Sponsors are dropping rush.

What about these so called moralistic corporations and/or companies that are walking now, and all because of a so called moralism in which they now are having ? Lets name one (legal zoom for one example), who were being advertised on these shows alot, yet were allowing themselves to knowingly be used as an accessory to what is known by all of us who have any sense, "as advertisement manipulation in regards to their products being advertised on these shows" ???

The host would perform this manipulation upon us, by way of the add set up, be it through story telling (creating and/or fabracating a story that would fit the advertised product), or to add it to an issue without it being warranted within the issue (or) just playing make believe for a second or two, where as the radio host would make up a story or work an issue into something that would then fit with the advertised product, in which we would then hear next (when listening) routinely upon these radio talk shows. It is done in these ways in which they would advertise or plug these products for them, but hey (no big deal right)?

Example: The talk show host would be speaking on an issue, then for his add clients/companies who would pay for the plug, he would tie an issue into an upcoming advertisement which is about to be plugged by way of the joining the advertisement to the hot topic issue somehow, and all in order to give it a huge plug and/or a boost by tying it into a huge important topic/issue being talked about, yet all done in a manipulating way, even if it didnot apply to the issue being spoken on, it was still done in a manipulating way for the advertised company, and guess what, it was all done with their acceptance of in this practice for a long long time.

Now I ask, did they ever walk when this went on or still does go on, I mean they are soooooooooo moral and all that sort of thing now you know? Hypocryts is what they are, pure and simple!
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Thom Hartmann #1 progressive talk show host calls you and your information a liar. According to him as of the 6th it was 12 when other liberals were reporting 40 or so advertisers. So fuck off.
Why are you so invested in the the reporting of a known Liberal like Thom Hartmann?

He's a Progressive asshat he's one of your's

Yanno.........that's like saying the Westboro Baptist Church is a good Christian church.

Try again ya sperm slurping colon jouster.
It's only getting worse:

From today’s TRI Newsletter: Premiere Networks is circulating a list of 98 advertisers who want to avoid “environments likely to stir negative sentiments.” The list includes carmakers (Ford, GM, Toyota), insurance companies (Allstate, Geico, Prudential, State Farm) and restaurants (McDonald’s, Subway). As you’ll see in the note below, those “environments” go beyond the Rush Limbaugh show –

“To all Traffic Managers: The information below applies to your Premiere Radio Networks commercial inventory. More than 350 different advertisers sponsor the programs and services provided to your station on a barter basis. Like advertisers that purchase commercials on your radio station from your sales staff, our sponsors communicate specific rotations, daypart preferences and advertising environments they prefer… They’ve specifically asked that you schedule their commercials in dayparts or programs free of content that you know are deemed to be offensive or controversial (for example, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Leykis, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity). Those are defined as environments likely to stir negative sentiment from a very small percentage of the listening public.”

News : When it comes to advertisers avoiding controversial shows, it's not just Rush | Radio-Info.com

Oops, I misspoke. I should have said it's only getting better.
[I don't give a fuck what the GOP wants Romney is a mirror image of obama.

Okay, that's fine an all, but don't go around painting yourself as this authority on "conservatism" when there is broad agreement that the system is broken and needs to be fixed. This is going to be a non-issue in November. The only issue is going to be should it be Federal or State mandates.
[I don't give a fuck what the GOP wants Romney is a mirror image of obama.

Okay, that's fine an all, but don't go around painting yourself as this authority on "conservatism" when there is broad agreement that the system is broken and needs to be fixed. This is going to be a non-issue in November. The only issue is going to be should it be Federal or State mandates.

I don't paint my self as an authority on anything, But I do know what a liberal is and you are one. Romney actions as a governor makes him a mirror image of obama. and you are a liberal.
No, it's the fault of the big corporations that front them.

I trust the federal govenrment more than I trust corporations and markets.

Fact is, the rest of the world has single payer, universal healthcare. We're the only one who let "the market" decide who lives and who dies.

The liberal is showing his true colors.

Thanks, we will take that as a compliment.
If you think shit is a good thing have at it.
I trust the federal govenrment more than I trust corporations and markets.

Fact is, the rest of the world has single payer, universal healthcare. We're the only one who let "the market" decide who lives and who dies.

Which is why their sucks and ours doesn't.

Why do I get the feeling you've never been outside the US and don't even have a passport, much less speak a language other than English.

They spend less than we do, have a longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality rates, and a terminal illness does not bankrupt the family.

With all due respect, I have to call bullshit on this post.

And before you can attack me personally I speak 5 languages. English, French, Ukrainian and the most important of all I speak "Don Cherry":D And last but not least...


Now let's address your post. The "rest of the world"?. You know what it takes to get "free health care" in Canada for example.

You give me 40% to 50% in tax dollars Fed money coming off your pay every two weeks, oh and 7% sales tax in Ontario for example and then add 5% for your GST.

See you can get "free health care" too.
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[I don't give a fuck what the GOP wants Romney is a mirror image of obama.

Okay, that's fine an all, but don't go around painting yourself as this authority on "conservatism" when there is broad agreement that the system is broken and needs to be fixed. This is going to be a non-issue in November. The only issue is going to be should it be Federal or State mandates.

I don't paint my self as an authority on anything, But I do know what a liberal is and you are one. Romney actions as a governor makes him a mirror image of obama. and you are a liberal.

I think it's laughable that Ron Paul Nutbags think they live in a country that is 90% liberal, and they somehow think they can still win in November...
Which is why their sucks and ours doesn't.

Why do I get the feeling you've never been outside the US and don't even have a passport, much less speak a language other than English.

They spend less than we do, have a longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality rates, and a terminal illness does not bankrupt the family.

With all due respect, I have to call bullshit on this post.

And before you can attack me personally I speak 5 languages. English, French, Ukrainian and the most important of all I speak "Don Cherry":D And last but not least...


Now let's address your post. The "rest of the world"?. You know what it takes to get "free health care" in Canada for example.

You give me 40% to 50% in tax dollars Fed money coming off your pay every two weeks, oh and 7% sales tax in Ontario for example and then add 5% for your GST.

See you can get "free health care" too.

Funny, I've been to Canada a bunch of times, never heard the Canadians whining about it.

The Canadians also spend half per capita than we do on health care. And they live longer and have a lower infant mortality rate.

You make it sound like it's some overtaxed third world country. Really, it's kind of just like here, but colder.

I'm a big believer in trying to help out those less fortunate than any of us just attempting to access decent health care.

I'm huge fan of France and Sweden on their two tier plans.

But when an activist like Fluke comes up with a BC moment for promiscuity when we really need to be subsidizing research into early dementia or multiple sclerosis or <fill in the blank> is a completely off the richter scale abhorrent moment.
Why are you so invested in the the reporting of a known Liberal like Thom Hartmann?

He's a Progressive asshat he's one of your's

Yanno.........that's like saying the Westboro Baptist Church is a good Christian church.

Try again ya sperm slurping colon jouster.

The NUMBER 1 progressive talk show host and you don't want to claim him? Seabitch I realize your throat is hurting from sucking all those dicks at the docks but you are pathetic.
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I'm a big believer in trying to help out those less fortunate than any of us just attempting to access decent health care.

I'm huge fan of France and Sweden on their two tier plans.

But when an activist like Fluke comes up with a BC moment for promiscuity when we really need to be subsidizing research into early dementia or multiple sclerosis or <fill in the blank> is a completely off the richter scale abhorrent moment.

First, FLuke's testimony wasn't about "promiscuity", it was about women who have valid medical need for BC medications are discriminated against by the CHurch owned businesses and their silliness.

Second, as a fiscal matter, paying for birth control actually makes sense. BC Treatment costs $600.00 a year. A Pregnancy costs $3000 a shot. And then those snot-nosed little babies keep running up medical bills until they hit 18 Or 26.

So most insurance companies HAPPILY Pay for BC options.

The Bishops weren't arguing that they were about to cure MS and they need to conserve their resources. They are saying their magic sky friend doesn't like birth control and they don't want to pay for it.

Since you brought up France, they pay for the birth control. They pay for the abortions, even. And they have less abortions than we do because 1) Birth control is more widely used and 2) when a woman does find herself pregnant, she knows that she'll have her needs met.
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Why are you so invested in the the reporting of a known Liberal like Thom Hartmann?

He's a Progressive asshat he's one of your's
They'll engage in the "No True Scotsman" defense to justify ignoring Thom, even though he's a bigger loony leftist than I suspect many on this board who play at being one.

Just remember, it's all Reagan's fault.

Maybe Thom is not as big of a nutcase as some other liberals are. He's kicking the shit out of this Rush thing and the left turds on this board doesn't like it.:D
Okay, that's fine an all, but don't go around painting yourself as this authority on "conservatism" when there is broad agreement that the system is broken and needs to be fixed. This is going to be a non-issue in November. The only issue is going to be should it be Federal or State mandates.

I don't paint my self as an authority on anything, But I do know what a liberal is and you are one. Romney actions as a governor makes him a mirror image of obama. and you are a liberal.

I think it's laughable that Ron Paul Nutbags think they live in a country that is 90% liberal, and they somehow think they can still win in November...

Nope but you are a liberal.
Why do I get the feeling you've never been outside the US and don't even have a passport, much less speak a language other than English.

They spend less than we do, have a longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality rates, and a terminal illness does not bankrupt the family.

With all due respect, I have to call bullshit on this post.

And before you can attack me personally I speak 5 languages. English, French, Ukrainian and the most important of all I speak "Don Cherry":D And last but not least...


Now let's address your post. The "rest of the world"?. You know what it takes to get "free health care" in Canada for example.

You give me 40% to 50% in tax dollars Fed money coming off your pay every two weeks, oh and 7% sales tax in Ontario for example and then add 5% for your GST.

See you can get "free health care" too.

Funny, I've been to Canada a bunch of times, never heard the Canadians whining about it.

The Canadians also spend half per capita than we do on health care. And they live longer and have a lower infant mortality rate.

You make it sound like it's some overtaxed third world country. Really, it's kind of just like here, but colder.

I'm just south of Winnipeg. I know my country coast to coast quite well. :eusa_whistle:

I'm with you on wanting to change how health care is delivered. If you read my posts as conservative as I am I love France. I adore their health care system. Two tiered.

Now:D after calling 911 over that post, I want you to truly take a look at the French model and Sweden's.

Two tier and awesome and more bang for your buck.

But politicians always get in the way of anything that can be fixed.

We truly have been bled dry by this completely inefficient system though where a man because of a local government mandate that lets homeless into ER wards and this man died and stayed dead in his wheel chair and no one else got attended to as well.

The staff just assumed he was a drunk Indian and never tended to this man.

What I don't get is you actually have a chance to come up with the best of the best of the best potentially health care system on the planet and you want to play politics in stead of just fixing the issue.

I swear they live in a different universe in Washington.
Let me get you the link. This is just so sad and such an example where politics interfered with health care.

Primordial scream every time I go round this story.

The Death of Brian Sinclair

On September 19, 2008, Brian Sinclair, an indigent, physically and cognitively disabled, Aboriginal, vulnerable man, attended the emergency department of the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He complained of abdominal pain, a catheter problem, and a lack of any urinary output for over 24 hours. Hospital staff directed him to wait, and so he did. He sat in his wheelchair in the emergency waiting room for thirty-four hours.

For thirty-four hours Brian Sinclair was ignored, even as he sat in the hospital waiting room in distress, vomiting, and dying. He was left to suffer in agony, and was provided with no care, treatment, assessment, attention, or necessaries of life. As a result, he died.
[I don't give a fuck what the GOP wants Romney is a mirror image of obama.

Okay, that's fine an all, but don't go around painting yourself as this authority on "conservatism" when there is broad agreement that the system is broken and needs to be fixed. This is going to be a non-issue in November. The only issue is going to be should it be Federal or State mandates.

:eusa_shifty: Mitt Romney is simply Lib-stick on a Pig, and that is a cross between a lib, and who knows what else in what we think that he is, in which he is seemingly found to be this say anything that anyone wants to hear kind of guy, trying to get electable or elected at the end of the day, so who exactly is Mitt Romney really ??.. :confused:
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Let me get you the link. This is just so sad and such an example where politics interfered with health care.

Primordial scream every time I go round this story.

The Death of Brian Sinclair

On September 19, 2008, Brian Sinclair, an indigent, physically and cognitively disabled, Aboriginal, vulnerable man, attended the emergency department of the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He complained of abdominal pain, a catheter problem, and a lack of any urinary output for over 24 hours. Hospital staff directed him to wait, and so he did. He sat in his wheelchair in the emergency waiting room for thirty-four hours.

For thirty-four hours Brian Sinclair was ignored, even as he sat in the hospital waiting room in distress, vomiting, and dying. He was left to suffer in agony, and was provided with no care, treatment, assessment, attention, or necessaries of life. As a result, he died.
This has been going on for quite a while in American emergency rooms also, so who is finally going to fix these things ????

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