Startup Org. to Out Seditious Civil Servants Who Might ‘Resist’ Trump

And then THEY became corrupt to the CORE!!!!
This shadow government BULLSHIT has got to GO.
By corrupt… you mean they are responsible people with no political motivation and are not slaves to the Trump cult

Of course
Bottom line...anyone that thinks civil servants are supposed to be loyal to the President totally miss the point of civil service.

Nothing in this about the president...

Blind loyalty destroys both businesses and governments.

This is authoritarianism. I will not support it, even if I agree with some of the issues.
Blind loyalty is an extreme. Let's put it this way, would the Republican Speaker of the House be expected to hire and retain on his/her campaign a staffer from Pelosi's campaign? That's the extreme I'm talking about. If someone publicly states opposition to the goals and policies of an administration and vows to fight them, why should they expect to keep their job? And remember, I'm talking only about public statements. Employees can have private lives too, they just should expect their public statements to be scrutinized.

If I'm going to a job interview, I expect the prospective employer to take a look at my public social media presence.
Nope, not loyal to a president, but also should not be vocally and actively opposed to the policies and goals of the administration.

I do agree they should not be vocal against an administration and should only oppose it is what they are doing goes against the Constitution.

The vast, vast, majority of Fed Employees are just normal Joes and Janes, just doing their job to provide for themselves and their families. They have no power over rules or regulations.
Nope, not loyal to a president, but also should not be vocally and actively opposed to the policies and goals of the administration.
So they should have their Constitutional rights taken away because they work in the Bureaucracy?
Here is the .pdf file of the "questionnaire" they're using.

These questions have nothing to do with the effective operation of a government agency. This is a partisan litmus test, and nothing like this has ever been implemented by any of our government agencies.

If you disagree, please provide proof that this has been tried before.

Imagine what Trump could have got done if the government was not full of saboteurs in his first term. This is a good start to weed these people out. When a president makes policies they need to be implemented not kneecapped by traitors.
No. Phuck Phascism.
Perhaps the biggest setback to the first Trump administration was not anything inherently flawed in Republican President Donald Trump’s leadership but the sheer bulk of disloyal individuals embedded within the Washington, D.C., bureaucracy, who were eager to undermine him at every level with little or no accountability.

Trump, and his idiot-fuck followers, have utterly no understanding of what "leadership" means.
Here is the .pdf file of the "questionnaire" they're using.

These questions have nothing to do with the effective operation of a government agency. This is a partisan litmus test, and nothing like this has ever been implemented by any of our government agencies.

If you disagree, please provide proof that this has been tried before.

Damn. That is scary.

Though it will be fun to watch the MAGAs defend it.
Trump, and his idiot-fuck followers, have utterly no understanding of what "leadership" means.

I am not sure many in our country understand what leadership is any longer. We have not had a leader as a POTUS this century.
Damn. That is scary.

Though it will be fun to watch the MAGAs defend it.
None of this is going to be fun. The next ten years will be a test for our nation, one we might very well fail. The zeal for fascism is coming from both sides of the two-party shitshow.
None of this is going to be fun. The next ten years will be a test for our nation, one we might very well fail. The zeal for fascism is coming from both sides of the two-party shitshow.

Indeed, one of the many reasons we are looking at leaving. Just hope it does not get too fucked up in the next 5 before we can.
How RICH, to see the Democrats crying, how dare we declare somebody guilty before a trial. There are no words for the Democrats, only examples of the same type of tyrants throughout history.
how dare you be so ignorant of satire! stupid hypocrite

original reply to your inane comments:


How dare you. Who has been charged with sedition? :auiqs.jpg:You want to convict before any charges are brought and a trial held?
To an extent, yes. Not unlike when you join the Military, you give up certain rights and freedoms.
Maybe to an extent. I think the oaths are a bit different.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice

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