Sponsors are dropping rush.

I hope they ALL drop him. I hope he can't find any more.

The real travesty is that many people don't think he represnts the Republican party. They think he IS the Republican party. If they don't distance themselves from him, they will be left out holding the bag. And I have let my REPUBLICAN congressman know that too.
And then still etched into my memory was the night that wanda sykes, her buddy obama and a room full of demoncraps sat around and laughed at the thought of Mr. Limbaugh dying of kidney failure. Mr. Limbaugh has a lot more class than the aforementioned group of people. just sayin.

He is a known drug addict and likely a sex tourist exploiting the Dominican Republic as well. That is not class! That is slime.

Like many in a Drug Dependent Nation, he got addicted to pain medication. Is your condemnation related to his weakness or his Politics? Aren't you now doing to him what the Populists are now accusing him of doing? Haven't You All not been treating him like a Pariah for Decades? Man, when the Jackal's circle for the kill, there is no holding back, huh.
Rush earned $30 million last year. He earned that because he has the largest radio audience in the country. Advertisers on his show get fantastic results - they will all come back ....
And then still etched into my memory was the night that wanda sykes, her buddy obama and a room full of demoncraps sat around and laughed at the thought of Mr. Limbaugh dying of kidney failure. Mr. Limbaugh has a lot more class than the aforementioned group of people. just sayin.

He is a known drug addict and likely a sex tourist exploiting the Dominican Republic as well. That is not class! That is slime.

Like many in a Drug Dependent Nation, he got addicted to pain medication. Is your condemnation related to his weakness or his Politics? Aren't you now doing to him what the Populists are now accusing him of doing? Haven't You All not been treating him like a Pariah for Decades? Man, when the Jackal's circle for the kill, there is no holding back, huh.

I have not stated anything that was not true. He IS a known drug addict. AND he DID go to the Dominican Republic loaded up with Viagra. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have pulmonary hypertension.

As to HOW he got addicted. That is completely irrelevant. I have worked in psyciatry for 23 years. The prescription addicts are the very worst. They feel entitled to stay that way and will do anything to get narcotics. They even go to the street for them. He got caught on both counts. He is nothing but a scumbag.
I hope they ALL drop him. I hope he can't find any more.

The real travesty is that many people don't think he represnts the Republican party. They think he IS the Republican party. If they don't distance themselves from him, they will be left out holding the bag. And I have let my REPUBLICAN congressman know that too.

2012 Witch Burning Season has officially begun. The New KKK has released the Hounds for the Hunt. Thousands who have not spent 5 minutes listening to him, in the last 5 years threaten Advertisers. So much for diversity and freedom of speech. Rat Pack 2012 is on the Prowl, the PC Police are coming for you next. Zombies attack!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Night Of Th Living Dead 2012!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Fucking Zombies, all lined up to support Obama. Well, at least Rush has not died of Natural Causes yet, or an out of control drone attack.
Rush earned $30 million last year. He earned that because he has the largest radio audience in the country. Advertisers on his show get fantastic results - they will all come back ....

Did he cheat on his taxes?
Rush sure didn't sound very panicked earlier.

BTW since when is AOL a sponsor? Ive never once heard them advertise on his program. Obvious I dont listen all the time, but I would expect that if they were a sponsor that they would have advertisements from time to time.

Peter Gabrielle wants him to stop playing his song "Sledgehammer".

Thank God.
I hope they ALL drop him. I hope he can't find any more.

The real travesty is that many people don't think he represnts the Republican party. They think he IS the Republican party. If they don't distance themselves from him, they will be left out holding the bag. And I have let my REPUBLICAN congressman know that too.

2012 Witch Burning Season has officially begun. The New KKK has released the Hounds for the Hunt. Thousands who have not spent 5 minutes listening to him, in the last 5 years threaten Advertisers. So much for diversity and freedom of speech. Rat Pack 2012 is on the Prowl, the PC Police are coming for you next. Zombies attack!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Night Of Th Living Dead 2012!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Fucking Zombies, all lined up to support Obama. Well, at least Rush has not died of Natural Causes yet, or an out of control drone attack.

He's the one who opend the gates. It has nothing to do with Obama.
He is a known drug addict and likely a sex tourist exploiting the Dominican Republic as well. That is not class! That is slime.

Like many in a Drug Dependent Nation, he got addicted to pain medication. Is your condemnation related to his weakness or his Politics? Aren't you now doing to him what the Populists are now accusing him of doing? Haven't You All not been treating him like a Pariah for Decades? Man, when the Jackal's circle for the kill, there is no holding back, huh.

I have not stated anything that was not true. He IS a known drug addict. AND he DID go to the Dominican Republic loaded up with Viagra. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have pulmonary hypertension.

As to HOW he got addicted. That is completely irrelevant. I have worked in psyciatry for 23 years. The prescription addicts are the very worst. They feel entitled to stay that way and will do anything to get narcotics. They even go to the street for them. He got caught on both counts. He is nothing but a scumbag.

Did he state anything that was not true? How much do you spend on Birth Control, that you would want to stand before Congress and misrepresent your situation?
I hope they ALL drop him. I hope he can't find any more.

The real travesty is that many people don't think he represnts the Republican party. They think he IS the Republican party. If they don't distance themselves from him, they will be left out holding the bag. And I have let my REPUBLICAN congressman know that too.

2012 Witch Burning Season has officially begun. The New KKK has released the Hounds for the Hunt. Thousands who have not spent 5 minutes listening to him, in the last 5 years threaten Advertisers. So much for diversity and freedom of speech. Rat Pack 2012 is on the Prowl, the PC Police are coming for you next. Zombies attack!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Night Of Th Living Dead 2012!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Fucking Zombies, all lined up to support Obama. Well, at least Rush has not died of Natural Causes yet, or an out of control drone attack.

He's the one who opend the gates. It has nothing to do with Obama.

An Obama Stooge testifying before Congress, has nothing to do with Obama, in your mind, maybe.
I hope they ALL drop him. I hope he can't find any more.

The real travesty is that many people don't think he represnts the Republican party. They think he IS the Republican party. If they don't distance themselves from him, they will be left out holding the bag. And I have let my REPUBLICAN congressman know that too.

2012 Witch Burning Season has officially begun. The New KKK has released the Hounds for the Hunt. Thousands who have not spent 5 minutes listening to him, in the last 5 years threaten Advertisers. So much for diversity and freedom of speech. Rat Pack 2012 is on the Prowl, the PC Police are coming for you next. Zombies attack!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Night Of Th Living Dead 2012!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Fucking Zombies, all lined up to support Obama. Well, at least Rush has not died of Natural Causes yet, or an out of control drone attack.

He's the one who opend the gates. It has nothing to do with Obama.
Obama started this faux issue...Rush sadly fell into the trap and acted as Obama...However apologized for it...Obama apologizes for nothing.
Rush sure didn't sound very panicked earlier.

BTW since when is AOL a sponsor? Ive never once heard them advertise on his program. Obvious I dont listen all the time, but I would expect that if they were a sponsor that they would have advertisements from time to time.

Peter Gabrielle wants him to stop playing his song "Sledgehammer".

Thank God.
I saw that. Peter does this much to his better judgement...
i am agnostic, i pray to no gods for anything.
some folks need that [faith] to be ok. im not one of them.
i respect that for other people.

i do lean left for sure and i do not condone
someone being degraded on the air like that.

she doesnt want 'free' birth control so she can
indiscriminately fuck her way around campus.
she wants it to be a part of her insurance. in
my opinion it should be covered, it is a huge part
of a womans health. nothing slut like about that
at all.

not sure what a mans health insurance includes but
things like viagra/vasectomies i would think are.

what is the difference?

I don't really think that any "for casual sex" contraception (or) anti-pregnancy paraphanila (i.e. the morning after pill, or condoms etc. for example), should be covered by tax payers money by government mandate upon an insurance company to cover, where as by order of such a mandate, is it being done now without the taxpayers input first or say so in such a case?

do we know that it is taxpayer funded birth control or just school insurance?
and if it is tax payer funded aznd there is no choice i think i would prefer my taxes going for birth control rather than for providing lifetime care in the case of unwanted pregnancies.

(IMHO) this is wrong, especially abortion on a whim, if used as some sort of contraception after the fact, otherwise all due to the irresponsible actions that were engaged in between two irresponsible people in their lives, and out of pure lust they came together, then they want an abortion to do away with their mistake ???? That's not right at all (IMHO)

i know that there are women who do use abortion as a birth control. yes it does happen but i have never seen anyone do that on a whim. it isnt that black and white, at least not for me. i can honestly see both sides of the abortion issue and both sides have valid points.

Now procedures that people need to go through for various medical reasons or rather they may be getting to old now to have children, and just don't want to slip up, where as they need an implant or visectomy etc. in which will stop them from being able to become pregnant or get someone pregnant at all anymore in there life, I think is another thing altogether, and should be covered, in which I think always has been in many instances or cases.

surgical prevention is prevention and it is birth control. it does stop pregnancy. a physical procedure is still birth control. but i respect your thoughts on it :)

Viagra also should not be covered....Nope I don't think so..... People should have to purchase this pill also on there own, hec the prices would come down big time, and this so they could purchase these things, if the government would stay out of it as much as possible... The government with to much involvement is the biggest problem I think....:eusa_angel:

i agree with small gov staying out of it. starting with all these crazy personhood bills and preventing access to affordable birth control ;)

thanks for the thoughtful unhostile reply. appreciate that, i really do :]

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