Sponsors are dropping rush.

I want meth dealers in jail or dead, also. They both sell poison.
Nice try. One is a crime. The other is Constitutionally protected free speech.
With a comment like that, you do not even rise to the level of moron.

What am I 'trying'? :lol:

I'm using my free speech to denounce Rush. I consider him a domestic enemy of democracy and the United States. I want the enemies of the United States neutralized or destroyed.
Offer an example which supports your claim. And "because he is conservative" or "he's a windbag" and answers like that are unacceptable. In other words you don't get to say he should be neutralized or destroyed because you have a problem with his very existence.
Newsflash...Free speech applies to EVERYONE.
You libs cite the First Amendment not because you respect it, but because you believe your right to free speech trumps the free speech rights of others with whom you disagree.
It doesn't work that way.
You are twisting the meaning of freedom of speech.
BTW, what YOU consider is irrelevant.
With every post, you dig a deeper hole for yourself. Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself?
Rush losing 70 sponsers is absolutly great and unprecedent! :clap2:

Who'd of thought that the big fat idiot Rush would really miss a couple of french-fries anyway? Rush is on his way out alright... it's only a matter of a short time. Stay tuned folks.

He's toast.

Two weeks left......

I listened to Rush for the first time on Wednesday, and again on Thursday. I will try to listen to him as long as the democrats are making an issue about this. I have also cancelled my AOL membership and told them why.

I noticed that while he seemed to have less commercials than I'm used to (I listen to Boortz, Hannity, and Clark Howard), he still had sponsors.

All this butthurt from the left isn't doing anything to his supporters except maybe to increase his listenership. As long as he has listeners, businesses will line up for replace the losers that leave.

The only thing that this hoopla has accomplished is to extract what we all know is an insincere apology, and deflect (temporarily) from obama's failures at president.
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Rush Limbaugh's Show Filled With Free Ads; Sponsor Exodus Continues

Media watchdogs have been paying close attention to the commercials aired during Rush Limbaugh's radio show, as nearly 50 advertisers have pulled their content from the program in wake of the controversy surrounding Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke.

Think Progress has kept daily tabs on Limbaugh's fleeing advertisers and those sticking with him. AOL—the parent company of The Huffington Post—announced last week that the company pulled its ads from Limbaugh's show.

Reports about Limbaugh's Thursday program showed that 77 of the 86 spots that aired were "free public service announcements donated by the Ad Council." Additionally, seven ads were from companies "in the process of pulling their spots." This apparently left only two paid advertisements.

Rush Limbaugh's Show Filled With Free Ads; Sponsor Exodus Continues

Media watchdogs have been paying close attention to the commercials aired during Rush Limbaugh's radio show, as nearly 50 advertisers have pulled their content from the program in wake of the controversy surrounding Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke.

Think Progress has kept daily tabs on Limbaugh's fleeing advertisers and those sticking with him. AOL—the parent company of The Huffington Post—announced last week that the company pulled its ads from Limbaugh's show.

Reports about Limbaugh's Thursday program showed that 77 of the 86 spots that aired were "free public service announcements donated by the Ad Council." Additionally, seven ads were from companies "in the process of pulling their spots." This apparently left only two paid advertisements.

I'm waiting on the verification from media matters :eusa_whistle:
I listened to Rush for the first time on Wednesday, and again on Thursday. I will try to listen to him as long as the democrats are making an issue about this. I have also cancelled my AOL membership and told them why.

I noticed that while he seemed to have less commercials than I'm used to (I listen to Boortz, Hannity, and Clark Howard), he still had sponsors.

All this butthurt from the left isn't doing anything to his supporters except maybe to increase his listenership. As long as he has listeners, businesses will line up for replace the losers that leave.

The only thing that this hoopla has accomplished is to extract what we all know is an insincere apology, and deflect (temporarily) from obama's failures at president.

I will do the same and any advertisers he may have I will make sure I start using their services.
I will do the same and any advertisers he may have I will make sure I start using their services.

Heard that a couple of new advertisers have Rethug family values in mind.

One advertiser is to hook up sugar daddies with sugar babies and the other is to make it easier to cheat on your spouse.

Which one you going with?
Women make most of the purchasing decisions in their households. Advertisers are leaving for that reason.

Advertisers who stay are effectively endorsing what Limbaugh said. Most companies don't want women to view them in that context.
I listened to Rush for the first time on Wednesday, and again on Thursday. I will try to listen to him as long as the democrats are making an issue about this. I have also cancelled my AOL membership and told them why.

I noticed that while he seemed to have less commercials than I'm used to (I listen to Boortz, Hannity, and Clark Howard), he still had sponsors.

All this butthurt from the left isn't doing anything to his supporters except maybe to increase his listenership. As long as he has listeners, businesses will line up for replace the losers that leave.

The only thing that this hoopla has accomplished is to extract what we all know is an insincere apology, and deflect (temporarily) from obama's failures at president.

I will do the same and any advertisers he may have I will make sure I start using their services.

That's so cute!
I listened to Rush for the first time on Wednesday, and again on Thursday. I will try to listen to him as long as the democrats are making an issue about this. I have also cancelled my AOL membership and told them why.

I noticed that while he seemed to have less commercials than I'm used to (I listen to Boortz, Hannity, and Clark Howard), he still had sponsors.

All this butthurt from the left isn't doing anything to his supporters except maybe to increase his listenership. As long as he has listeners, businesses will line up for replace the losers that leave.

The only thing that this hoopla has accomplished is to extract what we all know is an insincere apology, and deflect (temporarily) from obama's failures at president.

I will do the same and any advertisers he may have I will make sure I start using their services.

That's so cute!

CUTE? but effective. 1 is a small number, the left and the fake rage is the best friend of Rush Limbaugh.
I will do the same and any advertisers he may have I will make sure I start using their services.

Heard that a couple of new advertisers have Rethug family values in mind.

One advertiser is to hook up sugar daddies with sugar babies and the other is to make it easier to cheat on your spouse.

Which one you going with?

Repeating a lie and knowingly do that would make you a liar. This was your warning not to repeat that lie.
Women make most of the purchasing decisions in their households. Advertisers are leaving for that reason.

Advertisers who stay are effectively endorsing what Limbaugh said. Most companies don't want women to view them in that context.

Maybe in the liberal household but here in my house we are a team, and make the decisions together.
Women make most of the purchasing decisions in their households. Advertisers are leaving for that reason.

Advertisers who stay are effectively endorsing what Limbaugh said. Most companies don't want women to view them in that context.

Maybe in the liberal household but here in my house we are a team, and make the decisions together.

That's why it's 'most' and not 'all'.
Women make most of the purchasing decisions in their households. Advertisers are leaving for that reason.

Advertisers who stay are effectively endorsing what Limbaugh said. Most companies don't want women to view them in that context.

Maybe in the liberal household but here in my house we are a team, and make the decisions together.

That's why it's 'most' and not 'all'.

That's not what you said. You said most of the purchases, not most households. There is a difference.

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