Startup Org. to Out Seditious Civil Servants Who Might ‘Resist’ Trump

Good. They should do it.

Fire the whole fucking lot of those dumbass federal employees.

Start over.

Too many laws, too much government, much of it not even Constitutional.

I really hope the SC does the right things and limits the powers of these bureaucracies.
But if your government agency employment depends upon, for the first time in America's history, your partisan political loyalty to a President, yes.

I can't imagine why anyone would disagree with that
I can. It happened prior to them passing laws to prevent it. Pre 1883 I think......

Can Congress stop Benedict Donald if he wins or will it be left up to the Courts to enforce the laws? Congress has proven ineffectual against his illegal activities.

And, once again, the world has seen this before.

It's playing out, right in front of us.

YES, Mac, that's the ticket. The people who really love Trump are most like Hitler, not the people standing in front of synagogues shouting hateful things at ACTUAL JEWS

Keep going Mac
Imagine what Trump could have got done if the government was not full of saboteurs in his first term. This is a good start to weed these people out. When a president makes policies they need to be implemented not kneecapped by traitors.

"In a normal workplace, these employees would be fired for insubordination. In the most extreme of circumstances they would be charged with sedition against the government and punished accordingly, with execution not outside the range of possibilities.

Instead, many of these conspirators—some of them dedicated socialists—were celebrated for their efforts by the Trump-Deranged media and the Democrat leaders who egged them on. But the day of reckoning may arrive with a second Trump term that offers the benefit of hindsight, having rooted them out while their guard was down.

From his home office in small-town Kentucky, a seasoned political operative is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to Trump’s policies, an effort that dovetails with broader conservative preparations for a new White House.

Tom Jones and his American Accountability Foundation are digging into the backgrounds, social media posts and commentary of key high-ranking government employees, starting with the Department of Homeland Security, where one top official was recently found to harbor Hamas sympathies."

You extremist are a laugh riot.
Of course, the only people qualified are lifelong government worker bees that support democrat tyrants. I have a job that is scientific, hence no Washington D.C. for me.
The Civil Service was instituted to stop political corruption and incompetence.

These Trumists want to go back to that

It’s literally that simple

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