The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.
The Constitution grants Congress the power to write those federal laws regarding public accomodations, does it not?

Why yes. Yes it does.

You're welcome.
A church is a physical location, a place of worship, a structure. You don't hold weddings in your heart, Silo. Its too small, and the bride would get blood all over her dress.

Does that mean I have to allow gays to enter my house even if I don't want them in?

Is your house a public business? If no, then no. If yes, then probably.

The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.

Read the thread title again.
Does that mean I have to allow gays to enter my house even if I don't want them in?

Is your house a public business? If no, then no. If yes, then probably.

The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.
The Constitution grants Congress the power to write those federal laws, does it not?

There you go.

I'm gonna have to side with Brit on the issue of federal overreach regarding intrastate commerce. The feds are granted interstate commerce authority. Which by any rational reading of the constitution and the 10th amendment would grant states authority over intrastate commerce.

But the courts have intepreted 'interstate' to mean 'intrastate', when the words are literal opposites. And authority over intrastate commerce is one that the federal government was never meant to have. Words have meaning. And antonyms don't have the same meaning.

However....since this is State law we're talking about, its perfectly within the state's authority to set rules for commerce.
Yes, actually we do. You're totally full of shit. We can pass a law that says no immigrants from Mexico or no immigrants from Pakistan. Either is totally legal. The fact that ignorant turds like you have a hissy fit about it is totally irrelevant.

You, on the other hand, thinks its totally OK for the mob to confiscate my property or impose some totalitarian healthcare system on me.

Hypothetical immigrants from Mexico or Pakistan aren't federal citizens. Gays and lesbians are. And the 14th clearly grants the federal government the authority to prevent the States from violating the rights of federal citizens.

There's your difference.

However, as this is a state law, the authority of the State to regulate commerce in its own boundaries is undisputed.
A church is a physical location, a place of worship, a structure. You don't hold weddings in your heart, Silo. Its too small, and the bride would get blood all over her dress.

Does that mean I have to allow gays to enter my house even if I don't want them in?

Is your house a public business? If no, then no. If yes, then probably.

The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.

Longstanding Colorado state law prohibits public accommodations, including businesses such as Masterpiece Cakeshop, from refusing service based on factors such as race, sex, marital status or sexual orientation. Mullins and Craig filed complaints with the Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) contending that Masterpiece had violated this law. Earlier this year, the CCRD ruled that Phillips illegally discriminated against Mullins and Craig. Today’s decision from Judge Robert N. Spencer of the Colorado Office of Administrative Courts affirms that finding.

Court Rules Bakery Illegally Discriminated Against Gay Couple - ACLU - Colorado
I'm gonna have to side with Brit on the issue of federal overreach regarding intrastate commerce.

Oh, I completely agree the Supreme Court has completely invalidated the Constitution with respect to the commerce clause. It has removed ALL limitations of federal power. There is no one who can name a single limit on federal power in commerce.

If you ever want to see a liberal go into vapor lock, just ask them that question.
The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.
The Constitution grants Congress the power to write those federal laws regarding public accomodations, does it not?

Why yes. Yes it does.

You're welcome.

I disagree. While I understand why the federal government wanted to extend its authority over commerce to include all intrastate commerce, I argue they overstepped their authority. Intrastate commerce isn't interstate commerce. The words have opposite meanings. And there's no rational reading of the constitution that states, implies or infers that the federal government was meant to have authority over intrastate commerce.

Which public accommodation laws are.

The courts clearly disagree. And on this issue, I argue the courts are wrong. It doesn't change the authority of their rulings. I simply argue it was bad caselaw.
Does that mean I have to allow gays to enter my house even if I don't want them in?

Is your house a public business? If no, then no. If yes, then probably.

The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.

Longstanding Colorado state law prohibits public accommodations, including businesses such as Masterpiece Cakeshop, from refusing service based on factors such as race, sex, marital status or sexual orientation. Mullins and Craig filed complaints with the Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) contending that Masterpiece had violated this law. Earlier this year, the CCRD ruled that Phillips illegally discriminated against Mullins and Craig. Today’s decision from Judge Robert N. Spencer of the Colorado Office of Administrative Courts affirms that finding.

Court Rules Bakery Illegally Discriminated Against Gay Couple - ACLU - Colorado

And Blind brings it all back into focus for us. The authority of the Federal Government is moot in these issues.

As the law being applied is state law. And the State's authority to regulate intrastate commerce is undisputed.
Furthermore, just to be clear, Federal law prohibits public accommodations from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. Not on the basis of sexual orientation.

- See more at: Discrimination in Public Accommodations - FindLaw

I discriminate on the basis of peckish customers and boring projects. Its it not interesting, I won't do it. If my client is a dick, I won't work with them.
Does that mean I have to allow gays to enter my house even if I don't want them in?

Is your house a public business? If no, then no. If yes, then probably.

The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.

Read the thread title again.

Public accommodations law is federal law.
Is your house a public business? If no, then no. If yes, then probably.

The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.

Read the thread title again.

Public accommodations law is federal law.

Read the thread title. They're not quoting federal officials. But State officials. As it was State public accommodation law bakers, florists and the like have run afoul of.

Again, from the OP:

The Colorado Civil Rights Commission’s order to a baker to use his artistry to celebrate homosexual unions in violation of his Christian beliefs is under challenge, in part, because a commissioner likened Christians to slavers and Nazis.

STATE COMPARES CHRISTIAN BAKER TO NAZIS US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Colorado State law is what is being applied. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission enforces Colorado's anti-discrimination laws.

The Colorado Civil Rights Commission is the state agency established to administer and enforce Colorado’s anti-discrimination laws in employment, housing and public accommodations. Colorado law prohibits such discrimination based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, creed, religion, disability (mental and physical), familial status (housing only), marital status (housing and public accommodations only), marriage to a co-worker (employment only), and age (employment only).

Civil Rights Employment Colorado State Attorney General

The Federal PA laws don't cover sexual orientation.
Is your house a public business? If no, then no. If yes, then probably.

The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.

Read the thread title again.

Public accommodations law is federal law.

There is one, but it doesn't include sexual orientation like the one in CO does.
Is your house a public business? If no, then no. If yes, then probably.

The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.

Read the thread title again.

Public accommodations law is federal law.

Public Accommodation laws exist at both the State and Federal level.

This baker ran afoul of a State law.

Colorado Revised Statutes

24-34-601. Discrimination in places of public accommodation - definition.

(1) As used in this part 6, "place of public accommodation" means any place of business engaged in any sales to the public and any place offering services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations to the public, including but not limited to any business offering wholesale or retail sales to the public; any place to eat, drink, sleep, or rest, or any combination thereof; any sporting or recreational area and facility; any public transportation facility; a barber shop, bathhouse, swimming pool, bath, steam or massage parlor, gymnasium, or other establishment conducted to serve the health, appearance, or physical condition of a person; a campsite or trailer camp; a dispensary, clinic, hospital, convalescent home, or other institution for the sick, ailing, aged, or infirm; a mortuary, undertaking parlor, or cemetery; an educational institution; or any public building, park, arena, theater, hall, auditorium, museum, library, exhibit, or public facility of any kind whether indoor or outdoor. "Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

(2) It is a discriminatory practice and unlawful for a person, directly or indirectly, to refuse, withhold from, or deny to an individual or a group, because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry, the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a place of public accommodation or, directly or indirectly, to publish, circulate, issue, display, post, or mail any written, electronic, or printed communication, notice, or advertisement that indicates that the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a place of public accommodation will be refused, withheld from, or denied an individual or that an individual's patronage or presence at a place of public accommodation is unwelcome, objectionable, unacceptable, or undesirable because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, al status, national origin, or ancestry.


The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't.

The term "aircraft carrier" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention Congress is allowed to fund "aircraft carriers"? It doesn't.

Sure it does, article I, section 8, the congress is to "provide for the common defense." And Article II, section 2 makes the President commander in chief of the navy. Seriously, you didn't know that?

Now where does it say business owners don't have Constitutional rights like the right to our own private property?
The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.
The Constitution grants Congress the power to write those federal laws regarding public accomodations, does it not?

Why yes. Yes it does.

You're welcome.

No it doesn't. Some hacks on the Supreme Court simply lied about what the Constitution says. Everyone else can read it for themselves and determine that it grants no such powers.
The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.
The Constitution grants Congress the power to write those federal laws regarding public accomodations, does it not?

Why yes. Yes it does.

You're welcome.

No it doesn't. Some hacks on the Supreme Court simply lied about what the Constitution says. Everyone else can read it for themselves and determine that it grants no such powers.

Which might be relevant to this discussion if the PA laws we were speaking of were federal. But they're not. They're Colorado State laws.
Nope. You don't get to vote to ban a minority here, nor take away their rights. You want mob-rule and that's not our system.

Rights are given by society. When an adult can't buy a pistol, its mob rule. One that most lefties agree with. Funny how their moral compass always includes just the things they believe in.

You don't get to vote on whether the ******* can own guns either Mr. Letter to Mommy Mark. See how that works now?

You are answering a question I did not ask. More deflection.

No Mr. Letter to Mommy Mark, I'm explaining how our system works to someone who doesn't understand it.

Really? Then answer my question. What gives society the moral authority to refuse an adult the right to buy a pistol?

I know you can't answer that, because it would make your entire line of reasoning void.
Because society grants you the rights in the first place, and is therefore allowed to curtail them as it deems necessary.
Rights are given by society. When an adult can't buy a pistol, its mob rule. One that most lefties agree with. Funny how their moral compass always includes just the things they believe in.

You don't get to vote on whether the ******* can own guns either Mr. Letter to Mommy Mark. See how that works now?

You are answering a question I did not ask. More deflection.

No Mr. Letter to Mommy Mark, I'm explaining how our system works to someone who doesn't understand it.

Really? Then answer my question. What gives society the moral authority to refuse an adult the right to buy a pistol?

I know you can't answer that, because it would make your entire line of reasoning void.
Because society grants you the rights in the first place, and is therefore allowed to curtail them as it deems necessary.

Society doesn't grant rights, you dumb asshole. It can protect your rights or violate them, but it has no authority to grant them.
The term "public business" is total bullshit. Where does the Constitution mention anything about a "public business?" It doesn't. The interstate commerce clause was not intended to give the federal government control over private businesses. It was created so Congress could eliminate state imposed barriers to trade.

Isn't this a state law? Just saying........

No, it's federal law.
The Constitution grants Congress the power to write those federal laws regarding public accomodations, does it not?

Why yes. Yes it does.

You're welcome.

No it doesn't. Some hacks on the Supreme Court simply lied about what the Constitution says. Everyone else can read it for themselves and determine that it grants no such powers.

Don't you like talking to a real conservative like g5000 who knows the federal government has strict limits to it's powers, unlike the mindless liberals? LOL. It cracks me up when he sys he's a Republican. I think right winger just thinks it's funny, but even he knows he's not a Republican and never was. On the other hand, I think g5000 and Jake actually believe it even when they vote Democrat in every election..

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