hammering it home.

Fantastic. So glad to hear that.

So, Maple - how do you feel about hate crime legislation?
Since Maple never answered Ill answer for you so you can call me a racist for no reason: Hate crime legislation is complete crap. I have expressed my feelings in other threads but in a nutshell it is simple: a crime is a crime. The only thing I care about as far as intent goes is whether or not it was premeditated, emotional spur or accident. Outside of that, killing a man because of race is no worse than because of hair color or he slept with your wife. It is still a crime. The left's need to classify race in the mix is pointless and sad not to mention the laws themselves are practiced in an EXTREMELY racist manner.

As to the OP: why are we still on this worthless thread? TDM ran awhile ago. Suspiciously, right after actual footage and quotes show that David Barton was not only not racist but that the characterization given in the opinion piece is completely inaccurate.
Opinions are like assholes.

Everybody's got one.

If Perry were a Dem would you be singing the same tune??

If Perry were a Dem, this wouldn't have happened.
Your partisan hackery cloud your vision here. It HAS happened to dems and in far worse contrast. It happened to Obama. There were FAR different cries from the left there. Where is your intellectual honesty?

We Republicans are flat sick and tired of being called racists, the facts and the history of this great country demonstrate just the opposite and we are hammering it home.

Fantastic. So glad to hear that.

So, Maple - how do you feel about hate crime legislation?
Since Maple never answered Ill answer for you so you can call me a racist for no reason: Hate crime legislation is complete crap. I have expressed my feelings in other threads but in a nutshell it is simple: a crime is a crime. The only thing I care about as far as intent goes is whether or not it was premeditated, emotional spur or accident. Outside of that, killing a man because of race is no worse than because of hair color or he slept with your wife. It is still a crime. The left's need to classify race in the mix is pointless and sad not to mention the laws themselves are practiced in an EXTREMELY racist manner.

As to the OP: why are we still on this worthless thread? TDM ran awhile ago. Suspiciously, right after actual footage and quotes show that David Barton was not only not racist but that the characterization given in the opinion piece is completely inaccurate.

As to the OP: why are we still on this worthless thread? TDM ran awhile ago. Suspiciously, right after actual footage and quotes show that David Barton was not only not racist but that the characterization given in the opinion piece is completely inaccurate.

Oh, don't you worry, at some point in the future when she thinks everyone has forgotten about the ass-kicking she received here and won't go back to read the thread, she will pop in here and declare herself the victor once again. History will have repeated itself again.

Dr. King would be appalled at the Left/Democrats' constant attempts at dividing the People with sad & shallow Race Baiting. The Left/Democrats have worked incredibly hard for decades to keep the People divided based on Race. It's the only way they can continue winning any Elections. It's a very sad 'Divide & Conquer' mentality. Dr. King wanted a 'Color-Blind Society'. The Left/Democrats have done everything in their power to make sure that never happens. Dr. King would be very disappointed in today's Democrats. And that's the real truth.
Dr. King would be appalled at the Left/Democrats' constant attempts at dividing the People with sad & shallow Race Baiting. The Left/Democrats have worked incredibly hard for decades to keep the People divided based on Race. It's the only way they can continue winning any Elections. It's a very sad 'Divide & Conquer' mentality. Dr. King wanted a 'Color-Blind Society'. The Left/Democrats have done everything in their power to make sure that never happens. Dr. King would be very disappointed in today's Democrats. And that's the real truth.

And what has the right done to unite the people?

Trash gays?
Villainize Muslims ?
Cut benefits to working Americans?

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