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Sponsors are dropping rush.

Rush is the LEADER of the Republican party, isn't he?

Nobody appointed him that. That'd be Reince Priebus.

Update, five sponsors have dropped him

Fine. It's his lookout. Personally I suspect they'll be replaced by the end of the week or month.

The defense companies will fill in I believe.

Doubt it. There are probably hundreds of businesses smaller and larger who would love to get the audience that Rush pulls in every day. Ratings matter, and this faux-scandal will not hurt them one bit. Possibly it will help them.

He is making a FORTUNE off of calling someone a SLUT & PROSTITUTE

You play political opportunist like Miss Fluke, you pay the price. Other than potential public ridicule for her wanton ways, what has she suffered?

incredible.........................wait, he does this all the time.

Then his advertisers who fled should have known better. Caveat Emptor seems to be the case here.

Breibart's death made him second page for a time, only the tornado outbreak has removed overcome THIS rage.

Rage? Pfft. I see no rage. A lot of whining like little bitches... but no rage. A whole lotta people need to butch the fuck up.
Ever heard of the stain on the blue dress? Rush is the LEADER of the Republican party, isn't he? Update, five sponsors have dropped him. The defense companies will fill in I believe. He is making a FORTUNE off of calling someone a SLUT & PROSTITUTE, incredible.........................wait, he does this all the time. Breibart's death made him second page for a time, only the tornado outbreak has removed overcome THIS rage.

Yes he is, at least during the Primaries when the hard right go out to bang their drums ;)

Steele to Rush: I'm sorry - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com
“My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,” Steele said in a telephone interview. “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.”
What's going to have more impact in November:

A.) 20% of Americans who can't find a job
B.) Soaring gas prices and inflation
C.) Massive and increasing debt
D.) Rush called a woman a slut
e) A, B and C
Ever heard of the stain on the blue dress? Rush is the LEADER of the Republican party, isn't he? Update, five sponsors have dropped him. The defense companies will fill in I believe. He is making a FORTUNE off of calling someone a SLUT & PROSTITUTE, incredible.........................wait, he does this all the time. Breibart's death made him second page for a time, only the tornado outbreak has removed overcome THIS rage.

Rush is the LEADER of the Republican party, isn't he?

not that I am aware of:eusa_eh:..... you think hes the leader of the rep. party?
e) A, B and C
Ever heard of the stain on the blue dress? Rush is the LEADER of the Republican party, isn't he? Update, five sponsors have dropped him. The defense companies will fill in I believe. He is making a FORTUNE off of calling someone a SLUT & PROSTITUTE, incredible.........................wait, he does this all the time. Breibart's death made him second page for a time, only the tornado outbreak has removed overcome THIS rage.

Rush is the LEADER of the Republican party, isn't he?

not that I am aware of:eusa_eh:..... you think hes the leader of the rep. party?

No question.

Boehner and Romney are terrified of Rush.
First off, there's more to birth control pills than simply preventing pregnancy.

These denials of contraceptive coverage impact real people. In the worst cases,
women who need this medication for other medical reasons suffer dire
consequences. A friend of mine, for example, has polycystic ovarian syndrome
and has to take prescription birth control to stop cysts from growing on her ovaries.
Her prescription is technically covered by Georgetown insurance because it’s not
intended to prevent pregnancy. Under many religious institutions’ insurance plans,
it wouldn’t be, and under Senator Blunt’s amendment, Senator Rubio’s bill, or
Representative Fortenberry’s bill, there’s no requirement that an exception be
made for such medical needs. When they do exist, these exceptions don’t
accomplish their well-intended goals because when you let university
administrators or other employers, rather than women and their doctors, dictate
whose medical needs are legitimate and whose aren’t, a woman’s health takes a
back seat to a bureaucracy focused on policing her body.

http://abcnews.go.com/images/Politics/statement-Congress-letterhead-2nd hearing.pdf

I think that preventing cysts from showing up is a legitimate health care issue.

And.........fwiw.........Limp Idiot's comments that since the taxpayers were paying for her birth control pills, she should post online videos of her having sex were pretty much way past the limit.

Got news for you Little Rebecca...........after Ed said that comment, he apologized and said that he would do a SELF IMPOSED 5 day suspension, which he did.

When is Rush gonna man up and take responsibility for asking women who are getting their birth control paid for under their health plans to post online videos of them having sex so that he could watch?

If a liberal would have said that, you cons would be all over them for disrespecting women.

BTW...........if someone did post sex videos, would you guys be okay with that? Apparently the Limp Idiot is.

Got news for you Little Rebecca...........after Ed said that comment, he apologized and said that he would do a SELF IMPOSED 5 day suspension, which he did.

When is Rush gonna man up and take responsibility for asking women who are getting their birth control paid for under their health plans to post online videos of them having sex so that he could watch?

If a liberal would have said that, you cons would be all over them for disrespecting women.

BTW...........if someone did post sex videos, would you guys be okay with that? Apparently the Limp Idiot is.

Are you saying that this would have been a non issue if Rush had just apologized?
Call me naive, but somehow I doubt that it would have made any difference at all, ABS.
In 2008 only just less than 38 % of registered voters voted. No one is going to switch parties because of what the PigMan said. What is very likely to happen though is that Comments like those from Sanitarium will energise many of the women in the 62% that didn't vote last time to ensure that they will not have their birth control pills taken away whether it is a "truth" or not. Many will turn up to vote because they do not think of themselves as "sluts" and will turn out to make that point. The anti-birth control issue will not draw out more fundies because that is why they vote in the first place.. It will be the usual non voter that will sweep many fundamentalists out of government and perhaps make it easy for Obama to get everything he wants done in his next term.

When your mamma told you to be more respectful of women...you should have paid attention. I'm thinking this rhetoric will cost the fundis dearly in November.
Who is taking their birth control away?

I supplied my daughter with birth control (over the counter), and no insurance paid for it, so what are you talking about?

It didnot cost us much to supply her neither (you know as a preventer just encase), and this because she wasn't a slut as it turned out, and even if she would have been, the people shouldn't have to pay for her wildness in life......:eusa_pray:
OK leftards were is your outraged over Ed Schultz calling Laura Ingraham a slut?

Got news for you Little Rebecca...........after Ed said that comment, he apologized and said that he would do a SELF IMPOSED 5 day suspension, which he did.

When is Rush gonna man up and take responsibility for asking women who are getting their birth control paid for under their health plans to post online videos of them having sex so that he could watch?

If a liberal would have said that, you cons would be all over them for disrespecting women.

BTW...........if someone did post sex videos, would you guys be okay with that? Apparently the Limp Idiot is.

Are you saying that this would have been a non issue if Rush had just apologized?
Call me naive, but somehow I doubt that it would have made any difference at all, ABS.

No, but his doubling down on the bullshit is pretty fucked up.

And, I don't think this issue is going away until after he's put on vacation for awhile.

I'm thinking 6 months would be a good number.
In 2008 only just less than 38 % of registered voters voted. No one is going to switch parties because of what the PigMan said. What is very likely to happen though is that Comments like those from Sanitarium will energise many of the women in the 62% that didn't vote last time to ensure that they will not have their birth control pills taken away whether it is a "truth" or not. Many will turn up to vote because they do not think of themselves as "sluts" and will turn out to make that point. The anti-birth control issue will not draw out more fundies because that is why they vote in the first place.. It will be the usual non voter that will sweep many fundamentalists out of government and perhaps make it easy for Obama to get everything he wants done in his next term.

When your mamma told you to be more respectful of women...you should have paid attention. I'm thinking this rhetoric will cost the fundis dearly in November.
Who is taking their birth control away?

I supplied my daughter with birth control (over the counter), and no insurance paid for it, so what are you talking about?

It didnot cost us much to supply her neither (you know as a preventer just encase), and this because she wasn't a slut as it turned out, and even if she would have been, the people shouldn't have to pay for her wildness in life......:eusa_pray:
The looters are trying to bully themselves a goodie, just like a pushy beggar keeps hassling you when you ignore them or try to walk away. It's nothing short of a mugging via politics.
OK leftards were is your outraged over Ed Schultz calling Laura Ingraham a slut?

Got news for you Little Rebecca...........after Ed said that comment, he apologized and said that he would do a SELF IMPOSED 5 day suspension, which he did.

When is Rush gonna man up and take responsibility for asking women who are getting their birth control paid for under their health plans to post online videos of them having sex so that he could watch?

If a liberal would have said that, you cons would be all over them for disrespecting women.

BTW...........if someone did post sex videos, would you guys be okay with that? Apparently the Limp Idiot is.

Are you saying that this would have been a non issue if Rush had just apologized?
Call me naive, but somehow I doubt that it would have made any difference at all, ABS.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfr5fXYUXcs]Obama speech: "Letterman calling Palin A Slutty Stewardess!" (Parody) 2009 - Best Obama Impersonator - YouTube[/ame]
Got news for you Little Rebecca...........after Ed said that comment, he apologized and said that he would do a SELF IMPOSED 5 day suspension, which he did.

When is Rush gonna man up and take responsibility for asking women who are getting their birth control paid for under their health plans to post online videos of them having sex so that he could watch?

If a liberal would have said that, you cons would be all over them for disrespecting women.

BTW...........if someone did post sex videos, would you guys be okay with that? Apparently the Limp Idiot is.

Are you saying that this would have been a non issue if Rush had just apologized?
Call me naive, but somehow I doubt that it would have made any difference at all, ABS.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfr5fXYUXcs]Obama speech: "Letterman calling Palin A Slutty Stewardess!" (Parody) 2009 - Best Obama Impersonator - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah........sure.........use a parody from a comedian's show to prove your point.....

What was it again?
We need more unwed mothers in America. We only have about 40% now among whites.
And why do we have all these unwed mothers in America now? It is mostly or partly because of these hippie liberals from Hell, who are in battle with the greedy elitist/repubs/rich, who these liberals are taken advantage of, and have since destroyed the moral teachings once the norm in America by it all, where the Bible once was a household word in America, prayer was allowed in school, thugs were kicked out of school to do labor all their lives (by their own choice), instead of keeping them in school by force, in order to disrupt and destroy the system, kill the teachers, destroy the good kids opportunities to learn, just as we are seeing in it all right now today.

Many systemic cultural fails and problems we are experiencing in America right now, are a direct result of the hippie liberals taking control in this nation over time, via through government assistance helping them to do this, and or by taking over government, in order to control the new deal they will want soon for themselves eventually.

Republican greed however, has since open the door for all that we are seeing now, in which the liberal has since found this breach in the wall, and uses it to do battle with the rest of us over. The rich repubs once they became that way, had sperated themselves from one another over time by greed, handing over this weakness found within this seperation to the liberals to exploit, and for whom has used this seperation to it's total advantage now, in order to get this nation to implode finally.

Now we are seeing some of the worse things immaginable being lifted up in this nation as a result of it all, meanwhile the working class is caught right in the middle of this war, and we are getting pummeled by it all as a result of.

Get you facts straight. The hippies didn't become liberals, they became libertarians. How else do you think we got talking about a 23% sales tax, instead of the income tax? They realize the money it's supposed to bring in will never materialize, because people will find all sorts of ways to avoid it and they can destroy the country that way.
In 2008 only just less than 38 % of registered voters voted. No one is going to switch parties because of what the PigMan said. What is very likely to happen though is that Comments like those from Sanitarium will energise many of the women in the 62% that didn't vote last time to ensure that they will not have their birth control pills taken away whether it is a "truth" or not. Many will turn up to vote because they do not think of themselves as "sluts" and will turn out to make that point. The anti-birth control issue will not draw out more fundies because that is why they vote in the first place.. It will be the usual non voter that will sweep many fundamentalists out of government and perhaps make it easy for Obama to get everything he wants done in his next term.

When your mamma told you to be more respectful of women...you should have paid attention. I'm thinking this rhetoric will cost the fundis dearly in November.
Who is taking their birth control away?

I supplied my daughter with birth control (over the counter), and no insurance paid for it, so what are you talking about?

It didnot cost us much to supply her neither (you know as a preventer just encase), and this because she wasn't a slut as it turned out, and even if she would have been, the people shouldn't have to pay for her wildness in life......:eusa_pray:

Reading comp. not your strong suit? This will be little different than conz voting for someone because they think their gun rights may be violated even though that hasn't ever happened federally.

Of course no one will pass any bill preventing birth control pills..at least it will never become law. But Ricky S's running his mouth against it will strike a nerve in most women and I believe many will come out of the woodwork because for them it IS personal and even if Mittens gets the GOP nod Sanitorium has already muddied the waters and thrown down the gauntlet. He pissed all over the GOP brand and not one of his fellow GOPers stepped up and said he was bat shit crazy. This will definitely hurt the conz.

This is an issue where stupid Rick should have kept his mouth shut. Rush jumping in was just icing on the cake. This will not go away. Women don't forget the personal stuff....I learned that lesson right out of the gate. Apparently the GOP is a little slow on the uptake.
In 2008 only just less than 38 % of registered voters voted. No one is going to switch parties because of what the PigMan said. What is very likely to happen though is that Comments like those from Sanitarium will energise many of the women in the 62% that didn't vote last time to ensure that they will not have their birth control pills taken away whether it is a "truth" or not. Many will turn up to vote because they do not think of themselves as "sluts" and will turn out to make that point. The anti-birth control issue will not draw out more fundies because that is why they vote in the first place.. It will be the usual non voter that will sweep many fundamentalists out of government and perhaps make it easy for Obama to get everything he wants done in his next term.

When your mamma told you to be more respectful of women...you should have paid attention. I'm thinking this rhetoric will cost the fundis dearly in November.
Who is taking their birth control away?

I supplied my daughter with birth control (over the counter), and no insurance paid for it, so what are you talking about?

It didnot cost us much to supply her neither (you know as a preventer just encase), and this because she wasn't a slut as it turned out, and even if she would have been, the people shouldn't have to pay for her wildness in life......:eusa_pray:

Reading comp. not your strong suit? This will be little different than conz voting for someone because they think their gun rights may be violated even though that hasn't ever happened federally.

Of course no one will pass any bill preventing birth control pills..at least it will never become law. But Ricky S's running his mouth against it will strike a nerve in most women and I believe many will come out of the woodwork because for them it IS personal and even if Mittens gets the GOP nod Sanitorium has already muddied the waters and thrown down the gauntlet. He pissed all over the GOP brand and not one of his fellow GOPers stepped up and said he was bat shit crazy. This will definitely hurt the conz.

This is an issue where stupid Rick should have kept his mouth shut. Rush jumping in was just icing on the cake. This will not go away. Women don't forget the personal stuff....I learned that lesson right out of the gate. Apparently the GOP is a little slow on the uptake.

:lol: If Women knew better, You would still be a Virgin. You know where to flush your advice.
what a lot of people are not taking into consideration are that for many women birth control
treatments are used for pelvic issues, hormonal changes...there are a few.

and as to the cost. my daughters birth control WITH insurance is still 76$ a month.
birth control is womens health and should be insured or affordable at the very least.

or perhaps they just want to breed more poor people? you want to pay for prevention
or you want to support a child for 18 years?

using or wanting access to birth control doesnt mean you are a whore, it just means you
are responsible enough to know this is not your time to be a parent.

and as for rush..not going to waste my kb stokes except to say that i did email his sponsors :)
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what a lot of people are not taking into consideration are that for many women birth control
treatments are used for pelvic issues, hormonal changes...there are a few.

and as to the cost. my daughters birth control WITH insurance is still 76$ a month.
birth control is womens health and should be insured or affordable at the very least.

or perhaps they just want to breed more poor people? you want to pay for prevention
or you want to support a child for 18 years?

and as for rush..not going to waste my kb stokes except to say that i did email his sponsors :)

That's not true at all. The Pill is already covered for uses other than Birth Control.
Who is taking their birth control away?

I supplied my daughter with birth control (over the counter), and no insurance paid for it, so what are you talking about?

It didnot cost us much to supply her neither (you know as a preventer just encase), and this because she wasn't a slut as it turned out, and even if she would have been, the people shouldn't have to pay for her wildness in life......:eusa_pray:

Reading comp. not your strong suit? This will be little different than conz voting for someone because they think their gun rights may be violated even though that hasn't ever happened federally.

Of course no one will pass any bill preventing birth control pills..at least it will never become law. But Ricky S's running his mouth against it will strike a nerve in most women and I believe many will come out of the woodwork because for them it IS personal and even if Mittens gets the GOP nod Sanitorium has already muddied the waters and thrown down the gauntlet. He pissed all over the GOP brand and not one of his fellow GOPers stepped up and said he was bat shit crazy. This will definitely hurt the conz.

This is an issue where stupid Rick should have kept his mouth shut. Rush jumping in was just icing on the cake. This will not go away. Women don't forget the personal stuff....I learned that lesson right out of the gate. Apparently the GOP is a little slow on the uptake.

:lol: If Women knew better, You would still be a Virgin. You know where to flush your advice.

Ya you are probably right. But at least a thousand of em saw it a different way. I can't take credit for being born cute as the dickens. Americans and many foreign girls are trained from birth to be attracted to superficial qualities. I had a hell of a time in Santa Marta Colombia.

I walked out on one of the most beautiful beaches on the planet one afternoon and was mobbed by about 50 screaming teenage girls. I didn't speak any spanish so I had no idea what the fuck was going on... then one of the little beauties spoke in english that I looked just like one of the popular S.American TV stars. I was pretty popular in Colombia..there were even a couple of young twentiesish gals at the airport begging me to take them home with me.

Anyway for better or worse I did have more than the average bear's close contact with the opposite sex and feel I know how they will react to this BC issue.
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