Sponsors are dropping rush.

The sponsors who publicly made a stink about leaving Rush are regretting it big time. And rush doesn't need them. He apologized because he felt he lowered his standards not because he lost sponsors.

This is pretty much par for Rush. Only this time he attacked 98% of women and during an election year. And no one is buying his apology. We don't want it because it is how you radical extreme righties really feel. Even Mitt said, "ah, maybe those aren't the words I would have chosen.." So even he agrees with Rush. So don't apologize. Own it.

Funny how the GOP are actually afraid of Rush. Mitt wouldn't take on Rush. So how is he going to take on Amadinajad?

He attacked no one. He made a comment which was in poor form about ONE person.
Shut it.
I have listened to female liberal pundits who appear to be in hysterics over this pill thing.
For the most part, they have spun this insurance issue into the denial of reproductive rights. What hogwash.
This is pure politics from your side. This not a women's issue, an insurance issue, a financial issue or a reproduction issue. It's a political campaign soundbite opportunity for democrats.
You're out of control. I hope you get banned.

What seabitch forgets or fails to see that obama gave aid to the enemy in time of war, which is treason.

Got an actual link to support your claim, or are you going to cite a conservative blog again?

It was reported back early in 2011. You and I have already had this discussion.
Then after the fall of Gaddafi Al Qaeda flag's were being flown over Libyan government buildings
Then you have the genocide conducted by Al Qaeda in Libya.
Libya: Al Qaeda flag flown above Benghazi courthouse - Telegraph
Ethnic cleansing, genocide and the Tawergha « Human rights investigations
You must have listen to him if you knew he had a lot of PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS. So what did he talk about today?
No, I never listen to him. I get the greatest hits when MSNBC or Olbermann plays a clip, but any other info I get is from various Twitter and websites.

You are ALWAYS wrong, Rebecca. Did you realize that? It's true. No matter what the subject, you manage to fuck up the facts and talk out of your ass.

You have a gift.
You are a fucking lying son of a bitch How in the hell would you know the type of advertisements are being aired if you don't listen to him?
No, I never listen to him. I get the greatest hits when MSNBC or Olbermann plays a clip, but any other info I get is from various Twitter and websites.

You are ALWAYS wrong, Rebecca. Did you realize that? It's true. No matter what the subject, you manage to fuck up the facts and talk out of your ass.

You have a gift.
You are a fucking lying son of a bitch How in the hell would you know the type of advertisements are being aired if you don't listen to him?

So your taking second hand information and pushing it as fact? How do you know what advertisments were aired unless YOU LISTEN?
I won't be happy until Rush is either

a. Broke
b. In Jail
c. Dead
And here we have a true example of liberalism.
You people cannot accept the existence of an opposing viewpoint.
You are so incensed over the fact that a conservative dominates his trade you want him "dead, in jail( for what I cannot wait to see what crime Limbaugh has committed) or broke."
Comment such as yours expose the left for what it really is. You people are hateful and vindictive. You have no credibility. You live in a world of double standards and hypocrisy.
You and those who agree with you are a disgrace.
I want meth dealers in jail or dead, also. They both sell poison.
What seabitch forgets or fails to see that obama gave aid to the enemy in time of war, which is treason.
We are still at war - are you committing treason with every anti-Obama post?

I am not aiding the enemy dumbass obama did.
You give comfort to the enemy with your attacks on the President Of The United States.

USMB is an open website that could be used as propaganda by al Qaeda.

You are hurting America when you post.
I won't be happy until Rush is either

a. Broke
b. In Jail
c. Dead
And here we have a true example of liberalism.
You people cannot accept the existence of an opposing viewpoint.
You are so incensed over the fact that a conservative dominates his trade you want him "dead, in jail( for what I cannot wait to see what crime Limbaugh has committed) or broke."
Comment such as yours expose the left for what it really is. You people are hateful and vindictive. You have no credibility. You live in a world of double standards and hypocrisy.
You and those who agree with you are a disgrace.
I want meth dealers in jail or dead, also. They both sell poison.
Nice try. One is a crime. The other is Constitutionally protected free speech.
With a comment like that, you do not even rise to the level of moron.
And here we have a true example of liberalism.
You people cannot accept the existence of an opposing viewpoint.
You are so incensed over the fact that a conservative dominates his trade you want him "dead, in jail( for what I cannot wait to see what crime Limbaugh has committed) or broke."
Comment such as yours expose the left for what it really is. You people are hateful and vindictive. You have no credibility. You live in a world of double standards and hypocrisy.
You and those who agree with you are a disgrace.
I want meth dealers in jail or dead, also. They both sell poison.
Nice try. One is a crime. The other is Constitutionally protected free speech.
With a comment like that, you do not even rise to the level of moron.

What am I 'trying'? :lol:

I'm using my free speech to denounce Rush. I consider him a domestic enemy of democracy and the United States. I want the enemies of the United States neutralized or destroyed.
We are still at war - are you committing treason with every anti-Obama post?

I am not aiding the enemy dumbass obama did.
You give comfort to the enemy with your attacks on the President Of The United States.

USMB is an open website that could be used as propaganda by al Qaeda.

You are hurting America when you post.

Let's see speaking the truth about the traitor in charge, :Me
Giving military air support to America's enemy while during war time: obama.
You are a fucking dumb ass
I won't be happy until Rush is either

a. Broke
b. In Jail
c. Dead
You can actually say this, while trying to project some sort of decency and morals in defense of Mrs. Fluke's numbers that were given (or) her trumped up testimony given ? Um what cha want ta bet, that Mrs. Fluke would refuse your words given here on her behalf (if this be the case), and/or to refuse any help by you at this point and time in her life ? The hypocrisy on the left, upon this specific issue is simply amazing, where as on the one hand they can't stand the right to become immoral or make a mistake at any given time, especially to speak in these kinds of ways at all about an on purpose trumped up issue and it's accomplices, but yet they (the left) figure that they can be or say immoral things or make a mistake without ever being called out on it, and when they are called out on anything, they quickly become this poor little humble ole beat down victim in America....Sad situation it all is...

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