Sponsors are dropping rush.

LOL. Wingnuts still in denial. Ol' Limp screwed up royally this time, and may end up paying for it beyond anything that he imagined.

I don't listen to Rush and don't really like the guy.

What is so funny is the amount of hatred you have towards him because of the power he wields. It is like listening to a group of baboons go nuts.

What you fail to realize is that there is a market for someone like Rush and people like Beck.

Let's assume Rush does cash it in (and I mean that literally). Thanks to you folks, he is a rich guy. If liberals didn't exist, he would not exist either.

What that tells you is that if Rush goes away....someone else will take his place. In fact, I suspect, you might have a hydra on your hands.

I really hope not....I don't believe Rush helps things a great deal. But I also know a great many people who listen to him and if he goes away...that desire on their part for a voice won't.

When Olberman left....we got Ed Shultz. They are both moronic jerk-offs so we didn't trade up when KO left. Why ? Because the pratt and spittle they put out every night is what the left wing zombies need.

Rush or someone like him will always be around.

Deal with it.
LOL. Wingnuts still in denial. Ol' Limp screwed up royally this time, and may end up paying for it beyond anything that he imagined.

I don't listen to Rush and don't really like the guy.

What is so funny is the amount of hatred you have towards him because of the power he wields. It is like listening to a group of baboons go nuts.

What you fail to realize is that there is a market for someone like Rush and people like Beck.

Let's assume Rush does cash it in (and I mean that literally). Thanks to you folks, he is a rich guy. If liberals didn't exist, he would not exist either.

What that tells you is that if Rush goes away....someone else will take his place. In fact, I suspect, you might have a hydra on your hands.

I really hope not....I don't believe Rush helps things a great deal. But I also know a great many people who listen to him and if he goes away...that desire on their part for a voice won't.

When Olberman left....we got Ed Shultz. They are both moronic jerk-offs so we didn't trade up when KO left. Why ? Because the pratt and spittle they put out every night is what the left wing zombies need.

Rush or someone like him will always be around.

Deal with it.

Isn't that the problem when you let the Market decide these things, then?

Rush and Beck are popular because they play to people's prejudices.
LOL. Wingnuts still in denial. Ol' Limp screwed up royally this time, and may end up paying for it beyond anything that he imagined.

I don't listen to Rush and don't really like the guy.

What is so funny is the amount of hatred you have towards him because of the power he wields. It is like listening to a group of baboons go nuts.

What you fail to realize is that there is a market for someone like Rush and people like Beck.

Let's assume Rush does cash it in (and I mean that literally). Thanks to you folks, he is a rich guy. If liberals didn't exist, he would not exist either.

What that tells you is that if Rush goes away....someone else will take his place. In fact, I suspect, you might have a hydra on your hands.

I really hope not....I don't believe Rush helps things a great deal. But I also know a great many people who listen to him and if he goes away...that desire on their part for a voice won't.

When Olberman left....we got Ed Shultz. They are both moronic jerk-offs so we didn't trade up when KO left. Why ? Because the pratt and spittle they put out every night is what the left wing zombies need.

Rush or someone like him will always be around.

Deal with it.

Isn't that the problem when you let the Market decide these things, then?

Rush and Beck are popular because they play to people's prejudices.

That's life.

It isn't just RL and GB. It is also KO, ES, CM and RM.

The demand is there...it will be filled.
Tell me how that's a good thing for democracy in general?

Once upon a time, networks ran their news shows at a loss, and they saw it as a public service. This is kind of the crux of the plot of the movie Network. Then they decided to turn the news into a circus to get ratings instead of doing its function of keeping the populace informed.

The thing is, the fictional Howard Beale comes off as quite sedate compared to Rush or Olberman.

The problem with BOTH sides of "Info-Tainment" is that it plays to a market. Instead of presenting facts, they present opinions disguised as facts. And people believe some horseshit like, "Well, I listened to Rush and he said this Fluke slut wants me to pay for her birth control", when in fact, that wasn't what Fluke was talking about at all.

So instead of having a rational discussion about how to fix health care, we get this nonsense.
I am not aiding the enemy dumbass obama did.
You give comfort to the enemy with your attacks on the President Of The United States.

USMB is an open website that could be used as propaganda by al Qaeda.

You are hurting America when you post.

Let's see speaking the truth about the traitor in charge, :Me
Giving military air support to America's enemy while during war time: obama.
You are a fucking dumb ass

Al Quaeda knows that obama is their best friend already.
Tell me how that's a good thing for democracy in general?

Once upon a time, networks ran their news shows at a loss, and they saw it as a public service. This is kind of the crux of the plot of the movie Network. Then they decided to turn the news into a circus to get ratings instead of doing its function of keeping the populace informed.

The thing is, the fictional Howard Beale comes off as quite sedate compared to Rush or Olberman.

The problem with BOTH sides of "Info-Tainment" is that it plays to a market. Instead of presenting facts, they present opinions disguised as facts. And people believe some horseshit like, "Well, I listened to Rush and he said this Fluke slut wants me to pay for her birth control", when in fact, that wasn't what Fluke was talking about at all.

So instead of having a rational discussion about how to fix health care, we get this nonsense.

It isn't. But that isn't Rush's fault. Nor is it KO's fault.

I ask people how you can expect to have laws that somehow meet the individual needs of 310,000,000 people and I generally get no answer.

This whole stage is at the federal leve and there is NO Rational discussion at that level on much of anything except the limited scope of government defined the USC.

Beyond that, rational discussions best take place at the local level.

The GOP has become a traitor to it's very principles. They allow things at the national level and anytime you get that kind of mass....you will have useless conversations and a whole lot of fear mongering.

You won't "fix" health care at the federal level. Many people don't want that kind of fix.
I listened to Rush for the first time on Wednesday, and again on Thursday. I will try to listen to him as long as the democrats are making an issue about this. I have also cancelled my AOL membership and told them why.

I noticed that while he seemed to have less commercials than I'm used to (I listen to Boortz, Hannity, and Clark Howard), he still had sponsors.

All this butthurt from the left isn't doing anything to his supporters except maybe to increase his listenership. As long as he has listeners, businesses will line up for replace the losers that leave.

The only thing that this hoopla has accomplished is to extract what we all know is an insincere apology, and deflect (temporarily) from obama's failures at president.

I will do the same and any advertisers he may have I will make sure I start using their services.

That's part of the reason I wanted to listen to him. I just haven't yet found a sponsor that was selling something I needed. I briefly toyed with the idea of calling them up and saying "look, I don't need a lawyer right now but when I do or if I know someone who does, I'll definately recommend you or use you because you are advertizing on Rush's show". I didn't because it seemed to be a waste of both our times.
Tell me how that's a good thing for democracy in general?

Once upon a time, networks ran their news shows at a loss, and they saw it as a public service. This is kind of the crux of the plot of the movie Network. Then they decided to turn the news into a circus to get ratings instead of doing its function of keeping the populace informed.

The thing is, the fictional Howard Beale comes off as quite sedate compared to Rush or Olberman.

The problem with BOTH sides of "Info-Tainment" is that it plays to a market. Instead of presenting facts, they present opinions disguised as facts. And people believe some horseshit like, "Well, I listened to Rush and he said this Fluke slut wants me to pay for her birth control", when in fact, that wasn't what Fluke was talking about at all.

So instead of having a rational discussion about how to fix health care, we get this nonsense.
Show me a democracy and we can go from there.
You give comfort to the enemy with your attacks on the President Of The United States.

USMB is an open website that could be used as propaganda by al Qaeda.

You are hurting America when you post.

Let's see speaking the truth about the traitor in charge, :Me
Giving military air support to America's enemy while during war time: obama.
You are a fucking dumb ass

Al Quaeda knows that obama is their best friend already.

It does look that way.

Rush Limbaugh's Show Filled With Free Ads; Sponsor Exodus Continues

Media watchdogs have been paying close attention to the commercials aired during Rush Limbaugh's radio show, as nearly 50 advertisers have pulled their content from the program in wake of the controversy surrounding Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke.

Think Progress has kept daily tabs on Limbaugh's fleeing advertisers and those sticking with him. AOL—the parent company of The Huffington Post—announced last week that the company pulled its ads from Limbaugh's show.

Reports about Limbaugh's Thursday program showed that 77 of the 86 spots that aired were "free public service announcements donated by the Ad Council." Additionally, seven ads were from companies "in the process of pulling their spots." This apparently left only two paid advertisements.
Merely errant French fries, fallen from his Super-Sized portion of advertisers. :lol:
Philosophically I'm with Rush 100% BUT there is very little more pitiful than a guy who's not a comedian (but thinks he is) holding forth in a multi-hour "funny" rant.
It isn't. But that isn't Rush's fault. Nor is it KO's fault.

No, it's the fault of the big corporations that front them.

I ask people how you can expect to have laws that somehow meet the individual needs of 310,000,000 people and I generally get no answer.

This whole stage is at the federal leve and there is NO Rational discussion at that level on much of anything except the limited scope of government defined the USC.

Beyond that, rational discussions best take place at the local level.

The GOP has become a traitor to it's very principles. They allow things at the national level and anytime you get that kind of mass....you will have useless conversations and a whole lot of fear mongering.

You won't "fix" health care at the federal level. Many people don't want that kind of fix.

I trust the federal govenrment more than I trust corporations and markets.

Fact is, the rest of the world has single payer, universal healthcare. We're the only one who let "the market" decide who lives and who dies.
It isn't. But that isn't Rush's fault. Nor is it KO's fault.

No, it's the fault of the big corporations that front them.

I ask people how you can expect to have laws that somehow meet the individual needs of 310,000,000 people and I generally get no answer.

This whole stage is at the federal leve and there is NO Rational discussion at that level on much of anything except the limited scope of government defined the USC.

Beyond that, rational discussions best take place at the local level.

The GOP has become a traitor to it's very principles. They allow things at the national level and anytime you get that kind of mass....you will have useless conversations and a whole lot of fear mongering.

You won't "fix" health care at the federal level. Many people don't want that kind of fix.

I trust the federal govenrment more than I trust corporations and markets.

Fact is, the rest of the world has single payer, universal healthcare. We're the only one who let "the market" decide who lives and who dies.

Which is why their sucks and ours doesn't.
Porky's closin'-in, FAST, on....



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Rush Limbaugh's Show Filled With Free Ads; Sponsor Exodus Continues

Media watchdogs have been paying close attention to the commercials aired during Rush Limbaugh's radio show, as nearly 50 advertisers have pulled their content from the program in wake of the controversy surrounding Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke.

Think Progress has kept daily tabs on Limbaugh's fleeing advertisers and those sticking with him. AOL—the parent company of The Huffington Post—announced last week that the company pulled its ads from Limbaugh's show.

Reports about Limbaugh's Thursday program showed that 77 of the 86 spots that aired were "free public service announcements donated by the Ad Council." Additionally, seven ads were from companies "in the process of pulling their spots." This apparently left only two paid advertisements.
There are over 16,000 local and national companies which run ads on this show.
The libbies are having an orgasm because a couple dozen national companies no longer want the business of 20 million RL listeners.
Yeah, ok...NEXT!!!!

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