Sponsors are dropping rush.

Rush earned $30 million last year. He earned that because he has the largest radio audience in the country. Advertisers on his show get fantastic results - they will all come back ....

Did he cheat on his taxes?

He's not an Obama Cabinet member, so no....:lol:

How do we know if Rush did not cheat on his taxes? Are his books open to the public? Did Mr. 1% (Rush) pay his fair share? How much does Rush contribute to charity? Does Rush play golf? Does rush take vacations? Does Rush regularly attend 'church'?

I hate the idea of people dying because some rich douchebag wants to buy another mansion.

Not sure why you think this is a virtue.

Oh. Wait. you're a Mormon.

Still no disputation of the claim that there is no market in health insurance.

Everyone gets a say in the market. Glad to know you are willing to push your opinions onto others via the government.

Well, a Democratic President, Congress, and Senate in 2012, and a real Universal Health Care System funded through a raise in income taxes. That frees up small businesses to compete for talent on equal footing with big businesses, and big businesses to compete on equal footing with big businesses in other nations.

You can't be serious.

First, you won't get the house back.

Second, you will lose the senate.

Third, the WH is in play.

Next, there will be no universal health insurance system.

Better get to your meth dealer and ask for a double.

This isn't going to be pretty (for you).
Any thread that I deem is bullshit. more specifically
Threads started by Synthaholic Rdean Chris and that type.

You can't even say what you mean?
Back peddle away :D
That's total bullshit I will re-post what I said, comprehending what I said is up to you.

What Rush says is irrelevant compared to the failed obama economy. So hell yes I will deflect your bullshit and derail any thread that is focused on bullshit while obama has a failed economy.

Any thread that I deem is bullshit. more specifically
Threads started by Synthaholic Rdean Chris and that type

Yep but that was in 2 different posts.
the second one was the backpeddaling.
Revising history?
And Carbonite stock is off 12% since announcing they were pulling their advertising...

And that is O.K.

They may have been under pressure.

Who knows.

It is unfortunate that companies get caught in the middle like this, but it always happens.

That is the market at work.

If I needed a service like Carbonite, I might let them know they won't be getting my business for this reason.

Again, that ever (non-existant) market at work.
I hope they ALL drop him. I hope he can't find any more.

The real travesty is that many people don't think he represnts the Republican party. They think he IS the Republican party. If they don't distance themselves from him, they will be left out holding the bag. And I have let my REPUBLICAN congressman know that too.

2012 Witch Burning Season has officially begun. The New KKK has released the Hounds for the Hunt. Thousands who have not spent 5 minutes listening to him, in the last 5 years threaten Advertisers. So much for diversity and freedom of speech. Rat Pack 2012 is on the Prowl, the PC Police are coming for you next. Zombies attack!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Night Of Th Living Dead 2012!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Fucking Zombies, all lined up to support Obama. Well, at least Rush has not died of Natural Causes yet, or an out of control drone attack.

What you just described is capitalism at it's finest.

There are many descriptions for the exiting and arrivals of old and new sponsers/advertisers in the radio and television media markets. The most prominant description being economic liberalism.

Is this country great, or what?

Yes, this Country is Great. Mainly because of Those that Dare to think outside of the Box. Take Broadcast Excellence as an Example. :D ;) :) :lol:
And Carbonite stock is off 12% since announcing they were pulling their advertising...

How are the other 32 that pulled there advertising doing?

Haven't got a clue, but I would guess they're doing just fine. I happened to see a story about the Carbonite slide and I saw they were mentioned in the OP. I don't expect Carbonite will be going out of business anytime soon, certainly not because they pulled their ads from Limbaugh's show anyway...
Not a coincidence that Bain Capital is in this mess and that mitt weaseled out of making a real stand.

Oh wait - its Mitt. He doesn't have opinions until Norquist gives them to him.
What has Bain Capital to do with this idiocy?

That's right...


Thank you for playing.


Bain Capital owns Clear Channel, which in turn, owns most of the stations that Rush is carried on.

» Bain Capital Owns Clear Channel (Romney Supported by Talk Show sphere) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
There is no market in health insurance. I am not sure how that was disputed.

But, again, the left loves the market when it works in their favor. They hate the idea that it would replace one of their hand out programs.

I hate the idea of people dying because some rich douchebag wants to buy another mansion.

Not sure why you think this is a virtue.

Oh. Wait. you're a Mormon.

Still no disputation of the claim that there is no market in health insurance.

Everyone gets a say in the market. Glad to know you are willing to push your opinions onto others via the government.

Please, the market is not "democratic", nor is it a virtue.

It's the worst people doing things for the worst reasons.

How does that produce good results again?

We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world, we have the lowest ife expectency in the industrialized world, we spend more per capita than anyone else and 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis.

This is not a market that's working, and having less government isn't going to make it better.

The reason government is involved at all is because there's no profit in insuring the poor and elderly. They couldn't afford it.
Not a coincidence that Bain Capital is in this mess and that mitt weaseled out of making a real stand.

Oh wait - its Mitt. He doesn't have opinions until Norquist gives them to him.

Mitt has the sense not to lower himself into this crap.

Obama obviously doesn't.

Mitt is a coward who can't stand up to a radio blowhard.
So... the question for all you slavering leftist psycho-sycophants is this: Do you expect this to actually hurt Rush? Do you think this will drive him off the air or decrease his audience?

Mitt has the sense not to lower himself into this crap.

Fearless leader Mittens. Well thats not words I would have used.

Mittens wants to be a leader. And can't stand up and tell an asshole like Rush to stfu.

Hell Mittens prolly would give Rush a job..........at Bain Capital.........wait, he already did. Indirectly.

Romney is one of the most stupid politicians I have watched. Santorum second.
At least the other piss poor rethug candidates had the sense to drop out.

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